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Nigel Grainge founded Ensign Records and first signed up the Boomtown Rats in 1977. I have found him on myspace and asked for a friend add. It would be nice to have him on board. This is from one of his blogs. He now lives in California. The fledging label didn't have to wait long before their first signing. Indeed, they hadn't moved into their temporary new offices when The Boomtown Rats landed in their lap. "I was boxing up my stuff in my Phonogram office, preparing to move out, when Chris O'Donnell (Thin Lizzy's manager) walked in and said he had some friends outside from Dublin who wanted to make an appointment so they could play me a demo tape. I said, 'Never mind about that - I don't have a full diary yet, bring 'em in now'. Bob Geldof and Fachtna O'Ceallaigh walked in and proceeded to play the most unbelievable demo I've ever heard. Geldof had this big roll of posters under his arm and while the tape was playing he grabbed my staple gun and was walking around my room stapling up Boomtown Rats posters. Now normally, I would have kicked someone like that out, but the tape was so good I said nothing and just listened." After a considerable amount of to-ing and fro-ing and several attempts by Virgin to out-bid Ensign, the Rats signed to Nigel Grainge's label in March '77 and within months had chalked up two top twenty singles in ""Looking After No.1"and "Mary Of The Fourth Form", and a successful debut LP with "The Boomtown Rats". Over the next three years The Boomtown Rats were to have thirteen UK Top Thirty singles, two of which reached No.1.
He replied very quickly, said he would join us and asked for Gerry Cott's contact details. If I don't get them from myspace, might have to ask for some help there.
Chris Hill made a post or two on this board once upon a time, he even gave me his phone number to have a chat about the Rats, but that was just before I lost all my emails thanks to NTL/Virgin Media wrongly advising me on how to solve a problem. (I now use gmail)