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I was extremely shocked when i heard, that it isn't possible for people outside the UK to get tickets for the live 8 show in london. I'm from switzerland and i would love to see this show!! i'd travel the long way to england for that show - but i can't get tickets... i'm desperate...
I think a lot of people are "desperate" for tickets - and if anyone wins and then sells the tickets, expect to play absolutely extortionate prices.
Worse thing is that many people from all of Europe are planning to come to London that day to try and get tickets / gatecrash. Infact reading some of the forums on Live 8, many bought flights before the announcement of how to you would be able to get tickets
It will certainly be an interesting day, for the police that is.............
I bought plain tickets and booked hotel in Hyde Park long before Live 8 was announced =p But of course, if would love tickets for me and my sister for Live 8 .. just don't know how to get it.. I don't feel like ebaying to get tickets, that's for sure.. ^^
While it would be very difficult for me to attend Live 8 even if I could have been eligible for tickets (by regular methods, please ), I do sympathize with those much closer to the UK not being able to even be in the running.
Excuse my ignorance, but were the tickets for Live Aid available to people outside the UK?
I know it's different in terms of Live Aid tickets actually being bought (and the money going to the cause), whereas these are for free. Also, I imagine Wembley *might* just have a larger capacity than Hyde Park.
Still, I can't help but wonder how it was done way back in the dark ages of '85 before the rise of the almighty text message ...
About half an hour ago I was jumping with joy when I heard Pink Floyd is performing at Live 8, along with a ton of great artists. Immediately I went online to check ticket prices and flights from Finland.
"Ticket lottery - only available for britts - foreigners are not good enough!"
What the F*** is all that about?!?! I thought it was all about getting the world together and helping. I must say, I'm extremely dissapointed in the way this is organized. It could be a HUGE event and an INSANE amount of money could be raised to help people in poverty....but NO. What's wrong with these people??
Man, I'm so annoyed right now, as are loads of other people I'm sure. We need millions of people together if we wanna make a statement to the world leaders, not a measly few hundred thousand britts.
Maybe because there are other concerts around Europe for people to go to - although London has the best lineup. Wish I had some tickets, so sorry none to spare
OK I am from Cyprus and I am willing to fly to London for the concert,even though I don't have tickets to the concert and I am sure I can't get any because I am not a citizen of the UK. I cannot be convinced though,that this concert will attract ONLY the people that have tickets to it.It is impossible.I think there's going to be a much bigger crowd outside the concert either trying to get in or either wanting to watch from afar. The wise thing for the London administration to do,is to put large monitors (as they are going to do in other cities of the UK) around London and around the concert so that people can watch the concert from there. This way they are going to prevent further incidents,because,believe me there are going to be LOTS of people trying to watch the concert using other ways than official. Just think,of thousands of people trying to get in,or trying to watch the concert somehow. Who's gonna stop them?? The police? It's impossible and even if they try people are going to resist and the peace-good intentions concert is going to convert into a riot and a war between citizens and cops. I don't think this is the intentions of Bob Geldof nor the London mayor. Anyhow,I am going to wait a few days more and see if they are going to arrange a way for the people to watch the concert around London and book my tickets. I mean,come on now,this is not an ordinary concert that "the few and selected" can watch. This is a worldwide effort for the G8 to take the right decisions!! I think the more people to the concert,the better!
My personal preference for entertainment on July 2 would DEFINITELY be seeing U2 in Vienna, followed by Live 8 in Philadelphia (as a second choice). The London lineup doesn't interest me nearly as much as Philly's.