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Is this a democratic or dictorial society. You say that we can express our opinions as long as we are not offensive, which I agree with. Now..... if we say anything about 'sir' bob, are we going to get banned?
A lot of people totally disagree with 'sir' bob's views and should be allowed to say why (not offensively) without the threat of being banned or censored. Are you going to ban me for expressing MY views.
ADMIN: Nothing wrong with expressing views. But abuse of other board members and Geldof himself is not permitted. Examples of abuse would be calling someone a prat. No one has said you can't say things about Saint/Sir Bob, have they?
i have not made any offensive comments against "sir" bob. And the reason i put the sir in inverted comma's is that he is only an honorary sir. Nothing offensive in that. (Quote)Examples of abuse against Geldof himself is not permitted. Quote again from yourselves "offensive contents get red card and i include those against Geldof now!)... arrgee.
So to read what you have written on the forum seems to contradict what you have said in your admin page.
Look at it this way. Everyone has the right to free speech. BUT, any organization or establishment has the right to refuse service or edit content of any member or visitor. Is that right?
You know I like that! Meekus, you are growing on me. And to think of all grief you used to cause
the whole idea of e-forum is that u get all sorts comments ...
Meeks idea of exclusive club is everything that bob stands against
Long lives freedom
Yes, but some of the comments are just unacceptable, and if they continue this board will be pulled. Not my decision to make. Look at me as the messenger.
Meekus's point was that the administrators have the right to curtail access and remove content. Now I'd rather not do that, but some comments made in the last month or so defy belief. People abuse the anonymity of the forum.
Don't believe that an exclusive forum is out of the question (and with Geldof's blessing). It happened before with Rat Chat, and if things don't calm down, it will happen here.
You are all free to set up your own forum. You are not free to post whatever you like here.
Long standing members probably see me as too tolerant (I fought the Clash and the Rats won!), but I enjoy a good discussion and let a fair amount go, but be warned there will be a clampdown (mmm, another Clash reference) in the next month or so.
That's a good idea, just have one board for us to go all out with no administrators. Would that work?
Well, you're welcome to do it. The I Hate Geldof board is dead already, but nothing to stop you starting a LIVE 8 board and sending PMs to those who you think will be interested.
Save me a lot of hassle doing the admin. But you won't get a link off