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Hi- I was too young to attend but I was curious if anyone on this forum attended the Leixlip castle gig. This was infamously when there was some sort of riot in the same way that there was lots of football hooliganism at that time- caused by people who didn't really care so long as the could have a scrap. Unfortunately some "punk " type bands attracted the wrong element but Geldof was never a rabble rouser type and didn't want his music associated with people who just came to cause trouble. It would be interesting to see some photos of this gig as well ,and some news footage as I have never seen film of it- surely RTE cameras were there as well as the home movie brigade. I think about twelve thousand fans and a few hundred idiots turned up.
Hi- I was too young to attend but I was curious if anyone on this forum attended the Leixlip castle gig. This was infamously when there was some sort of riot in the same way that there was lots of football hooliganism at that time- caused by people who didn't really care so long as the could have a scrap. Unfortunately some "punk " type bands attracted the wrong element but Geldof was never a rabble rouser type and didn't want his music associated with people who just came to cause trouble. It would be interesting to see some photos of this gig as well ,and some news footage as I have never seen film of it- surely RTE cameras were there as well as the home movie brigade. I think about twelve thousand fans and a few hundred idiots turned up.
News cameras were there, but I don't think it was televised.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Friday 17th of September 2010 06:06:23 PM
hi - thanks for providing the filmclip- we get to see a tantalising glimpse of the Rats at Leixlip and Geldof in superb formslagging off Ireland. They played in the Ulster Hall Belfast, Northern Ireland to presumably both Protestants and Catholics without any trouble so go figure what happened down South. Maybe Desmond Guinness should have a few pints of his eponymous brew and then he could appreciate the Rats music. The island of Ireland was a grim place at that time with the "troubles" in NI and general stagnation. This scene possibly informs the song Europe Looked Ugly though there was a general malaise across Europe socially and politically. I think thats why the went to tour in India and the Far East and who could blame them. The world said Go Man Go, so they went!