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It took 20 years for the biggest global event of the 1980s to make its way to DVD, and just a few months for the biggest global event of the 2000s to cover the same journey. That’s right, the Live 8 DVD, which captures the highlights of the simultaneous concerts that took place around the globe, already has a release date.
On November 7th internationally and the following day in North America, the “official Live 8 Live DVD” will be available in the shops to play over and over again in your very own home. In addition to the best performances from London, Philadelphia, Barrie, Paris, and Rome, the DVD will feature behind-the-scenes footage.
Just to get your tastebuds working, there is now an official Live 8 DVD website online
There are all sorts of extras on the website including an official Live 8 message board - well worth checking out.
On the official track listing for the DVD it doesn't mention Bob's performance at the final push. It does say more performances will be added, what's the chance of getting Bob on there? After all he does deserve it! Just a little bit...
the whole of the final push should be on there, well maybe not the was an amazing gig.they should include our rendition of flower of scotland.we did it 2/3 times but they only sowed one on the box
yaay.but if you want to watch it all for free go to you might have to download something but its totally safe
I may be getting this wrong, but you're not thinking of downloading the material _instead_ of buying it?
If you really can't resist downloading, make sure you get the DVD too! Or suggest it to your family as a xmas present, if you don't have the money.
no im still buying the dont download the video files just something to let you view them.and anyway the graphics arent great and theres nothing from the final push.but its well worth a look
I must say the Live 8 shows were good but I am sadly dissapointed that they did not release full complete sets of Paris, Rome and especially Japan. I bought the 4 DVD set and the Africa Calling set. I watched the bonus clips on The Boomtown Rats "Someone's Looking at You" DVD. The track with him and the Rats doing "Do They Know It's Christmas?" was real cool.