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At the start of Mary why is Freddie Mercury wearing a chef's hat and leaving stage right?
That bloke not only looked ridiculous (he was the acts compere) but he made himself look a prize plum as he went to introduce band then paused and had to ask Darren to remind him of name. Ok so not everyone's a fan and he may well have been a mere twinkle in the eye when Rats last troubled the charts but it was his job for the day for crying out loud. Not hard to remember half a dozen band names surely .
Can't help thinking that the band on recent form would blow away many of the acts at bigger festivals like Glastonbury.
I think that there are better big festivals for the Rats (and Geldof) like Latitude and Guilfest which oddly take place on the same weekend given they have the same sort of family appeal. This year UK Subs, High Cornwell and John Lydon are all at Guilfest. Doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to see either Geldof or The Rats there.
The trouble with Glastonbury is The Rats could come across as an novelty act ala The Wombles and be on one of the satellite stages. Its years since Glastonbury had a good set of headliners. This year's rosta isn't that inspiring.
Glastonbury makes up in quantity what it misses in quality- not my idea of fun. I do agree with the organisers seeking to appeal to younger music fans which would mean the Rats being excluded on age grounds. The Bees are one of the few Glastonbury acts that appeal.
Latitute has a better line up, and its not choc a bloc with musical tourists or too many acts looking for an audience.
Guilfest sounds like an elephants graveyard of old punk acts, but at least they know their audience and the audience knows what it wants. Not sure if Geldof would want to end up on a punk nostalgia trip at such a festival whatever about the new Rats. I suppose a really well organised "punk" type festival with some other high quality maybe indie acts fills a gap in the market.
Can't help thinking that the band on recent form would blow away many of the acts at bigger festivals like Glastonbury.
I think that there are better big festivals for the Rats (and Geldof) like Latitude and Guilfest which oddly take place on the same weekend given they have the same sort of family appeal. This year UK Subs, High Cornwell and John Lydon are all at Guilfest. Doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to see either Geldof or The Rats there.
The trouble with Glastonbury is The Rats could come across as an novelty act ala The Wombles and be on one of the satellite stages. Its years since Glastonbury had a good set of headliners. This year's rosta isn't that inspiring.