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I've always liked the title In The Long Grass and I know it can have two slightly different meanings.
Geldof claims it is an old Irish saying meaning that you've been round and about only not too visible- ~Where have you been? I've been lying in the long grass. Under the radar might be an approximation. Lazing with intent.
Alternatively there is the phrase to kick into the long grass, meaning to put off or postpone for a while- perhaps put something on the never never. I heard a discussion on BBC Radio Scotland at the weekend in which a politican used the verb 'long grassing' meaning putting off which I though was one of those modern ways of abusing the English language.
I think the image of lying around in the long grass is a very nice one- on a nice Summers day with no pressing concerns to attend to. Drinking lemonade , of course.
At least I can understand the meanings for that phrase, and Geldof obviously intended the former. But what is he on about with 'pushing back the psychic weeds'???
Reckon he was on the grass rather than in it when he wrote that.
As for summer evenings laying out in it, only about 9 months to wait if weather round this way tonight is any indication .
Aah, it's suddenly all making sense, after a mere 25 years. I've never let myself consider anything other than weeds which had some 6th sense or the ability to predict the future.
Just off to stand in the corner in a big pointy hat with a D on it.....
'Psychic' is defined as relating to, affecting, or influenced by the human mind according to the OED. It's maybe trying to see clearly through a psychological fog. Anyway I interpret it as weeds of the mind that need cutting or clearing in order to get on with things. that's not pretend or imaginary. Want to borrow my hat??
Seriously, also not sure. I thought maybe Frigidaire or however it's spelt maybe first manufactured them and 'fridge' then became like Hoover or Biro in general use even though only theirs were genuine, but wikipedia says it was GEC. Either way it's a very odd lyric.
Can't believe you've got me looking up the history of fridges.....
Another reference I'm not too sure about is 'the Wris****ch Frisco is in action again' from Talk In Code. Best Google can come up with is watch repairs in Frisco, Texas.
I though a frisco might be some sort of watch strap or accessory possibly but that seems a dead end too. The Frisco has a capital F to confuse matters further. Frisco could also be a reference to San Francisco.
Re Genuine fridge- maybe in the seventies there were knock off fridges doing the rounds, cheap imitations and those with enough money could afford 'genuine fridges'. These are the sort of questions Alan Tichmarsh should ask Bob!