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well, I like Anthony Stewart Head as the primeminister! he's great...
I saw the first season (is there even a second one?), and it was...uneven! the bits that were funny were really, really funny, but the bad stuff was really bad, so..
loved the scene at the end of the series where the scottish hotelmanager got tricked into paying his tax...
its cracks me up sooooo funny.the comic relief one was good.the scottish guys good, but the best are an (the gardening episode, where she throws the wheel barrow ) and the PM (Anthony Stewart Head and David Walliams are cute )
Hello, what's all this posting? We'll have no trouble here. This is a local forum, for local people. The League of Gentleman is pure deepest black comedy. Funniest series I've seen for a long time. I loved it when the tortoise got blown out its shell, and when the vet put the healthy dog to sleep.
In contrast, I think Little Brittain is quite funny but essentailly sick and premised on only a few jokes that are endlessly repeated.
blackadder brilliant aswell.i love the one where she keeps shooting squirrels.and dinnerladies is good but the best has to be absolute power,QI or (no.1) a bit of fry and laurie.Stephen Fry cracks me up
This was just the laugh I needed, having had some awful news at the weekend, last night.
They were superb, extremely funny and very well done. We wondered how they would manage to change characters whilst doing the show live, but it wasn't so difficult. They had the narrator and film in the background, just as on the TV and used this to fill in the time inbetween and props were brought in on runners.
Interaction with the crowd was great. Someone kept shouting out at the beginning and they were told 'they peaked to early'. All the old favourites and some of the new sketches as well as one I hadn't seen called 'find the sausage'. That may have been especially for the live show, as they pulled out a couple of members of the audience and embarrassed the poor guys in the extreme. One of them was picked on in particular, I think he was frightened to death at the very gay act! Another was pulled out for fatfighters and put on the weighing scales and told he weighed something like 48 stone. He was presented with a t-shirt, the biggest one you've ever seen and told that by the looks of him it might be a little snug.
wow it sounds brilliant!i sawan interview recently explaining that they used velcro so that the could swap the suits quickly, like wearing several other cotumes under the really fat one
the new series is ace!i'm still waiting for lettie the frog lady tho