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Can't believe you wasted a voting opportunity on Another Piece of Red . Not got as much against the song as you have, but really can't see the 2011 Rats doing it. Will eat a copy of Mondo Bongo if they do.
Suppose it might have been included with Geldof in mind, but suspect you just wanted to take pleasure out of seeing it stay at 0.0% and thus vindicate your assessment of the song .
It's difficult deciding which ones would be best played live as you get a different take on songs sometimes depending on whether listening to an album or hearing a live version, and could perhaps enjoy a song more live even if you didn't particularly rate it as highly when listening in a more sterile environment. Given my high level of devotion though, would probably even enjoy them singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!! Not a serious nomination I hasten to add
suss wrote:Can't believe you wasted a voting opportunity on Another Piece of Red . Not got as much against the song as you have, but really can't see the 2011 Rats doing it. Will eat a copy of Mondo Bongo if they do.
Suppose it might have been included with Geldof in mind, but suspect you just wanted to take pleasure out of seeing it stay at 0.0% and thus vindicate your assessment of the song .
Just my little joke. It comes from the campaign to make Bowie play Laughing Gnome.
The classic example was Bowie's "Laughing Gnome". In 1990, his bright idea was that each country included in his tour would have a phone poll, in which fans would vote for their favourite Bowie songs, and he would base his setlist around the results. This notion was swiftly abandoned in the UK when, at the NME's instigation, "Laughing Gnome" topped the poll by a landslide. No way was The Dame willing to revisit that particular old favourite.
Lisa wrote:Given my high level of devotion though, would probably even enjoy them singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!! Not a serious nomination I hasten to add
More seriously, I like to hear them do Down By The Jetty in its entirety.
Also they could do Show Me, Route 66, Little Queenie, Get Up Stand Up, Money Honey, Carol, and Boom Boom like they did back in 1976.