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Brilliant - thanks for that. Don't think there's much dispute with that evidence. How on earth did you establish that?
I had a vague feeling it would be NY - just slightly gutted I didn't know that before my recent visit. Would have dragged the family miles out of our way to capture the same shot myself .
Brilliant - thanks for that. Don't think there's much dispute with that evidence. How on earth did you establish that?
From the deep recesses of my mind... That and a google search.
I never really paid attention to the cover until your post thinking it was a typical New York street scene, but the spire in the background made me wonder if it was St. Albans's tower in London. I checked that out, it wasn't, so did a search on New York Church Spire and voila! There it was third in the list.
In all likelihood the original picture is in an archive somewhere. But if I go to New York, I will be recreating it with the family standing in the appropriate spots
Wes[Wolverhampton] wrote:On a similar subject.Anyone know where the house is at the start of the Mondays video?
In a field.
I'm not even sure it is a real house, most likely a model created in a studio. You'll have to check that out with David Mallet. Try
It never accurred to me exactly where the Someones Looking cover photo is of, but I kinda knew it was somewhere in America, most likely New York. Had never really pondered this one.
I think ArrGee's photos are game, set and match proof positive. Now we all want to know exactly where the swimming pool is on the inside cover of Surfacing.
On a similar subject.Anyone know where the house is at the start of the Mondays video?
Midwich, Winshire. The video was based on the film of the novel The Midwich Cuckoo's by John Wyndham. Wyndham retitled the film as Village of the Damned and a follow up film called Children of the Damned was made, both in the 1960's.
Midwich was a fictional village in a fictional county, Winshire, where the Army tested nuclear weapons and the kids in the village naturally came off the worst. I've seen both movies, and the spooky kids in Mondays are similar to the kids in the two films, as well as the opening scene in Mondays being a sort or rural idyll, possibly harboring some kind of evil.
Of course the answer ' a field' would be perfectly correct too but the Mondays director David Mallet has said that those two films were the visual inspiration for part of the Mondays video.
Here is a link to some stills from Village of the Damned to illustrate-
I had a vague feeling it would be NY - just slightly gutted I didn't know that before my recent visit. Would have dragged the family miles out of our way to capture the same shot myself .
Just followed link kindly supplied by ArrGee for church details and realised I was stood right in front of the place only a month ago....