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Steve, what do you mean with tour programme? Something like you get in a theatre, with the artists and a summary of the play (except here it would be the musicians and some photos)? Haven't really seen that for a long time anywhere at a concert (maybe I go to the wrong concerts?)
I don't think there were any between 1990 and now... Otherwise I think I'd have bought them... Don't know about the first tour though.
I've got the following Rats tour programmes: Tonic for the Troops tour (1978) Christmas Turkey Tour (1978) Fine art of Surfacing Tour (1979) Bongos over Britain (1980) V Deep (1982) In the Long Grass (1985) Now, where there any others. Particulary to support the first album
I had/have
Fine art of Surfacing Tour (1979) - though through neglect was eventually stuck together with blue electrical tape, but has now long gone
Bongos over Britain (1980) - Which had a big crease in it and the front page is worn through, from being at the front and having it in my pocket
In the Long Grass (1985) - which I picked up for a quid at a warehouse sale, though it is far from immaculate.
I rarely bought them, but the ones I do have are in varied states. The Slade one was covered in my own puke after a particularly drunken night. Oddly enough the programme had lots of sketches of blokes pukeing, so I was just getiing in the "spirit" of things. Whilst some are immaculate like the Police Synchronicity tour which I was given after the gig.
On the whole, they were pretty poor (and poor value). A few pictures and they cost a couple of quid or more (equivalent to about £10+ these days). No wonder they stopped doing them in recent years. Or have they? Maybe it's just that I go to see the sort of bands that don't do them now.
Well, I saw U2 last week and bought a programme - in fact, I've got them from the last few U2 shows I saw.
But, by and large, I don't see them much, either, these days. Well, er, there's one group I've seen a few times that still does them, but I can't mention their name...
((FRANNA - SHHHHH!!!!!))
I also have the Bongos tour programme - got it at a used bookstore here in SF a year or so ago.