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Uploaded yesterday. Gerry must have left after May '81 as he appears in backing vocals role with Simon, like the 'Fridays' clip elsewhere on You Tube. Garry on drums which I've never seen before. Bob at times seems to find the interviewer tiresome but overall it's fascinating stuff and shows what gems are out there that lie in state waiting for You Tube to wake and make a life for them....
Can't help but think the rest of band look a bit bored with Mondays in this clip. Whether it's because they were fed up with playing to non receptive US audiences, fed up with playing the song everywhere for 2 years solid or just 'under utilised' on the song I guess we'll never know.
Geldof had clearly conceded defeat in US well before this so the interview wasn't even useful for plugging. Looks (and speaks) like he knew that particular horse wasn't going to rear up no matter how much it was flogged.
Gerry Cott looked particularly disengaged. Simon looked quite cheery, especially amused that right at the start he has to direct Bob to the right microphone! The song had been very kind to them (Bob's words at the '81 Secret Policeman's Ball) so I never quite got the 'albatross around our necks' routine that Bob would trot out for many years.
Thanks for alerting us to that Mark. Very interesting in many ways.
Yes Geldof and the band look particularly wearisome playing the song. I am guessing that the band might have been jetlagged or had lots of travelling to do so that may explain the somewhat disengaged aspect. I like the slight organ sounding undertow to Mondays, gives it a strange but interesting feel, provided by Pete Briqutte.
I would love to hear more recordings of Geldof or the others before the Live Aid era ie 1977-84. Geldof is quite funny in lots of ways, and the near disdain for American Oireshness and the Lakes of Killarney and Galway Bay school of Irish music he exhibits shows he genuinely meant it. But Geldof is clever enough to not insult Irish America, just subtly take the p***
Some great quotes like 'Were not the Captain and Tinelle' lol and Bob can do a neat Chinese 'accent'. The wonders of YouTube. Anyone looking for some serious seventies Kitsch should check Youtube for the Captain and Tinelle. The captain tackles Do That To Me One More Time and Muskrat Love. Always got Geldof's humour.