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I was looking down the list of tracks and saw You've Really Got a Hold on me and thought it said Hold of Me lol. Ok so it wasn't on, but good choice of tracks. Didn't know Bob's band was called Bob Cats. .
More depth on the history and construction of Rat Trap (Paul '3-stitcher' sounds like a really nice bloke!) but some contradictory comments from Bob. He suggests if they had remained disciplined and come out the other end after the slump, the Rats would have flourished again in the '80s and cites such renaissances as U2, Duran Duran etc. In other interviews, however, I have heard him describe the Rats 5-year high as entirely correct and how it is for all bands and that's precisely as it should be - you have your moment in the sun and then it passes.
Thanks Ian. Good interview. Felt like I'd heard some of it (too) many times now, but some new pearls of wisdom interspersed.
Occurred to me I (we all?) probably missed 80% of interviews back in the day either due to localised press/radio, or lack of cash to buy various papers/mags.
Must be a real chore for any artist to say something original in the age of the internet, where every interview is readily shared. Does make you wonder just how orchestrated they are too; or is Bob just a genius at turning any question to the answer he wants to give (again).
Guess his political experiences make that side of interviewing second nature.
I have a Philips C60 cassette somewhere from '81 where Beacon Radio interviewed Bob Geldof and I thought this was an amazing scoop for an ILR station in Wolverhampton given their status around this time. Probably gave a similar interview to others around that time, but we had little way of knowing.