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I have seen this with a few bands to date, and would love to see the Rats bring this out. Even the undertones have a cd singles box set out, and they only ever had one top ten hit
Can't see any demand for it. Maybe ten years ago, but nowadays CDs don't make much for record companies. I don't even see the demand for a vinyl singles box set either. The Clash and The Jam did them, but they ended up discounting them heavily.
You could be right on this one But it would still be nice to have After. all they have reissued the LPs twice one back in 2005 and then in the box set that came out last year. So I can only hope they run with a singles box set. That way we will get the song that have to date not made it to cd. And it would make a nice wee xmas box for any Rats fan (Did I just say xmas OMG)
That way we will get the songs that have to date not made it to CD.
There are easier ways to achieve that. Make downloads available on,, itunes or amazon. I'd host them all on this forum or my blog if I had the necessary permission. If you really want all of them, they are all out there.
The interesting stuff such as the demos prior to the first LP and the Wainman/Godley & Creme sessions will probably never come out. But from what I know there isn't much that hasn't been released.
That way we will get the songs that have to date not made it to CD.
There are easier ways to achieve that. Make downloads available on,, itunes or amazon. I'd host them all on this forum or my blog if I had the necessary permission. If you really want all of them, they are all out there.
The interesting stuff such as the demos prior to the first LP and the Wainman/Godley & Creme sessions will probably never come out. But from what I know there isn't much that hasn't been released.
Yeah I get all that thanks. But I am a sad git and love to have the real thing
I'd like something like this too. Cost/profit considerations need not apply. Lifelong fans who've invested huge sums in the band deserve the opportunity to buy the product in a physicality we can see and feel like.
Lifelong fans who've invested huge sums in the band deserve the opportunity to buy the product in a physicality we can see and feel like.
I have all the original LPs (bar Mondo US) and all the original singles in one version or another so I have all the physical product I need, especially when you throw in the umpteen CD reissues. Most if not all of it is on eBay and given that all CDs do is clutter my house these days I don't want any more. I am going to order a NAS drive, rip everyone of them and give them to the charity shop. That is if I can find the sodding cases!
Lifelong fans who've invested huge sums in the band deserve the opportunity to buy the product in a physicality we can see and feel like.
I have all the original LPs (bar Mondo US) and all the original singles in one version or another so I have all the physical product I need, especially when you throw in the umpteen CD reissues. Most if not all of it is on eBay and given that all CDs do is clutter my house these days I don't want any more. I am going to order a NAS drive, rip everyone of them and give them to the charity shop. That is if I can find the sodding cases!
I'm a charity shop when it comes to Rats stuff All is welcome ha ah