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Like ArrGee I've got 'sounds' to hand but a whole heap of visuals in loft and elsewhere. Went through cuttings not so long back, but one thing I've never revisited in 20 years plus is the tube full of posters. Forgotten majority of those I'm sure.
Do sometimes wonder where they will end up, in knowledge skip is highly likely if I'm not here to 'advise'. Can almost see why people offload on eBay etc sometimes. Mine will never see light of day at this rate.
Used to have ideas about pasting entire garage (only place I'd be allowed) with posters, but felt that was too final. Starting to think anywhere is better than boxed in a loft. Anyone on here got ideas for good use?
My 'modern' collection (e.g. gig posters and flyers from recent years) is arguably more interesting than any Look-in etc centrespreads, historically at least. Think my pride of old days is the gig posters too....Croydon, Oxford, Leicester, London.
Between us must be a helluva memorabilia collection. Anyone got any 'willing' inheritors?
I have some rotten rusting old bits put away. Some are in the loft and some posters etc in a storage box under the bed lol. Wes is the person to go to for memorabilia. I gather he has tons of it . His house is quite possibly a Rats/Geldof museum
Always good to have some properly mounted/framed so at least if you move you can take them with you. Cant believe some of the T shirts that i have seen sold for $250 last few months in particular the one with the bright green rats head like a velcro material that i wore to death in late 70s early 80s . My daughter is caning me now for not keeping all my old rats stuff. T shirts badges patches etc . All my posters/NME cuttings etc were used as wallpaper in my last room before i left home, ****
Last 2 posts are encouraging. Particularly impressed that an offspring shows any interest. Mine are scathing about my 'sad' fanaticism.
Might just have to reach new heights of 'sadness' and classify my collection, for last will and testament purposes Would "Tango" be recognised on a legal doc I wonder??
Like the idea of a museum too, but suspect I already know pretty much all the potentail clientele in person!
Maybe I'll write a screenplay for a late 70s film which involves a fan as its lead character, using all memorabilia, and in one fell swoop see it captured for posterity and make myself a little easy
Might just have to reach new heights of 'sadness' and classify my collection, for last will and testament purposes Would "Tango" be recognised on a legal doc I wonder??
Admittedly there'd be a risk of ending up with a Rats museum sponsored by a soft drinks company but at least you could guarantee a good advert. (You Know When You've Been Boomtowned?)