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Interesting interview conducted during Surface Down Under in May '80 but wonder what happened to the above. Can't find any reference to a film of that name, although it appears to have been utilised later in music:
Interesting interview conducted during Surface Down Under in May '80 but wonder what happened to the above. Can't find any reference to a film of that name, although it appears to have been utilised later in music:
Wasn't he meant to be doing some sort of French movie a while back, never mind going into space? Come to think of it, reforming the Boomtown Rats was less plausible then an interstellar Geldof not so long ago.
Space trips have been stopped. There was a crash, in which a pilot died.
I think the film was recorded, but as to whether we can see it I don't know!
Re Space trip I always thought that was a bit daft, but it seemed to get lots of publicity. I think many hoped for Bob to get lost in space. As the old movie tag line went ' In space nobody can hear you scream (or sing!)
Wasn't there also some story about Bob getting haircut mid filming and director or whoever going potty leading to extenstions which then caught fire or something? Or was I on a bad trip??
From I can't get a direct link to the page with it on.
Bob's Bad Hair Day
I haven't stopped laughing yet and its been an hour since I had this story from Bob. Sit back and read this lot....
Firstly look at this Youtube of the Paris Gig.....
read on..............
This is the only time you will see Bob playing with hair extensions (yes hair extensions!!!) Here is what happened, please excuse the expetives but they are important to the story. Bob has just finished making a French film called "Mauvaise Fille" (Bad Girl) in which he plays the father of the girl. They are using 2 tracks from the new album (Dazzled By You and Silly Pretty Thing). On the first day of filming Bob had his normal hair, but had to leave the next day to go to the Middle East and then Australia to gig. 48 hours later Bob was back in London, and somewhat jetlagged. It was a really hot day and he was in dire need of some pampering so took himself off to have a nice refreshing hair wash and trim - and promptly fell asleep during the process.
When he woke the hairdresser had cut the lot off (Bob's description of this bit was a bit more colourful than I describe it).
When Bob turned up for more filming in France the Director went "ape ****" and insisted that he had to have hair extension put in to try to make his hair look as it had on filming day one. Bob says 'It was horrible, stuck on with strips of glue and it couldnt be brushed or the 'f*****g things fell out. I woke up in the morning looking like Andy Warhol after an electric shock.'
Then he had to do the gig in Paris, and when Bob got a bit warm and started sweating the extension bits started falling down and the audience thought his head was melting. In this way and only this way was the Paris gig unique. I might get my arse kicked for sharing this, but what the hell, its great fun isnt it.
From I can't get a direct link to the page with it on.
Bob's Bad Hair Day
I haven't stopped laughing yet and its been an hour since I had this story from Bob. Sit back and read this lot....
Firstly look at this Youtube of the Paris Gig.....
read on..............
This is the only time you will see Bob playing with hair extensions (yes hair extensions!!!) Here is what happened, please excuse the expetives but they are important to the story. Bob has just finished making a French film called "Mauvaise Fille" (Bad Girl) in which he plays the father of the girl. They are using 2 tracks from the new album (Dazzled By You and Silly Pretty Thing). On the first day of filming Bob had his normal hair, but had to leave the next day to go to the Middle East and then Australia to gig. 48 hours later Bob was back in London, and somewhat jetlagged. It was a really hot day and he was in dire need of some pampering so took himself off to have a nice refreshing hair wash and trim - and promptly fell asleep during the process.
When he woke the hairdresser had cut the lot off (Bob's description of this bit was a bit more colourful than I describe it).
When Bob turned up for more filming in France the Director went "ape ****" and insisted that he had to have hair extension put in to try to make his hair look as it had on filming day one. Bob says 'It was horrible, stuck on with strips of glue and it couldnt be brushed or the 'f*****g things fell out. I woke up in the morning looking like Andy Warhol after an electric shock.'
Then he had to do the gig in Paris, and when Bob got a bit warm and started sweating the extension bits started falling down and the audience thought his head was melting. In this way and only this way was the Paris gig unique. I might get my arse kicked for sharing this, but what the hell, its great fun isnt it.
Ha ha talk about Spinal Tap moments. He was literally and methaphorically on fire at the Paris gig.Not much 'control' over those 'dreads'.
Wonder are there any real life Rats/Geldof 'Spinal Tap' moments. Well there was Gerry Cott and the miniature Stonehenge........(only joking)
Can't remember where it was but recall one of the Garry/Simon Rats gigs where backstage was something of a labyrinth and finding the stage was no mean feat. Shades of Spinal Tap....