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this was a follow up to the one she did last year called teenage brain.there was some fairly interesting stuff in there but i just had to grin all over when she started talking about the way Catholic schools and lessons are like brainwashing.
I go to a Catholic school here in the U.K. and although they're not as extreme as some of the out of school clubs in the u.s., i am inclined to agree. They only teach us one side of the story. When they do present us with views that contrast their own they shoot it down as quickly as possible but don't point out the obvious problems with some of the churches teachings.
Don't get me wrong, i'm still Catholic and proud to be so and agree with a lot of things however, when it comes to relationships, i just can't seem to grasp it. Abortion, Cohabitation, Pre-marital sex, Euthanasia. I don't always agree with the church on these subjects but i would be quite happy to try and see that point of view if they didn't shove it in our faces. So i was glad to see that Peaches had picked up on this.
I was also shocked by the fact that a lot of schools in Texas have had to change the text books so that it doesn't mention contraception. This is basically just another ploy to get teens to be chaste until marriage. But why shouldn't they know how to be safe? They are being put at a serious risk.
Sometimes I despise the way we're are taught. Expected to agree all the time. And whats more they expect us to watch a video of an abortion?! I don't think so
this was a follow up to the one she did last year called teenage brain.there was some fairly interesting stuff in there but i just had to grin all over when she started talking about the way Catholic schools and lessons are like brainwashing. I go to a Catholic school here in the U.K. and although they're not as extreme as some of the out of school clubs in the u.s., i am inclined to agree. They only teach us one side of the story. When they do present us with views that contrast their own they shoot it down as quickly as possible but don't point out the obvious problems with some of the churches teachings. Don't get me wrong, i'm still Catholic and proud to be so and agree with a lot of things however, when it comes to relationships, i just can't seem to grasp it. Abortion, Cohabitation, Pre-marital sex, Euthanasia. I don't always agree with the church on these subjects but i would be quite happy to try and see that point of view if they didn't shove it in our faces. So i was glad to see that Peaches had picked up on this. I was also shocked by the fact that a lot of schools in Texas have had to change the text books so that it doesn't mention contraception. This is basically just another ploy to get teens to be chaste until marriage. But why shouldn't they know how to be safe? They are being put at a serious risk. Sometimes I despise the way we're are taught. Expected to agree all the time. And whats more they expect us to watch a video of an abortion?! I don't think so
There's alovely picture of Peaches on the front cover of 'You' magazine in today's Sunday Mail. She is really very pretty. Inside there's also a picture of Bob and the rest of the girls.