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Astonishes me (dear) why massive success was relatively brief and how they wrote and performed in a way that got me hook, line and sinker but something happened. I've not obsessed about anything else as much ever (apart from the missus if she reads this) and no matter what the style or song, they never wrote anything that didn't appeal, even in just a small way.
Why didn't everyone 'get' them permanently like the 20 or so that come here?
I totally agree i remember friends liking rats upto mondo & then ditching them for crappy 80s groups real fans stick through the good &! Bad iam proud to be a rats fan Not a fair weather fan my one friend refused to listen to deep because it didn't chart ( he liked Duran) That week anyway
Why didn't everyone 'get' them permanently like the 20 or so that come here?
We aren't that easy to find. Only the truly devoted make it here
I suspect there are many others but they just can't be ar$£d writing about it in a forum.
But the truth for me is I like the "cult" status. Who'd want to be one of the millions of U2 fans. Nowt special
Never a truer word written. And it didn't take Band Aid or Live Aid for it to click.
I recall a friend saying that he wished he had a group he was as enthralled about, as I was about the Rats. He liked many groups, but couldn't enthuse about any particular one. It was June 1984.
I totally agree i remember friends liking rats upto mondo & then ditching them for crappy 80s groups real fans stick through the good &! Bad iam proud to be a rats fan Not a fair weather fan my one friend refused to listen to deep because it didn't chart ( he liked Duran) That week anyway
This was very common at the school I went to. I simply carried on in great admiration, repelling the general view by 1984 amongst my fellow A level students that they were 'rubbish' and 'past it' and was met with mockery and hilarity when I pointed out how brilliant Drag me Down was. It bewildered me how previously besotted 13 year olds were now espousing about Duran, emerging 'supergroup' U2, Frankie and Wham!!
I totally agree i remember friends liking rats upto mondo & then ditching them for crappy 80s groups real fans stick through the good &! Bad iam proud to be a rats fan Not a fair weather fan my one friend refused to listen to deep because it didn't chart ( he liked Duran) That week anyway
This was very common at the school I went to. I simply carried on in great admiration, repelling the general view by 1984 amongst my fellow A level students that they were 'rubbish' and 'past it' and was met with mockery and hilarity when I pointed out how brilliant Drag me Down was. It bewildered me how previously besotted 13 year olds were now espousing about Duran, emerging 'supergroup' U2, Frankie and Wham!!
I must be a couple of years older cos when I left school people were into Joy Division, Specials, Madness et al. I was at university when what would be considered typical 80s music kicked in, and to be honest no one was really into it at all. They say if you remember the sixties you weren't there, which I wasn't, but I don't remember too much of the 1980s and I was there for that. Just not worth remembering on the whole. Far too busy studying I guess
Yeah we all seem to be singing form the same Rats sheet. I could not work out for the life of me that no one was hearing the band the way I did. Hand on heart I did not think the 80s bands are that great I mean have you heard some of even the police album tracks Really sh@t
Yeah we all seem to be singing form the same Rats sheet. I could not work out for the life of me that no one was hearing the band the way I did. Hand on heart I did not think the 80s bands are that great I mean have you heard some of even the police album tracks Really sh@t