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Just spotted this, nearly hour long interview with Geldof and Fingers from back in 79. Have just downloaded it onto another device so will report back with any interesting observations. Not sure if any regulars have heard this, I don't believe it was ever on YouTube until now so I presume it's pretty rare and worth a listen.
I spotted it a few days ago but didn't post it as it would not play, saying it was 'unavailable'.
Great you've got it to play and quite interesting.
Some of the lyrics to Tonight obviously fleshed out in '79 noting the 'you scratch my back, I'll claw yours' line appears here.
I listened to it in full last night. Very good interview. First 25 mins is really amusing. Fingers gets arrested by the East German police for wearing 'night attire' ie pygamas.
Amazingly the interviewer Meg didn't know who Eva Braun was and had to be put in the know by Bob! Also Geldof talks about playing at large venues and how he prefers smaller venues.I was thinking 'baloney'.I bet if he was being payed enough he wouldn't be too bothered.
Others topics covered included American radio stations and how they carved up the market in the late 70's. Geldof is being a bit prophetic at the end. He says (paraphrasing ) 'We might have 5 or 6 years left and then we'll be dumped....That's exactly what happened.
I think the interview is from January 1979. It was to promote forthcoming gigs in March '79 so this was before Mondays was written.In fact it was to promote the US version of Tonic For The Troops as well, which was only being released in the US at that time.
Also Geldof talks about playing at large venues and how he prefers smaller venues.
Doesn't like large venues with small crowds for sure!
I wonder what counted as a small venue in those days. Less than a thousand? These days, Brixton Academy with its 5,000 capacity has been described as being "intimate" by a few bands that have played there in recent years. The best attended Rats gig I ever saw was just under 4,000 at the Hammersmith Odeon (now Apollo) back in 1981. Though capacity in Cork was similar, I don't think it actually sold out.
Also Geldof talks about playing at large venues and how he prefers smaller venues.
Doesn't like large venues with small crowds for sure!
I wonder what counted as a small venue in those days. Less than a thousand? These days, Brixton Academy with its 5,000 capacity has been described as being "intimate" by a few bands that have played there in recent years. The best attended Rats gig I ever saw was just under 4,000 at the Hammersmith Odeon (now Apollo) back in 1981. Though capacity in Cork was similar, I don't think it actually sold out.
Not sure if you listened to the full interview It's well worth a listen and he gets into full flow towards the end.He was talking about having recently played to 80,00 at a gig in Rotterdam, and also about Knebworth was was a pretty large crowd too. He states that it isn't much fun to be stuck in 'the blechers' at an Arrowsmith Concert and very large venues usually mean being pretty remote from the band.
This was back in Feb 1979. Nowadays he'lll go to any European outpost to prop up his ego.