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I have only heard 90 seconds of each song from iTunes Australia and I think its great and I really like Rock and Roll Ye Ye,it has a mid 70s rock feel to it.Can´t wait for tomorrow.
had a listen driving to work.. monster monkeys and she says no sound fab cranked up. I would like to know if BG doing hiphop was a pisstake????? pls dont are in your 60s..funny thing is that being said i thort K.i.s.s was
if u have vpn .. change to australia then u can listen on spotify or youtube.
I havent left the house since Sunday. Only being in contact with Mrs. ArrGee, my trash glam daughter and the Ocado delivery driver (Fleetingly).
What if he/she had it? Or the packers? It can live on surfaces for ages. But I think you'll be OK if you wash your hands and sing a certain Altered Images song twice.
What if he/she had it? Or the packers? It can live on surfaces for ages. But I think you'll be OK if you wash your hands and sing a certain Altered Images song twice.
To be honest, the only track that wasn't exactly my taste was Here's a Postcard. But who knows, i've only listened once!
Anyway, this album exceeded my expectations. Did NOT expect the rap in K.I.S.S., and it sounded pretty good. Monster Monkeys is also really f-cking good.
I've got to listen again.
EDIT: listened again! Postcard sounds just a bit better now. Instrumentals are great!
-- Edited by zippaguppis on Friday 13th of March 2020 08:01:24 AM
Pretty underwhelmed with the album overall. Best songs for me are Monster Monkeys, Passing Through, Here a Postcard. Sweet Thing and She Said No are only ok, nothing remarkable.
Way too much derivative songwriting, almost nothing with the distinctive stamp of the Rats of old. The good songs still can seem more like Geldof solo than the Rats.
Totally agree with Tony Clayton-Lea in today's Irish Times about the last four songs on album being the songs that really let it down. KISS is awful and Rock N Roll Ye Ye almost as bad, particularly the songs chorus. The eponymous song is about six years old apart from not being much good. Get a Grip might be the advice Geldof needs when he thinks these latter songs should have made the cut. Certainly No Tomorrow Like Today is way better than most of side two, but was left off album. There may be another good b-side with next single but that's not going to help this album.
Mark's out of ten? 6 would be being generous so I'll go with 5/10.
I luv it not a bad track on this album better than Mondo and vdeep different sounds and styles the rats have moved on since the1980s so I'm pleased with it some really good melodies I'm in heaven
I've been a massive fan for nigh on 15 year, anticipated the comeback greatly, I unfortunately agree mostly with what Noel said above. Granted, only two listens in, but I found it very average. Felt it was very Geldof solo than an album with the Rats style.
I love Trash Glam Baby and the title track. The rest average. However, I am only two listens in so will be revisiting.
A lot of people panned itlg but it is fab same with this album I've heard some big name albums in last 12 months and citizen is better than any of them (my friend played the who album I couldn't listen to it after 2tracks) same with stone song diaries from last year liked some police classics so I'm my humble opinion citizen is gonna be a classic rats album they its2020
Its not. Whilst they arent my favourite Rats LPs they are better than the new LP. More stand out tracks on those two. This is the 7th best Rats LP. Not the disaster I thought it could have been. Have to have another listen or two, but even so it is not as good as V Deep.
Its not. Whilst they arent my favourite Rats LPs they are better than the new LP. More stand out tracks on those two. This is the 7th best Rats LP. Not the disaster I thought it could have been. Have to have another listen or two, but even so it is not as good as V Deep.
If you think it's their worst studio album, I am surprised at adjectives like 'superb' and 'really good' being used on the other thread, sometimes more than once, in relation to individual tracks. You appear to have significantly downgraded your view of Citizens since the excitable after-midnight comments earlier today. Maybe repeated listens do not endear, which for me, as far as the Rats are concerned, is not normal.
I stick by my comments this album is fab I probably like a lot of different artists to others in this forum but I speak as I find and I find this to be brilliant return to form and that's my choice
I stick by my comments this album is fab I probably like a lot of different artists to others in this forum but I speak as I find and I find this to be brilliant return to form and that's my choice
You're fully entitled to your views and I don't think I will be that far behind you. My CD arrives tomorrow so I'll give it the car treatment for a while and then fully review. Initially, I think this is on a par with Mondo Bongo. V Deep contains two or three awful songs and Citizens maybe just one or two. It maybe a surprise to some but KISS I feel is one of the better tracks with a Chumbawamba /Mmm bop by Hanson feel to it with a catchy rap element. It's none the worse for any of that.
Its not. Whilst they arent my favourite Rats LPs they are better than the new LP. More stand out tracks on those two. This is the 7th best Rats LP. Not the disaster I thought it could have been. Have to have another listen or two, but even so it is not as good as V Deep.
If you think it's their worst studio album, I am surprised at adjectives like 'superb' and 'really good' being used on the other thread, sometimes more than once, in relation to individual tracks. You appear to have significantly downgraded your view of Citizens since the excitable after-midnight comments earlier today. Maybe repeated listens do not endear, which for me, as far as the Rats are concerned, is not normal.
I was merely stating Citizens is not as good as either Mondo or V Deep. That doesn't make it a bad LP. I stand by what I wrote on the other thread concerning the individual songs. My initial reaction was positive and I would like another listen or two. However, there are no tracks that strike me as being as good as the better tracks on V Deep, namely He Watches It All, House on Fire or Up All Night. Nor are they better than A Storm Breaks or The Bitter End. Mondo Bongo has Banana Republic, Go Man Go, Guilty, Fall Down plus others. And Citizens has a couple of tracks that I hate just as much if not more than Charmed Lives.
So whist Citizens is a good LP, it is not better than V Deep or Mondo Bongo in my opinion.
Ive listened to about 5 songs so far, including KISS. I love this song and cant understand the criticism. The songs so far have been pretty good imo. Stills more to listen to and always like to hear each song a few times before making a definite opinion but so far so good.
Ive listened to about 5 songs so far, including KISS. I love this song and cant understand the criticism. The songs so far have been pretty good imo. Stills more to listen to and always like to hear each song a few times before making a definite opinion but so far so good.
I'm glad I'm not the only one baffled by the hostility shown to KISS! It's one of the best tracks on the album.
Its not. Whilst they arent my favourite Rats LPs they are better than the new LP. More stand out tracks on those two. This is the 7th best Rats LP. Not the disaster I thought it could have been. Have to have another listen or two, but even so it is not as good as V Deep.
If you think it's their worst studio album, I am surprised at adjectives like 'superb' and 'really good' being used on the other thread, sometimes more than once, in relation to individual tracks. You appear to have significantly downgraded your view of Citizens since the excitable after-midnight comments earlier today. Maybe repeated listens do not endear, which for me, as far as the Rats are concerned, is not normal.
I was merely stating Citizens is not as good as either Mondo or V Deep. That doesn't make it a bad LP. I stand by what I wrote on the other thread concerning the individual songs. My initial reaction was positive and I would like another listen or two. However, there are no tracks that strike me as being as good as the better tracks on V Deep, namely He Watches It All, House on Fire or Up All Night. Nor are they better than A Storm Breaks or The Bitter End. Mondo Bongo has Banana Republic, Go Man Go, Guilty, Fall Down plus others. And Citizens has a couple of tracks that I hate just as much if not more than Charmed Lives.
So whist Citizens is a good LP, it is not better than V Deep or Mondo Bongo in my opinion.
You went further than 'merely stating Citizens is not as good as either Mondo or V Deep'. By going on to state 'this is the 7th best Rats LP' you have effectively said it is the worst of the lot! Yes, that might mean it can still be decent, but it just felt to me like it was not the first-listen ringing endorsements that emanated from your neck of the woods just after midnight. I merely wondered if you felt the album does not improve or worsens upon further listens.
Can't stop playing this album love every track as I said earlier absolutely fabulous I'm still high in rats heaven in the city of boomtown and want to stay here forever (noticed Darren co wrote rock roll with Bob he is now a true fledged rat ) what more can I say other than wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its not. Whilst they arent my favourite Rats LPs they are better than the new LP. More stand out tracks on those two. This is the 7th best Rats LP. Not the disaster I thought it could have been. Have to have another listen or two, but even so it is not as good as V Deep.
If you think it's their worst studio album, I am surprised at adjectives like 'superb' and 'really good' being used on the other thread, sometimes more than once, in relation to individual tracks. You appear to have significantly downgraded your view of Citizens since the excitable after-midnight comments earlier today. Maybe repeated listens do not endear, which for me, as far as the Rats are concerned, is not normal.
I was merely stating Citizens is not as good as either Mondo or V Deep. That doesn't make it a bad LP. I stand by what I wrote on the other thread concerning the individual songs. My initial reaction was positive and I would like another listen or two. However, there are no tracks that strike me as being as good as the better tracks on V Deep, namely He Watches It All, House on Fire or Up All Night. Nor are they better than A Storm Breaks or The Bitter End. Mondo Bongo has Banana Republic, Go Man Go, Guilty, Fall Down plus others. And Citizens has a couple of tracks that I hate just as much if not more than Charmed Lives.
So whist Citizens is a good LP, it is not better than V Deep or Mondo Bongo in my opinion.
You went further than 'merely stating Citizens is not as good as either Mondo or V Deep'. By going on to state 'this is the 7th best Rats LP' you have effectively said it is the worst of the lot! Yes, that might mean it can still be decent, but it just felt to me like it was not the first-listen ringing endorsements that emanated from your neck of the woods just after midnight. I merely wondered if you felt the album does not improve or worsens upon further listens.
Have you actually heard the album yet Mark? There are some good songs on it but I would rank it bottom place in a 'league table' of the seven albums. That's just my own 'musical sensibly' coming into play. It's the overall general feeling I get. I could go into great detail why I do or don't like particular songs but that shouldn't and frankly will notprevent someone from having the complete opposite view.
KISS might be my new Rats bete noir but that would be like saying you or anyone else shouldn't or won't enjoy it.
Re album improving with further listens all the songs I initially liked remain my favourites ie Monster Monkeys, Here's a Postcard, Sweet Thing and Passing Through. These are more like good Geldof solo tracks in essence, but for me not up there with old skool Rats in any way.
The songs I didn't like have not improved. I had to turn off KISS when I was giving it a third or fourth listen. To be honest it isn't an album I would want to play over and over. I have played the tracks I mentioned above a few times today because they're the ones with an emotional connection for me. I can relate to them, in other words.
In the end it's 'whatever works' and everyone goes by their own convictions.
I think this is a bone of contention some of us love it(in my case I I've played it 5times today once it arrived ) and some don't I can't force anyone to like it but I do my son who is not a rats fan loves it so do a couple of friends who are not normally rats fans but think it is fab
I think this is a bone of contention some of us love it(in my case I I've played it 5times today once it arrived ) and some don't I can't force anyone to like it but I do my son who is not a rats fan loves it so do a couple of friends who are not normally rats fans but think it is fab
I didnt write that I didnt like it, I just disagree that it is better than others. There are some stinkers on Mondo (Another Piece of Red) and V Deep (Charmed Lives) but they both have some tracks which are among the best The Rats have ever made. And Citizens has some good tracks (as well as stinkers), but I dont think they are among the best The Rats have ever made. I have listened to the LP once, and doubtless I need to give it a couple of listens to have a fully formed opinion. whilst it has far exceeded my low expectations it does not match up to any of the first 6 LPs.
Its not. Whilst they arent my favourite Rats LPs they are better than the new LP. More stand out tracks on those two. This is the 7th best Rats LP. Not the disaster I thought it could have been. Have to have another listen or two, but even so it is not as good as V Deep.
If you think it's their worst studio album, I am surprised at adjectives like 'superb' and 'really good' being used on the other thread, sometimes more than once, in relation to individual tracks. You appear to have significantly downgraded your view of Citizens since the excitable after-midnight comments earlier today. Maybe repeated listens do not endear, which for me, as far as the Rats are concerned, is not normal.
I was merely stating Citizens is not as good as either Mondo or V Deep. That doesn't make it a bad LP. I stand by what I wrote on the other thread concerning the individual songs. My initial reaction was positive and I would like another listen or two. However, there are no tracks that strike me as being as good as the better tracks on V Deep, namely He Watches It All, House on Fire or Up All Night. Nor are they better than A Storm Breaks or The Bitter End. Mondo Bongo has Banana Republic, Go Man Go, Guilty, Fall Down plus others. And Citizens has a couple of tracks that I hate just as much if not more than Charmed Lives.
So whist Citizens is a good LP, it is not better than V Deep or Mondo Bongo in my opinion.
You went further than 'merely stating Citizens is not as good as either Mondo or V Deep'. By going on to state 'this is the 7th best Rats LP' you have effectively said it is the worst of the lot! Yes, that might mean it can still be decent, but it just felt to me like it was not the first-listen ringing endorsements that emanated from your neck of the woods just after midnight. I merely wondered if you felt the album does not improve or worsens upon further listens.
Have you actually heard the album yet Mark? There are some good songs on it but I would rank it bottom place in a 'league table' of the seven albums. That's just my own 'musical sensibly' coming into play. It's the overall general feeling I get. I could go into great detail why I do or don't like particular songs but that shouldn't and frankly will notprevent someone from having the complete opposite view.
KISS might be my new Rats bete noir but that would be like saying you or anyone else shouldn't or won't enjoy it.
Re album improving with further listens all the songs I initially liked remain my favourites ie Monster Monkeys, Here's a Postcard, Sweet Thing and Passing Through. These are more like good Geldof solo tracks in essence, but for me not up there with old skool Rats in any way.
The songs I didn't like have not improved. I had to turn off KISS when I was giving it a third or fourth listen. To be honest it isn't an album I would want to play over and over. I have played the tracks I mentioned above a few times today because they're the ones with an emotional connection for me. I can relate to them, in other words.
In the end it's 'whatever works' and everyone goes by their own convictions.
I have heard 6 songs in full so far and snippets of the other 4. I will review in full next week. Here's a Postcard and Passing Through are two of those I've heard in full and together with Trash Glam Baby, they are superlative and the album would be worth buying for these tracks alone.
The songs I didn't like have not improved. I had to turn off KISS when I was giving it a third or fourth listen. To be honest it isn't an album I would want to play over and over. I have played the tracks I mentioned above a few times today because they're the ones with an emotional connection for me. I can relate to them, in other words.
not up there with old skool Rats in any way.
I quite liked that until the rapping started. Maybe need a rap-less mix.
I feel similar. Its not old school Rats, there are some interesting tracks, but its not the band from my teenage years. Its something else. I am just glad it is not totally awful, but like you I am not sure it is an LP I will listen to that much.
I will listen to it again, but I have been too busy today.
PS top tip, go and see Bryan Ferry live, he is brilliant!
The songs I didn't like have not improved. I had to turn off KISS when I was giving it a third or fourth listen. To be honest it isn't an album I would want to play over and over. I have played the tracks I mentioned above a few times today because they're the ones with an emotional connection for me. I can relate to them, in other words.
not up there with old skool Rats in any way.
PS top tip, go and see Bryan Ferry live, he is brilliant!
Glad you enjoyed it.... but any slim chance I would ever go to see the old smoothie is entirely eliminated by the dreaded c word.
Glad you enjoyed it.... but any slim chance I would ever go to see the old smoothie is entirely eliminated by the dreaded c word.
Cash It wasn't cheap, £60 each for the cheap seats in the choir and Mrs. ArrGee's glass of wine cost £10 and her small bag of crisps were £2. My pint a mere £6. Must admit his voice is incredible for his age. He is like the anti-Geldof. Sure they both wear suits on stage, but that is where the similarities end.
Editions of You was a real highlight at the end. Mrs. ArrGee had never heard it before and thought it was the best thing she had ever heard from Ferry/Roxy. Worth the admission price just for that! But it was a great gig start to end. A bit old school, but the songs are awesome. I joked to Mrs. ArrGee that he was covering Adele after he performed Make You Feel My Love. Eventually told her it was a Dylan song. Ended with Jealous Guy. Which he doesn't always perform live. Even played Geldof's favourite The In Crowd.
The Thrill of It All (Roxy Music song)
You Can Dance
Pyjamarama (Roxy Music song)
Out of the Blue (Roxy Music song)
The Bogus Man (Roxy Music song)
Casanova (Roxy Music song)
Slave to Love
Just Like You (Roxy Music song)
Same Old Scene (Roxy Music song)
The 'In' Crowd (Dobie Gray cover)
Your Painted Smile
Like a Hurricane (Neil Young cover)
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Bob Dylan cover)
Make You Feel My Love (Bob Dylan cover)
Dance Away (Roxy Music song)
Avalon (Roxy Music song)
Love Is the Drug (Roxy Music song)
Street Life (Roxy Music song)
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (Bob Dylan cover)
Virginia Plain (Roxy Music song)
Let's Stick Together (Wilbert Harrison cover)
Editions of You (Roxy Music song)
Jealous Guy (John Lennon cover)
-- Edited by ArrGee on Saturday 14th of March 2020 02:50:41 PM
Still luv it this is refreshing compared to the rubbish out there as I've said numerous times (like a broken record) this is fab for me and am proud of the rats and proud to be a rats fan and I mnot bothered by any other reviews I love it and that is all that matters to me
I have listened to the album quite a few times, and have played Trash Glam Baby a lot, my wife and three girls can certainly testify to that! I find myself thoroughly enjoying the album from my all time favorite band.
I saw them here in Boston 5 years ago and my wife was thoroughly entertained by a band that still has something to offer. I also love a lot of the Geldof solo songs, such as "Here's to you" which I absolutely love and think of as a Harrison tribute. Bottom line, I think it is a good, fun record , not as good as the first three and ITLG, but I am happy with it. Glad we have two guitarists, though Garry always did a great job post Cott live. Bottom line is it is the Rats, never thought they would be back and it is not garbage, it has plenty of character, and fun. Would love to hear "No Tomorrow Like Today", may have to buy a turntable! These are all bonus songs I never thought I would get! As this crazy Englishmen tells his American kids and neighbors "The Rats are back!". Love this band.
Yeh we both have different fave rats albums my fave of all is in the long grass jacki e loved fine art of surfacing we also like a lot of different artists ( not always the same she loves ed Sheeran
I can't stand him but we both agree the rats are the best band in the world
Good on Jackie. I've been reading all her YouTube comments on Rats stuff but didn't know she was your other half. Wish my missus was as devoted to the Rats as yours is!
She likes a lot of 70s&80s bands etc it was our fave era we are coping with lockdown at the moment (on a side point she loves a lot of classical music) I like some but not all just played vinyl Italian rats compilation called Il rock
And put it on mp3( and also ratlife ep)
The songs I didn't like have not improved. I had to turn off KISS when I was giving it a third or fourth listen. To be honest it isn't an album I would want to play over and over. I have played the tracks I mentioned above a few times today because they're the ones with an emotional connection for me. I can relate to them, in other words.
not up there with old skool Rats in any way.
...I am not sure it is an LP I will listen to that much.
I have to say nearly 3 months later I am still listening to 4/5th of the LP. Definitely a grower. Though I still hate the rap on K.I.S.S
Great review from a magazine that looks as if it knows its stuff judging from the music that it covers!!! The album plus some of the additional material is all good stuff if youre a Rats Fan.