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2 geldof songs not in book talk me up which was beside to this is the world calling &let's get b side to I cry too. I wonder why Bob missed these out as they were quite good b sides just curious every other song though on the whole loving this book of lyrics
2 geldof songs not in book talk me up which was beside to this is the world calling &let's get b side to I cry too. I wonder why Bob missed these out as they were quite good b sides just curious every other song though on the whole loving this book of lyrics
It's very comprehensive. He publishes most of the words for Born To Burn but then says 'that's all of it I can remember!'. Talk Me Up is a great song, very Rats like. Pity the words are not included.
Like the notebook scans. Banana Republic seems to have different, controversial words which were not used.There was a song about a roadie that has words but was never recorded. Even has notes about Menage a Trois.
Wish he had put dates to the lyrics. It's hard to know if some of the words were early Rats, prime unused Rats or when in his solo career certain songs were written.
Also interesting why he chose these 25 songs to write notes on and not certain others. Europe Looked Ugly makes more sense when you realise it was written about some of the former Soviet Bloc countries the Rats toured in the early eighties. But parts of the song relate to Geldof.'they're lucky they can't see my brain...' etc
2 geldof songs not in book talk me up which was beside to this is the world calling &let's get b side to I cry too. I wonder why Bob missed these out as they were quite good b sides just curious every other song though on the whole loving this book of lyrics
It's very comprehensive. He publishes most of the words for Born To Burn but then says 'that's all of it I can remember!'. Talk Me Up is a great song, very Rats like. Pity the words are not included.
Like the notebook scans. Banana Republic seems to have different, controversial words which were not used.There was a song about a roadie that has words but was never recorded. Even has notes about Menage a Trois.
Wish he had put dates to the lyrics. It's hard to know if some of the words were early Rats, prime unused Rats or when in his solo career certain songs were written.
Also interesting why he chose these 25 songs to write notes on and not certain others. Europe Looked Ugly makes more sense when you realise it was written about some of the former Soviet Bloc countries the Rats toured in the early eighties. But parts of the song relate to Geldof.'they're lucky they can't see my brain...' etc
Also extensive notes about Elephants Graveyard.
The Royal Mail have just delivered the book, CD and vinyl.
Would the lyrics to Talk Me Up be on the anthology? Not looked at /played anything from that for a year or two.
2 geldof songs not in book talk me up which was beside to this is the world calling &let's get b side to I cry too. I wonder why Bob missed these out as they were quite good b sides just curious every other song though on the whole loving this book of lyrics
It's very comprehensive. He publishes most of the words for Born To Burn but then says 'that's all of it I can remember!'. Talk Me Up is a great song, very Rats like. Pity the words are not included.
Like the notebook scans. Banana Republic seems to have different, controversial words which were not used.There was a song about a roadie that has words but was never recorded. Even has notes about Menage a Trois.
Wish he had put dates to the lyrics. It's hard to know if some of the words were early Rats, prime unused Rats or when in his solo career certain songs were written.
Also interesting why he chose these 25 songs to write notes on and not certain others. Europe Looked Ugly makes more sense when you realise it was written about some of the former Soviet Bloc countries the Rats toured in the early eighties. But parts of the song relate to Geldof.'they're lucky they can't see my brain...' etc
Also extensive notes about Elephants Graveyard.
The Royal Mail have just delivered the book, CD and vinyl.
Would the lyrics to Talk Me Up be on the anthology? Not looked at /played anything from that for a year or two.
No. But Dig a Ditch is included, which I really like.
2 geldof songs not in book talk me up which was beside to this is the world calling &let's get b side to I cry too. I wonder why Bob missed these out as they were quite good b sides just curious every other song though on the whole loving this book of lyrics
It's very comprehensive. He publishes most of the words for Born To Burn but then says 'that's all of it I can remember!'. Talk Me Up is a great song, very Rats like. Pity the words are not included.
Like the notebook scans. Banana Republic seems to have different, controversial words which were not used.There was a song about a roadie that has words but was never recorded. Even has notes about Menage a Trois.
Wish he had put dates to the lyrics. It's hard to know if some of the words were early Rats, prime unused Rats or when in his solo career certain songs were written.
Also interesting why he chose these 25 songs to write notes on and not certain others. Europe Looked Ugly makes more sense when you realise it was written about some of the former Soviet Bloc countries the Rats toured in the early eighties. But parts of the song relate to Geldof.'they're lucky they can't see my brain...' etc
Also extensive notes about Elephants Graveyard.
The Royal Mail have just delivered the book, CD and vinyl.
Would the lyrics to Talk Me Up be on the anthology? Not looked at /played anything from that for a year or two.
No they were not on the Geldof CD anthology. But Dig a Ditch is included in Tales of Boomtown, which I really like.
Here is a list of what I think are the 'missing' songs from Tales of Boomtown Glory.
Some of them were written by other members of the band, which is why they aren't in Bob's lyrics book I assume:
Dun Laoghaire
Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight
Sweat For You
Warmest Fire
Another Sad Story (Fingers)
Lucky (Fingers)
Man At The Top (Cott)
Precious Time (Briquette/Crowe)
Sleep (Fingers' Lullaby) (Fingers)
Sunny Afternoon (Ray Davies)
Up + Down (Briquette/Crowe)