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Unfortunately we didn't receive enough of these in our initial delivery to account for what was a late rush of preorders - we've ordered more and are waiting for it to come back in from the supplier. We're told it will be back in later this week - we'll get it sent out to you as soon as it arrives here, and you'll get an automated email to confirm when it has been sent. Sorry for the delay.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Tuesday 17th of March 2020 06:22:01 PM
Some of just 'don't get' Citizens of Boomtown. Still waiting for the tablets to work.
But I like House Music by Jarv Is.
I have pre-ordered Beyond The Pale by Jarv Is. I haven't heard the recorded version, but I have heard most of the songs live and I believe you will like it a lot more than Citizens of Boomtown. I suspect Beyond The Pale will be my favourite new LP this year. Followed by Bowie's Is It Any Wonder. Cue mike's response...
My next want lost is John Foxx and the maths album called Joel out in May whether they still send in current climate I don't know but if it comes I'll be pleased
Some of just 'don't get' Citizens of Boomtown. Still waiting for the tablets to work.
But I like House Music by Jarv Is.
I have pre-ordered Beyond The Pale by Jarv Is. I haven't heard the recorded version, but I have heard most of the songs live and I believe you will like it a lot more than Citizens of Boomtown. I suspect Beyond The Pale will be my favourite new LP this year. Followed by Bowie's Is It Any Wonder. Cue mike's response...
I've been listening to Must I Evolve? also. It's a bit weird but like it, especially line about dropping drugs in the long grass. Like the line from House Music about 'one nation under a roof', great song/vibe.
My vinyl copy finally arrived this morning so I can now play that as well as cd. Great
Gold or Black? Still hoping my gold copy gets delivered, but black arrives on Saturday. Might be worth keeping gold copy unused as they seem to be pretty rare.
Black copy. Gold came Saturday kept it so it is not gonna be played. Just the black version incidentally just rec us version of 1st lp so have all us versions of lips now (apart from citizens ) hope you and your family are well I'm keeping a low profile as I'm housebound most of the time now but have plenty of stuff. To listen to and read. Watch etc
Black copy. Gold came Saturday kept it so it is not gonna be played. Just the black version incidentally just rec us version of 1st lp so have all us versions of lips now (apart from citizens ) hope you and your family are well I'm keeping a low profile as I'm housebound most of the time now but have plenty of stuff. To listen to and read. Watch etc
Thanks - we are all fine & dandy. Mrs. ArrGee is going to be working home from next week though...
I now have the opportunity to read all the books, and watch all the movies and TV box sets that I have not completed down the years due to being distracted by sport, gigs and general going out.
Keep safe.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Wednesday 18th of March 2020 03:14:07 PM
I'm glad your black vinyl came had been playing mine a lot still loving it also playing old stuff also quite a few live cds
Just listened to Cheltenham 1984 just after tonight was released they were in brilliant form