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Singles aside. Pick two tracks from each album to come up with the. Album that would pick up any ear to say I must have this. I know too much time on my hands
This would be my album. In fact I have made up a CD with all the above songs. And not one of them seem out if line all run in perfect with each other. Just don't know if what it would be called
1 I can make it if you can 2kicks 3 can't stop 4 blind date 5 sleep 6 keep it up 7this is my room 8 hurt hurts 9 bitter end 10 skin on skin 11 over and over 12 another sad story 13 she said no 14 sweet thing
1. JOEY'S ON THE STREET. Easy one this as stands out on the album.
2. NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS. A tricky one as a few very close contenders.....KICKS...CLOSE AS YOU'LL EVER BE....NEON HEART all pretty close but NEVER BITE just edges it for its rawness.
3. I NEVER LOVED EVA BRAUN. Love the lyrics and the subject matter....also a great history lesson all rolled into one together with an excellent tune.
4. NORMAL PEOPLE. A real catchy one this and just ahead of BLIND DATE for me.
5. KEEP IT UP. Love the fast pace of this one, and after SOMEONE'S LOOKING AT YOU is probably my next favourite on the album.
6. NOTHING HAPPENED TODAY. For me, the way that the song changes tempo halfway through for a verse does it for me.
7. ANOTHER PIECE OF RED. Most of you will probably disagree having read a few comments about this song but I've loved this song since I first heard it way back in 1980/81. A geography and history lesson for all!!
8. GO MAN GO. Just edges out HURT HURTS. Similar to NOTHING HAPPENED TODAY I love the change in tempo...."Dear Auntie Fifi...."
9. TALKING IN CODE. Always been my favourite from the album.
10. UP ALL NIGHT. Great tune and love singing along to this.
11. ANOTHER SAD STORY. Not heard this one for ages but always been a favourite from the album.
12. I'll be honest and admit that I am not sure which of the following songs was and wasn't a single so I will give you my next favourites in order and you let me know which ones can be included. Firstly A HOLD OF ME, secondly DAVE.
13. K.I.S.S. This song is soooo good in my opinion although I know that some people hate the rapping piece.
14. ROCK N ROLL YE YE. Love the "anthemic" sound of this song. Choosing song 2 was difficult because like the first album there were a few contenders and on another day I might have chosen PASSING THROUGH or HERE'S A POSTCARD.
1. JOEY'S ON THE STREET. Easy one this as stands out on the album.
2. NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS. A tricky one as a few very close contenders.....KICKS...CLOSE AS YOU'LL EVER BE....NEON HEART all pretty close but NEVER BITE just edges it for its rawness.
3. I NEVER LOVED EVA BRAUN. Love the lyrics and the subject matter....also a great history lesson all rolled into one together with an excellent tune.
4. NORMAL PEOPLE. A real catchy one this and just ahead of BLIND DATE for me.
5. KEEP IT UP. Love the fast pace of this one, and after SOMEONE'S LOOKING AT YOU is probably my next favourite on the album.
6. NOTHING HAPPENED TODAY. For me, the way that the song changes tempo halfway through for a verse does it for me.
7. ANOTHER PIECE OF RED. Most of you will probably disagree having read a few comments about this song but I've loved this song since I first heard it way back in 1980/81. A geography and history lesson for all!!
8. GO MAN GO. Just edges out HURT HURTS. Similar to NOTHING HAPPENED TODAY I love the change in tempo...."Dear Auntie Fifi...."
9. TALKING IN CODE. Always been my favourite from the album.
10. UP ALL NIGHT. Great tune and love singing along to this.
11. ANOTHER SAD STORY. Not heard this one for ages but always been a favourite from the album.
12. I'll be honest and admit that I am not sure which of the following songs was and wasn't a single so I will give you my next favourites in order and you let me know which ones can be included. Firstly A HOLD OF ME, secondly DAVE.
13. K.I.S.S. This song is soooo good in my opinion although I know that some people hate the rapping piece.
14. ROCK N ROLL YE YE. Love the "anthemic" sound of this song. Choosing song 2 was difficult because like the first album there were a few contenders and on another day I might have chosen PASSING THROUGH or HERE'S A POSTCARD.
Hi Timbo
You can't have Dave or A Hold of Me as both were singles. 4 singles were released from In the Long Grass, the others being Drag me Down and Tonight.
I'm also a fan of Normal People from Tonic but some regard it as the weakest track on a par with Nothing Happened from Surfacing. I think they're both superb. You did surprise me a bit with Never Bite and Red but it goes to show how all the different songs grab us all slightly differently. Joey though is an easy one with its impressive sax work, brilliant storyline and general delivery.
1. JOEY'S ON THE STREET. Easy one this as stands out on the album.
2. NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS. A tricky one as a few very close contenders.....KICKS...CLOSE AS YOU'LL EVER BE....NEON HEART all pretty close but NEVER BITE just edges it for its rawness.
3. I NEVER LOVED EVA BRAUN. Love the lyrics and the subject matter....also a great history lesson all rolled into one together with an excellent tune.
4. NORMAL PEOPLE. A real catchy one this and just ahead of BLIND DATE for me.
5. KEEP IT UP. Love the fast pace of this one, and after SOMEONE'S LOOKING AT YOU is probably my next favourite on the album.
6. NOTHING HAPPENED TODAY. For me, the way that the song changes tempo halfway through for a verse does it for me.
7. ANOTHER PIECE OF RED. Most of you will probably disagree having read a few comments about this song but I've loved this song since I first heard it way back in 1980/81. A geography and history lesson for all!!
8. GO MAN GO. Just edges out HURT HURTS. Similar to NOTHING HAPPENED TODAY I love the change in tempo...."Dear Auntie Fifi...."
9. TALKING IN CODE. Always been my favourite from the album.
10. UP ALL NIGHT. Great tune and love singing along to this.
11. ANOTHER SAD STORY. Not heard this one for ages but always been a favourite from the album.
12. I'll be honest and admit that I am not sure which of the following songs was and wasn't a single so I will give you my next favourites in order and you let me know which ones can be included. Firstly A HOLD OF ME, secondly DAVE.
13. K.I.S.S. This song is soooo good in my opinion although I know that some people hate the rapping piece.
14. ROCK N ROLL YE YE. Love the "anthemic" sound of this song. Choosing song 2 was difficult because like the first album there were a few contenders and on another day I might have chosen PASSING THROUGH or HERE'S A POSTCARD.
Hi Timbo
You can't have Dave or A Hold of Me as both were singles. 4 singles were released from In the Long Grass, the others being Drag me Down and Tonight.
I'm also a fan of Normal People from Tonic but some regard it as the weakest track on a par with Nothing Happened from Surfacing. I think they're both superb. You did surprise me a bit with Never Bite and Red but it goes to show how all the different songs grab us all slightly differently. Joey though is an easy one with its impressive sax work, brilliant storyline and general delivery.
Totally agree here. For me I tried to stay away from Joey's on the street again. As to me it is a stand out song and I had an idea most would have picked this. Close as you'll ever be. Love this song. Have to say it's fantastic live. Check it out on the 12 ins single of Dave. Yes it is hard. But I was trying to pick song that don't normally appear here. Was just to get an Idea of the choice of album tracks. Then see which big the obvious ones that pop up.
Regarding In the Long Grass, I had a feeling that both were singles but I was really struggling on this LP. For me it 's the weakest album....although I do like most of the singles but obviously cant choose them....and funny enough as they appear to have released 4 singles then it doesn't leave a lot left. I can't really come up with an alternative offhand so will have another listen....totally agree with CLOSE AS YOU'LL EVER BE coming alive when they play this song live...sorry about the pun. I had never really been keen on it until I saw the Rats live for the first time at Brunel University in December 1982...great concert and this was the most memorable song simply because it sounded so much better live.
Regarding In the Long Grass, I had a feeling that both were singles but I was really struggling on this LP. For me it 's the weakest album....although I do like most of the singles but obviously cant choose them....and funny enough as they appear to have released 4 singles then it doesn't leave a lot left. I can't really come up with an alternative offhand so will have another listen....totally agree with CLOSE AS YOU'LL EVER BE coming alive when they play this song live...sorry about the pun. I had never really been keen on it until I saw the Rats live for the first time at Brunel University in December 1982...great concert and this was the most memorable song simply because it sounded so much better live.
As a rat's fan. The only disappointing thing (for me anyway) regards ITLG. Was the fact 6 songs came of this album. 4 being A sides and two of them ending up as B sides. Leaving just 4 songs on the album for rat fans to inbrase. It's as well it was only £3.99 when it came out.