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Really. I thought that both singles sold over s million copies each? Same with Banna Republic I was always aware of this also had sold over a million copies. But only got to number 3 ?
Really. I thought that both singles sold over s million copies each? Same with Banna Republic I was always aware of this also had sold over a million copies. But only got to number 3 ?
I ignore some of the old chart info from1970s/80s etc as I think they were not as accurate stay made out (working on retail) banana sold more at the shop I worked at than theno1&2 put together so I don't take lot of stuff and Mondays inb79 sold a lot more than other so called bestsellers also fave ad we now what happened there
Should say Dave pic disc (incidentally they counted pic disc I old Roxanne in its sales when it charted so double standards ) I would put rat trap in top 10 and Mondays in top 10 but that's just me
What I meant to say was pic disc of Roxanne by police was counted to its chart position (12) at the time as the a&m to who used to come to the store as a by loose with his comments etc and let slip a few chart related short cuts etc never took much notice they also ha a list of what to push more than others singles wise but that's another story
What I meant to say was pic disc of Roxanne by police was counted to its chart position (12) at the time as the a&m to who used to come to the store as a by loose with his comments etc and let slip a few chart related short cuts etc never took much notice they also ha a list of what to push more than others singles wise but that's another story
I recall Banana Republic was very popular and was even being touted as a possible Christmas no. 1 but it suddenly slipped back from no. 3. Beacon Radio in Wolverhampton played it a lot at the time. A great first single off Mondo Bongo.
Really. I thought that both singles sold over s million copies each? Same with Banna Republic I was always aware of this also had sold over a million copies. But only got to number 3 ?
OK, I would prefer Rat Trap make the top 100, but realistically Mondays will. Maybe not quite top 30, but should be in top 100.
Hoping the likes of Ghost Town, Come On Eileen and Blockbuster place high as well. I suspect Bohemian Rhapsody will be #1.
Don't think Mondays will be that high unfortunately. However, hope the 3 songs mentioned get good placings Just watched a You Tube video on Eileen and the development of Dexys. An early version of the song was called Yes, Let's! Worth searching for the latter and listening to it, although quality not great. And yes, Bo Rap will be number one. Sincerely hope Everything I do etc is not placed despite 16 weeks at number one in the early 90s
Sincerely hope Everything I do etc is not placed despite 16 weeks at number one in the early 90s
Could be Love is All Around. 15 weeks.
Or Drake's One Dance, also 15 weeks at number one, four years ago. No, me neither.
I suspect that whilst the first 20 years of the current century account for around 30% of the total review period, we will not see 30 singles from 2000 to today in the 100. Suspect a heavier presence of 60s, 70s and 80s songs.
manatthetop wrote: Must be Bob bull****ing again. As I'm near sure he was the one that said it?
Don't believe what you read. Nor what Geldof says.
As I got older. I never did listen to Geldof. As I realized he is abit of a bullsh?ter. I remember he once said that some of his solo albums sold more than some rats albums. ( Didn't say which ones?) But no evidence of this what so ever. Unless he's talking about V.Deep or ITLG. But the only album of his to do well it get into the album charts are Deep in the heart of nowhere. And The vegetarians of love. And what came out of both album. This is the world calling. Getting to the high of 24. And his only top 20 solo single to the high of 15. That's Geldofs claim to fame as a solo artists. His other albums flopped.
I like listening to Geldof, he is always interesting. He does have a tendency to exaggerate and embellish the humdrum and mundane to talk tall. The joke about the Germans thinking it is all about them works better if the song did reach #1. Which it didnt. And Fingers being in the dole queue wearing pyjamas is probably far more interesting than what actually happened.
100 per cent. I agree. He is a great talker and draws you in. That's what I like about him. If you have ever been to one of the Dublin gigs. He knows and the Dublin crowed knows he can't bullsh?t them. He middle class . Not working class always was. But like John Lennon. He tried to make out he was poor or came from a poor family. This was not the case
Amazed that I Will Survive is only #84. And Killer is only #87. Also wonder if Elton John gets a second entry with Don't Go Breaking My Heart as it was with Kiki Dee.
Must admit I haven't ever heard half a dozen of them.
Amazed that I Will Survive is only #84. And Killer is only #87. Also wonder if Elton John gets a second entry with Don't Go Breaking My Heart as it was with Kiki Dee.
Must admit I haven't ever heard half a dozen of them.
Strange selections. Surprisingly 8 out of 20 so far are this century songs which is 40%, whereas should be proportionately 30%.
Amazed that I Will Survive is only #84. And Killer is only #87. Also wonder if Elton John gets a second entry with Don't Go Breaking My Heart as it was with Kiki Dee.
Must admit I haven't ever heard half a dozen of them.
Strange selections. Surprisingly 8 out of 20 so far are this century songs which is 40%, whereas should be proportionately 30%.
Not sure the Rats will appear at this rate. Only 3 of the first 20 are deserving in my opinion. Which leaves very few slots up for grabs for decent songs. Believe by Cher at #83 is unbelievable as is Bieber at #90. When this is done, I'm gonna put my top 100 up.
Amazed that I Will Survive is only #84. And Killer is only #87. Also wonder if Elton John gets a second entry with Don't Go Breaking My Heart as it was with Kiki Dee.
Must admit I haven't ever heard half a dozen of them.
Strange selections. Surprisingly 8 out of 20 so far are this century songs which is 40%, whereas should be proportionately 30%.
Not sure the Rats will appear at this rate. Only 3 of the first 20 are deserving in my opinion. Which leaves very few slots up for grabs for decent songs. Believe by Cher at #83 is unbelievable as is Bieber at #90. When this is done, I'm gonna put my top 100 up.
I would agree. The latest unveiling is no better. Number 80 is 3 minutes of Dave or Fredo (?) rapping inanely about guns, drugs and women with the N word used frequently but thats ok in the circumstances, if you get me. When Elvis Costello sings it on Olivers Army, it is becoming obligatory for the same word to be silenced. These things are black and white.
I am over 50 so it is correct that I am appalled at some of the choices here.
Amazed that I Will Survive is only #84. And Killer is only #87. Also wonder if Elton John gets a second entry with Don't Go Breaking My Heart as it was with Kiki Dee.
Must admit I haven't ever heard half a dozen of them.
Amazed that I Will Survive is only #84. And Killer is only #87. Also wonder if Elton John gets a second entry with Don't Go Breaking My Heart as it was with Kiki Dee.
Must admit I haven't ever heard half a dozen of them.
Or a third with 1990s Sacrifice / Healing Hands?
Only one per artist, but I suspect the duo with Kiki Dee would count as a different artist.
The 30 so far are dogsh!te overall. Only 5 are deserving. And not sure any of them would make my top 100.
Amazed that I Will Survive is only #84. And Killer is only #87. Also wonder if Elton John gets a second entry with Don't Go Breaking My Heart as it was with Kiki Dee.
Must admit I haven't ever heard half a dozen of them.
Or a third with 1990s Sacrifice / Healing Hands?
Only one per artist, but I suspect the duo with Kiki Dee would count as a different artist.
The 30 so far are dogsh!te overall. Only 5 are deserving. And not sure any of them would make my top 100.
Forgot the one per artist rule. Sacrifice is a better song. I'm finding just 4 or 5 are worthy. Just had a listen to Drake's One Dance in case I've missed out on a classic. Spent 15 weeks at number one in 2016.
Surprised it managed 15 minutes tbh. And that's a quarter of an hour too long probably
Forgot the one per artist rule. Sacrifice is a better song. I'm finding just 4 or 5 are worthy. Just had a listen to Drake's One Dance in case I've missed out on a classic. Spent 15 weeks at number one in 2016.
Surprised it managed 15 minutes tbh. And that's a quarter of an hour too long probably
Sacrifice would struggle to make an Elton top 100. He has plenty of better songs.
in the meantime I have narrowed down the 1,400 #1s to 200. Pretty easy as most are garbage. Amazing how many covers (especially pi$$ poor ones, sorry Captain Tom) made it to #1. Heroes and Perfect Day would be in my top 100 if it was the originals. Ironic that the original Heroes didnt make top 20. Perfect Day was not released as a single by Lou Reed.
Forgot the one per artist rule. Sacrifice is a better song. I'm finding just 4 or 5 are worthy. Just had a listen to Drake's One Dance in case I've missed out on a classic. Spent 15 weeks at number one in 2016.
Surprised it managed 15 minutes tbh. And that's a quarter of an hour too long probably
Sacrifice would struggle to make an Elton top 100. He has plenty of better songs.
He does. But Sacrifice is still very good and what I feel are the even better songs could not qualify as they didn't get to number one. The likes of Rocket Man, Daniel, Goodbye Yellow, Your Song, Benny, Im Still Standing and Can You Feel The Love Tonight never made it. Might Candle in the Wind 1997 feature?
seems like The Rats are anticipated by a couple of the comments...
"Over forty minutes into the first half and the Germans are leading the Republic of Ireland 2-1. Is there an upset on the cards here, Jeff?
Yes, I don't think anyone was expecting that here today, Clive. Thing is, though, the Irish have Bono on the bench and he's usually good for one. It's a pity Kevin Rowland never declared for the Boys in Green."
"Dont forget you have Dana and Johnny Logan to look forward to. Bound to be in the top ten the pair of them. Oh and the Boomtown Rats to score a brace in extra time."
"...we have Sir Bob to call on as well, with Rat Trap being my preferred option over I Don't Like Mondays, partly due to the Grease-referenced TOTP performance "
And disappointment at Dexy's low ranking..
"Come on Eileen should be Top Ten in this list.
One of the best songs ever written and performed!
An extraordinary 5 minute music achievement and composition style rarely successfully emulated.
A joyous pop-rock-folk-soul song that stands the test of time. Cheers to hopefully more joyousness in the coming months."
61-70 are better; maybe 6 or 7 somewhat worthy of being in a top 100 (even if not mine). 99 Red Balloons (#64) is NOT better than Come On Eileen.
Agree with this. Come on Eileen was so different, brave and with the benefit of hindsight, timeless. No evening wedding do is complete without it. Top 20 minimum. Think the Rats will be placed well. Glad my placings were wrong.
Dont know that got in! I was mostly eliminating. Needless to say it wont be in my top 100.
Hard to believe that this song kept Vienna of the number one spot.
Robson & Jerome keeping Pulps Common People off top spot was a bigger injustice. The number of insipid cover songs that make #1 is unbelievable. Also for some acts it beggars belief that their #1 songs are not necessarily their finest moment. Elton John notably, but Roxy Music as well. U2 also have better songs than their #1s. At least with The Rats, their brace are among their best. Ditto The Specials and Dexys.
Another strange phenomena is having #1s either solo or with another act when they are better known for their main act. Shaun Ryder, Midge Ure, Feargal Sharkey and Captain Sensible are examples of that.
PS I seemed to have missed out Tainted Love by Soft Cell. Another cover, but a decent one.
'Is there something I should know' is a fairly decent track from Duran Duran but they too had better songs which didn't hit the top. Rio, Hungry like the Wolf and Girls on Film spring to mind. I had forgotten how good some of the number ones from 1990 and 1991 were. Ultravox and Pulp were cruelly robbed of the number ones they deserved, particularly Pulp. Common People and Disco 2000 are amongst their finest moments, anthemic classics which pop up like Eileen at that wedding do. In fact, Different Class is entirely that and was one of the few musical high points for me post 1992, with Pulp, Blur and Oasis setting 1995 on fire. I Spy from DC is brilliant - talk about sleeping with the enemy! What was remarkable is that it took over a decade and a half for Pulp to really crack it, meaning their origin was around the peak of the Rats!
'Is there something I should know' is a fairly decent track from Duran Duran but they too had better songs which didn't hit the top. Rio, Hungry like the Wolf and Girls on Film spring to mind. I had forgotten how good some of the number ones from 1990 and 1991 were. Ultravox and Pulp were cruelly robbed of the number ones they deserved, particularly Pulp. Common People and Disco 2000 are amongst their finest moments, anthemic classics which pop up like Eileen at that wedding do. In fact, Different Class is entirely that and was one of the few musical high points for me post 1992, with Pulp, Blur and Oasis setting 1995 on fire. I Spy from DC is brilliant - talk about sleeping with the enemy! What was remarkable is that it took over a decade and a half for Pulp to really crack it, meaning their origin was around the peak of the Rats!
Disco 2000 only made #7, so hardly robbed Sorted for Es and Wizz/Mis-shapes was cruelly thwarted by Mick Hucknall. Of course if you listen to what Pulp did in the 1980s, its not too surprising it took them a decade to crack it. Little Girl with Blue Eyes was a great single, but was never going to be a hit with lyrics like There's a hole in your heart and one between your legs, you never had to wonder which one he's going to fill"
Agree that Duran Duran had better. Planet Earth and My Own Way in particular.
'Is there something I should know' is a fairly decent track from Duran Duran but they too had better songs which didn't hit the top. Rio, Hungry like the Wolf and Girls on Film spring to mind. I had forgotten how good some of the number ones from 1990 and 1991 were. Ultravox and Pulp were cruelly robbed of the number ones they deserved, particularly Pulp. Common People and Disco 2000 are amongst their finest moments, anthemic classics which pop up like Eileen at that wedding do. In fact, Different Class is entirely that and was one of the few musical high points for me post 1992, with Pulp, Blur and Oasis setting 1995 on fire. I Spy from DC is brilliant - talk about sleeping with the enemy! What was remarkable is that it took over a decade and a half for Pulp to really crack it, meaning their origin was around the peak of the Rats!
Disco 2000 only made #7, so hardly robbed Sorted for Es and Wizz/Mis-shapes was cruelly thwarted by Mick Hucknall. Of course if you listen to what Pulp did in the 1980s, its not too surprising it took them a decade to crack it. Little Girl with Blue Eyes was a great single, but was never going to be a hit with lyrics like There's a hole in your heart and one between your legs, you never had to wonder which one he's going to fill"
Agree that Duran Duran had better. Planet Earth and My Own Way in particular.
Would only use 'robbed' in relation to Common People. Of the four singles, Sorted was the one I liked least, although still good. I rate Common People and Disco 2000 equally. They both sound anthemic to me and a class apart. I also liked Bad Cover Version very much which I think was years later, but I recall did a 'Guilty' and surprised me it ended up as a modest top 30 hit only. Agree their 80s output makes their very slow commercial success only notable rather than surprising.
Planet Earth is another great Duran Duran track. A very catchy debut single. The Reflex deservedly hit the top, probably more so than ITSISK.
Some great tracks from the Who over the years, particularly like their latest album.
They deserve to be compared to some of these absurd placings.
Jack Your Body was appalling then and is now. To say as 'a signal of a vast shift in the way pop music sounded its unbeatable' is like saying Jeremy Corbyn vastly shifting Labour to the hard left made them unbeatable. I think not. Position 1349 for me.
Agree. The UK charts can be a strange one. But that's what makes it different. As any song could have gotten to number one. A song on out in the 80s. Called. Jack and Diane. By John Mellencamp. Now me being me through this song's has number one writin all over it. But it didn't even chart. But who am I. Only a wee boomtown rats fan.
36 David Bowie Lets Dance (1983)
This is amazing as Space Oddity and Ashes to Ashes are far superior.
37 Slade Merry Xmas Everybody (1973)
Again, Cmon Feel the Noize is a far better Slade #1. No doubt a great festive song, but not their best #1.
34 Rod Stewart Da Ya Think Im Sexy? (1978)
And this is pretty piss poor. Quite apart from this pile of sh!te knocking the Rats off #1, Maggie May is far better
Agree with the above. I think even China Girl is better than Let's Dance. Beginning to think anti-Rats journalism is coming to the fore and Rats may be left out of the entire 100.
Agree with the above. I think even China Girl is better than Let's Dance. Beginning to think anti-Rats journalism is coming to the fore and Rats may be left out of the entire 100.
I don't expect The Rats to make the top 30 given what has gone so far.
Still have The Beatles & The Stones to appear. Suspect Cliff, Madonna, Oasis, Blur, Abba, Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, U2, Police, Bee Gees, and T. Rex. Westlife will probably appear.
Ghost Town has to be there. Blockbuster should be as well. Another Brick in the Wall a shoo in.
Throw in 2 or 3 more recent artists and there are probably only around 10 spots up for grabs.
Agree with this analysis with regret. Thought Rat Trap would be there as first new wave, Irish group to top etc. These lists are just journos opining with considerable personal bias inescapably mixed in. Sometimes, it works 'in our favour' with Geldof the 8th best showman etc and sometimes the usual lack of consideration for the Rats achievements either accidentally or purposefully pertains.
I take no money of their polls I know the rats are up there with the best (it still annoys me that they never get recognition they deserved among their peers ) th ed y are vastly underrated but still the best band
Agree with this analysis with regret. Thought Rat Trap would be there as first new wave, Irish group to top etc. These lists are just journos opining with considerable personal bias inescapably mixed in. Sometimes, it works 'in our favour' with Geldof the 8th best showman etc and sometimes the usual lack of consideration for the Rats achievements either accidentally or purposefully pertains.
Many reasons why either one of the two should make the list, but the main reason one of them should is they are most definitely in the top 100 #1s. Had this being the Telegraph, Neil McCormick would have the Rats in the top 10 and U2 @ #1.
I can't list 100 #1s that are better. Especially if D'ya think I'm Sexy is #34.
FWIW I think The Rats, Dexy's and The Specials are the only groups that had two near perfect #1s and no other chart toppers. Quality rather than quantity
Agree with this analysis with regret. Thought Rat Trap would be there as first new wave, Irish group to top etc. These lists are just journos opining with considerable personal bias inescapably mixed in. Sometimes, it works 'in our favour' with Geldof the 8th best showman etc and sometimes the usual lack of consideration for the Rats achievements either accidentally or purposefully pertains.
Many reasons why either one of the two should make the list, but the main reason one of them should is they are most definitely in the top 100 #1s. Had this being the Telegraph, Neil McCormick would have the Rats in the top 10 and U2 @ #1.
.. and he would have been right on the Rats but not U2. Despite the geographical origins being almost identical, I never got U2 like the Rats.
Agree with this analysis with regret. Thought Rat Trap would be there as first new wave, Irish group to top etc. These lists are just journos opining with considerable personal bias inescapably mixed in. Sometimes, it works 'in our favour' with Geldof the 8th best showman etc and sometimes the usual lack of consideration for the Rats achievements either accidentally or purposefully pertains.
Many reasons why either one of the two should make the list, but the main reason one of them should is they are most definitely in the top 100 #1s. Had this being the Telegraph, Neil McCormick would have the Rats in the top 10 and U2 @ #1.
.. and he would have been right on the Rats but not U2. Despite the geographical origins being almost identical, I never got U2 like the Rats.
I think its mainly because McCormick went to school with them and they are good mates.
Agree with the above. I think even China Girl is better than Let's Dance. Beginning to think anti-Rats journalism is coming to the fore and Rats may be left out of the entire 100.
Agree with you here. Loved China Girl. Regards U2 never really got an them. I do have the Joshua tree album. But that's as far as it goes. Regards Irish bands. A wee one doing the rounds are a band called picture this. Not bad. Also loved a band called. The Thrills. The album Teenager is fuc? ING great. If none of you have heard this album. Give it a go. Every song is class
Agree with the above. I think even China Girl is better than Let's Dance. Beginning to think anti-Rats journalism is coming to the fore and Rats may be left out of the entire 100.
Agree with you here. Loved China Girl. Regards U2 never really got an them. I do have the Joshua tree album. But that's as far as it goes. Regards Irish bands. A wee one doing the rounds are a band called picture this. Not bad. Also loved a band called. The Thrills. The album Teenager is fuc? ING great. If none of you have heard this album. Give it a go. Every song is class
I liked One Horse Town by The Thrills, but as time went on they weren't so good. Second album was pretty poor. That written had a good time at their post gig party at The Astoria.
Best Irish band right now is Fontaines DC. Dogrel is a great album though it does take a listen or two to get into. Best tracks - Big, Too Real, Hurricane Laughter.
Agree with this analysis with regret. Thought Rat Trap would be there as first new wave, Irish group to top etc. These lists are just journos opining with considerable personal bias inescapably mixed in. Sometimes, it works 'in our favour' with Geldof the 8th best showman etc and sometimes the usual lack of consideration for the Rats achievements either accidentally or purposefully pertains.
Many reasons why either one of the two should make the list, but the main reason one of them should is they are most definitely in the top 100 #1s. Had this being the Telegraph, Neil McCormick would have the Rats in the top 10 and U2 @ #1.
.. and he would have been right on the Rats but not U2. Despite the geographical origins being almost identical, I never got U2 like the Rats.
I think its mainly because McCormick went to school with them and they are good mates.
With The Beatles to appear along with Cliff, Oasis, Blur, Abba, Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, U2, Police and Westlife.
Ghost Town has to be there. Blockbuster should be as well. Another Brick in the Wall a shoo in. Wuthering Heights as well. And a Grease song.
Can the Rats squeeze in?
Pushing your luck here. It does say in the documentary that it was believe it not for 18 months the rats were the biggest thing going in the UK
It depends if the Guardian elite acknowledge this and the ground- breaking video for Mondays. Then there may be a slim chance they're in there somewhere, but number one of all the number ones is for the birds I'm sorry to say.
Pushing your luck here. It does say in the documentary that it was believe it not for 18 months the rats were the biggest thing going in the UK
It depends if the Guardian elite acknowledge this and the ground- breaking video for Mondays. Then there may be a slim chance they're in there somewhere, but number one of all the number ones is for the birds I'm sorry to say.
It does say in the documentary that it was believe it not for 18 months the rats were the biggest thing going in the UK
The 18 month period being?
Maybe from November 1978 - August 1979 they were, but with Surfacing only getting to #7 in the LP chart and Diamond Smiles not making top 10, it was no longer than 10 months. The Police were bigger than The Rats towards the end of 1979 with 2 #1 singles and a #1 LP. Arguably Gary Numan as well with similar. And Blondie (not a UK band, but neither are The Rats) trumped them all. 5 #1 singles + 2 #1 LP.
From the 1 st single. The rats had laid the groundwork in 76. ATFTT stayed in the chart's for 44 week's. I'm my opinion as good as Monday's was. I think this song killed the rats.
In my opinion as good as Monday's was. I think this song killed the rats.
I think there were other factors like the media surrounding Geldof and Yates. Also in 1979, there were a lot more alternative bands with Specials, Gary Numan, The Police, Madness, Squeeze, Elvis Costello, The Jam and The Clash having bigger hits whereas prior to that there was only The Rats, The Stranglers and Blondie making top 10 on a regular basis.
In my opinion as good as Monday's was. I think this song killed the rats.
I think there were other factors like the media surrounding Geldof and Yates. Also in 1979, there were a lot more alternative bands with Specials, Gary Numan, The Police, Madness, Squeeze, Elvis Costello, The Jam and The Clash having bigger hits whereas prior to that there was only The Rats, The Stranglers and Blondie making top 10 on a regular basis.
Rats were only in top 10 for 7 weeks in 1979 with one song...
-- Edited by ArrGee on Friday 15th of May 2020 07:11:15 PM
You could be right here. But the rat's had a good run up until Monday's. Then Diamond smiles didn't make the top 10. Someone's looking at you did do well. Banna Republic the last big hit. I know Mondo bongo did better chart wise than TFAOS. But I don't think it sold as many copies?. After that the writing was on the wall. Plus as you pointed out afew other factors came into play. I remember back in the day. The papers said really some bad stuff. About the band. But this was to do more with Bob's mouthful and he couldn't help himself. ,( Think this is the real reason Cott left). He seen the writing on the wall. For me ITLG was s lost album. And that's a pity. Cos it's really good. When you think back and seen what was around then. Makes you wonder. But by that stage Band aid took over and that ended the rat's for sure. The rest is history. As they say.
With The Beatles to appear along with Cliff, Oasis, Blur, Abba, Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, U2, Police and Westlife. Ghost Town has to be there. Blockbuster should be as well. Another Brick in the Wall a shoo in. Wuthering Heights as well. And a Grease song. Can the Rats squeeze in?
13 to go. And according to my analysis, 15 acts to squeeze in. Distinct lack of Irish representation. Just Enya!
With The Beatles to appear along with Cliff, Oasis, Blur, Abba, Ed Sheeran, Michael Jackson, U2, Police and Westlife. Ghost Town has to be there. Blockbuster should be as well. Another Brick in the Wall a shoo in. And a Grease song. Can the Rats squeeze in?
13 to go. And according to my analysis, 15 acts to squeeze in.
Only 7 places left. There are going to be some great #1s not on the list. And some big acts excluded.
100 Bill Haley and His Comets Rock Around the Clock (1955) 99 Lorde Royals (2013) 98 Lieutenant Pigeon Mouldy Old Dough (1972) 97 Dave and Ansell Collins Double Barrel (1971) 96 Roy Orbison Its Over (1964) 95 The Buggles Video Killed the Radio Star (1979) 94 Dua Lipa New Rules (2017) 93 Del Shannon Runaway (1961) 92 Nancy Sinatra These Boots Are Made for Walkin (1966) 91 Whigfield Saturday Night (1994) 90 Justin Bieber What Do You Mean? (2015) 89 Sugababes Freak Like Me (2002) 88 Craig David 7 Days (2000) 87 Adamski Killer (feat Seal) (1990) 86 The Tornados Telstar (1962) 85 Estelle American Boy (feat Kanye West) (2008) 84 Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive (1979) 83 Cher Believe (1998) 82 Robyn With Every Heartbeat (feat Kleerup) (2007) 81 Elton John Are You Ready for Love? (2003) 80 Dave Funky Friday (feat Fredo) (2018) 79 Jackie Trent Where Are You Now (My Love) (1965) 78 Thunderclap Newman Something in the Air (1969) 77 Enya Orinoco Flow (1988) 76 Baby D Let Me Be Your Fantasy (1994) 75 Procol Harum A Whiter Shade of Pale (1967) 74 Will Young Leave Right Now (2003) 73 Chicago If You Leave Me Now (1976) 72 Rage Against the Machine Killing in the Name (2009) 71 Spice Girls Wannabe (1996) 70 Rui Da Silva Touch Me (feat Cassandra) (2001) 69 Snap! Rhythm Is a Dancer (1992) 68 Dexys Midnight Runners Come on Eileen (1982) 67 Black Box Ride on Time (1989) 66 Eminem Stan (feat Dido) (2000) 65 Kraftwerk The Model (1982) 64 Nena 99 Red Balloons (1984) 63 Steve Harley and ****ney Rebel Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me) (1975) 62 Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock (1958) 61 Arctic Monkeys I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor (2005) 60 Ariana Grande Thank U, Next (2018) 59 The Walker Brothers Make It Easy on Yourself (1965) 58 Rihanna Umbrella (feat Jay-Z) (2007) 57 10cc Im Not in Love (1975) 56 Aaliyah More Than a Woman (2002) 55 Daft Punk Get Lucky (feat Pharrell Williams) (2013) 54 tATu All the Things She Said (2003) 53 Take That Back for Good (1995) 52 Soft Cell Tainted Love (1981) 51 S-Express Theme from S-Express (1988) 50 Steve Silk Hurley Jack Your Body (1987) 49 Chemical Brothers Setting Sun (feat Noel Gallagher) (1996) 48 So Solid Crew 21 Seconds (2001) 47 Suzi Quatro Can the Can (1973) 46 Queen Bohemian Rhapsody (1975) 45 Simon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water (1970) 44 Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up (1987) 43 Tubeway Army Are Friends Electric? (1979) 42 Lady Gaga Bad Romance (2009) 41 East 17 Stay Another Day (1994) 40 The Four Tops Reach Out (Ill Be There) (1966) 39 The Jam Going Underground (1980) 38 Blondie Heart of Glass (1979) 37 Slade Merry Xmas Everybody (1973) 36 David Bowie Lets Dance (1983) 35 The Pretenders Brass in Pocket (1980) 34 Rod Stewart Da Ya Think Im Sexy? (1978) 33 Tom Jones Its Not Unusual (1965) 32 Britney Spears Baby One More Time (1999) 31 Althea and Donna Uptown Top Ranking (1977) 30 Madonna Vogue (1990) 29 Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance With Somebody (1987) 28 The Kinks You Really Got Me (1964) 27 George Michael Careless Whisper (1984) 26 The Rolling Stones (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction (1965) 25 Bee Gees Night Fever (1978) 24 Freda Payne Band of Gold (1970) 23 The KLF 3am Eternal (1991) 22 George McCrae Rock Your Baby (1974) 21 T Rex Get It On (1971) 20 Carly Rae Jepsen Call Me Maybe (2012) 19 Lil Nas X Old Town Road (remix feat Billy Ray Cyrus) (2019) 18 Ian Dury & the Blockheads Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick (1979) 17 Kylie Minogue Cant Get You Out of My Head (2001) 16 Beyoncé Crazy in Love (2003) 15 Jerry Lee Lewis Great Balls of Fire (1957) 14 Kate Bush Wuthering Heights (1978) 13 Frankie Goes to Hollywood Relax (1984) 12 Sinéad OConnor Nothing Compares 2 U (1990) 11 The Beach Boys Good Vibrations (1966) 10 Marvin Gaye Heard It Through the Grapevine (1968) 9 Abba Dancing Queen (1976) 8 The Prodigy Firestarter (1996) 7 The Human League Dont You Want Me (1981) 6 Michael Jackson Billie Jean (1983) 5 Dead or Alive You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) (1984) 4 Donna Summer I Feel Love (1977) 3 The Beatles She Loves You (1963)
That is about right I was watching a 70s music programme on my rigour did not just of 78& then 79 no mention of rat trap or Mondays but played artists who had 1single limping into 59020 in convinced that they have a problem with th days and I don't know why but there you go should say top hits top20 (spellchecker again) and should say tivo box