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4 Rats songs uploaded by this lot with a familiar live version of Talking in Code, usual single version of the Elephants Graveyard and a version of this Ive not heard before. I also think the 4th upload, Wind Chill Factor is slightly different.
Are these minor variations in the mixes for US market or something else?
Not sure if there was a different US version but I like this mix and had not heard it before. Pity it cuts off before the song ends. Prominent backing vocals from Simon and generally a 'straighter' rock take and less of a calypso 'feel'. Hopefully someone might be able to throw some light on the provenance of this .
Wind Chill Factor seems much more like the version on Surfacing, and again it cuts off before the end.
4 Rats songs uploaded by this lot with a familiar live version of Talking in Code, usual single version of the Elephants Graveyard and a version of this Ive not heard before. I also think the 4th upload, Wind Chill Factor is slightly different.
Are these minor variations in the mixes for US market or something else?
Sounds like a demo or an early take pre-Mutt Lange. Wonder where that came from...
Goes to show whats out there, even us obsessive dont know about. Two tracks from albums two and three, which were either not the finished article or alternate versions. There must be loads out there.
Have clicked on Wind Chill again and I am convinced this now links to the usual album version. When I listened earlier, it was definitely an alternate version like Living in an Island, but not substantially so.
Sounds like a demo or an early take pre-Mutt Lange. Wonder where that came from...
Goes to show whats out there, even us obsessive dont know about. Two tracks from albums two and three, which were either not the finished article or alternate versions. There must be loads out there.
There are the Wainman produced Surfacing tracks and the Godley & Creme V Deep tracks (though they claim they are the versions on the LP). Also another Dudgeon track.
Also the demos they used touting themselves to Virgin, Ensign et al along with At Home & Away.
However my understanding is there isn't much that hasn't been released.
Sounds like a demo or an early take pre-Mutt Lange. Wonder where that came from...
Goes to show whats out there, even us obsessive dont know about. Two tracks from albums two and three, which were either not the finished article or alternate versions. There must be loads out there.
There are the Wainman produced Surfacing tracks and the Godley & Creme V Deep tracks (though they claim they are the versions on the LP). Also another Dudgeon track.
Also the demos they used touting themselves to Virgin, Ensign et al along with At Home & Away.
However my understanding is there isn't much that hasn't been released.
Dudgeon Sessions was Late Last Night, Joey and Mondays. Was there another track?
Haven't heard it but the Paradiso, Amsterdam tape lists two songs I Wanna Know and 20 Century. Possibility titles are incomplete. Neither are on the Home and Away tape so wonder what these songs are? Hope to track this down something. Donations always welcome.
A Dutch guy on FB stated that the Rats did a live radio show in 77/78 in Amsterdam and he recorded it so might ask him for more info.
-- Edited by Noel on Tuesday 9th of June 2020 09:11:53 PM
Must be Never Bite The Hand That Feeds? That link is dead and has been for some time. But I did manage to download Ludwigshaven 1981 and Sc_unthorpe 1985 and Hammersmith 1982 from 101 Guitars whose links generally work. These live bootlegs are keeping me interested much more than the cobblers album.
Dudgeon Sessions was Late Last Night, Joey and Mondays. Was there another track?
According to the person who sent me the tracks there was. Yes, I wanna know is Never Bite The Hand That Feeds. Had to reply quick, something urgent popped up...
... will have a look for the Hans mp3. I have it, but have to delve into the archive...
-- Edited by ArrGee on Tuesday 9th of June 2020 10:40:34 PM