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The culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, says it is likely to be November at the earliest before theatres are given a target date for reopening without social distancing.
The culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, says it is likely to be November at the earliest before theatres are given a target date for reopening without social distancing.
The culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, says it is likely to be November at the earliest before theatres are given a target date for reopening without social distancing.
No surprise there
The odd thing is that The Rats haven't been cancelled nor postponed (yet). Kim Wilde, Sting and Dionne Warwick who were all due to play at the same time have postponed.
If it does get postponed again, I will hang onto ticket. Looking back I should have gone to Minehead...
Incredibly Van Morrison on 23rd/24th September is still listed. He will be 75 when he plays those gigs. Seven years older than Geldof!
Listed by new performance date
Old Date
New Date
Van Morrison
The London Palladium
Thu 26 March
Zeppelin Symphonic The Music of Led Zeppelin a Rock Celebration
The London Palladium
Sat 18 April
The Boomtown Rats
The London Palladium
Fri 1 May
Welcome to Night Vale
The London Palladium
Sat 2 May
An Audience with Arsène Wenger OBE and David Dein MBE
Now BoJo has decided no more than 6 people can gather together, no chance of anyone seeing The Rats unless they sack Darren and Alan so a couple of us can attend!
Dont understand how pubs and restaurants can stay open and have who knows how many inside, but I cant invite my sister and family around for drinks in the garden. Maybe we can baptise the kids. Again!
Any gathering of more than six people in England will be illegal from Monday Sep 14th, unless it meets one of a limited list of exemptions
This applies to gatherings both indoors and outdoors
The new rule does not apply to households or bubbles of more than six, or gatherings for work or education
Weddings, funerals, and organised team sports carried out in a Covid-secure way are also exempt
People will at first be fined £100, but this will double on each further repeat offence up to £3,200
No longer voluntary, pubs, restaurants and other hospitality businesses must now legally collect customers' details to aid with contact tracing.
Covid-secure 'marshalls' will be hired to monitor rules are being followed
Provisional plan to reopen stadiums and conference halls on Oct 1 will now be reviewed
Now BoJo has decided no more than 6 people can gather together, no chance of anyone seeing The Rats unless they sack Darren and Alan so a couple of us can attend!
Dont understand how pubs and restaurants can stay open and have who knows how many inside, but I cant invite my sister and family around for drinks in the garden. Maybe we can baptise the kids. Again!
Any gathering of more than six people in England will be illegal from Monday Sep 14th, unless it meets one of a limited list of exemptions
This applies to gatherings both indoors and outdoors
The new rule does not apply to households or bubbles of more than six, or gatherings for work or education
Weddings, funerals, and organised team sports carried out in a Covid-secure way are also exempt
People will at first be fined £100, but this will double on each further repeat offence up to £3,200
No longer voluntary, pubs, restaurants and other hospitality businesses must now legally collect customers' details to aid with contact tracing.
Covid-secure 'marshalls' will be hired to monitor rules are being followed
Provisional plan to reopen stadiums and conference halls on Oct 1 will now be reviewed
Wait till the sanctimonious, jobs-worth 'marshals' abuse their roles, which happens every time you give someone a high viz jacket and a bit of authority.....