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Since the admins decided to scrub off one of your posts because you couldn't be civilised, you chose instead to send another in private.
So I've decided to return the favour by letting everyone else know what you've done. Which shows I can act all grown up too.
If you take a forum board so seriously that you have to send a message in reply to someone else's that was written without malice intended, calling them a "sick b*****d", then I suggest you try getting a real life away from the internet. Then you may some sense of proportion.
That's all.
If you can smile in the midst of pain
And laugh at the cares of mankind
You're out of the mire
You're out of the rain
And you're probably out of your mind
My first two posts are things I'd like to remove or edit (on the 'funny' topic). They make some wierd sense and luckily noone has commented negatively but I thought they were reply not qote amnd then it was too late and I couldn't even correct the typing. Does this cause the admin a lot of work? I decided to leave it, saving admin work and allowing anyone the chance to agree or ignore the comments. As none of the site users commented they didn't seem annoyed by it. The thread carried on so I'd almost forgotten about it. I can't work outwhat this Ponius Pilot has done because sick bastard was a reasonable comment on the old site pages eg a bad song comment.
Thank you for your foul mouthed Private mail. Since the admins decided to scrub off one of your posts because you couldn't be civilised, you chose instead to send another in private. So I've decided to return the favour by letting everyone else know what you've done. Which shows I can act all grown up too. If you take a forum board so seriously that you have to send a message in reply to someone else's that was written without malice intended, calling them a "sick b*****d", then I suggest you try getting a real life away from the internet. Then you may some sense of proportion. That's all.
We all agree that Sir Bob's humanitarin work is wonderful but does anyone except me ever think that his relationships (famous for attracting female attention) ever gets in the way of this work? This type of comment can get us banned of the website so I'm terrified that a post got past my censorship tonight and I think this one is OK. Spitting Image - only managed to hear 'we're scared of Bob' not close enoughto TV to see it and couldn't hear Bob's reply etc and missed the radio interview so it won't make any sense if there is something abusive I can't find or edit to the truth to the poweras that be. Bob should have an e-mail address on this forum as a real member so that we don't waste so much time and get so unhappy.