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Back To Boomtown

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Unhappy Fan Club?

Fcuk me, that Willo knows how to make friends, doesn't he?

Monday, 24 July 2006, 9.30 pm

These are the last few words that I post to this website, to which I dedicated all my passion as a Fan of Bob Geldof.

I promised that I would explain the reasons for this decision and why my last words posted after what I think was the all-time low in the artistic career of the singer I rated the most were so strong.

I received many messages from you in these last few days. I replied to some of you, but, since I cannot reply to all of you, you will find below all answers.

It is useless to remind all dates and periods building up my “career” as a fan of Bob Geldof (you can find these on pages HFC History), I give you just three numbers:

21 years ago, 1985, Live Aid, when I first started to be interested in BG

14 years ago, 1992, when I first met BG

12 years ago, 1994, when I commenced with the Fan Club.

Since BG launched only one original song records in the past 14 years, it has always been very difficult to support this artist who was only vaguely interested in music. However, despite a few critical moments, I was always there, in the hope to see my favourites singer again on stage. Over the years, I met Bob several times, and he was always supportive to me and my fan club, and during our last meeting in Trento in 2002, he asked me to help Ian and Tina with the opening of an official website. I did this immediately, writing a review of the concert and sending them various materials helpful in developing the website. After years of fanzines and when my website was no longer adequate to meet my needs, I decided to buy the domain (and it is only because I respected the artist so much that I didn’t buy a “” or similar domain, but this is another story). But, after a while, Mick Owen passed away and, I don’t know why, everything started to change… Tina and Ian began to be on the run… I spare you a series of minor stories relating to the organisation of prizes awarded to BG in Italy or the organisation of concerts, etc. However, the most significant episode was the following.

June 2005, more than a year ago, Ian and Tina got in touch to have the reissue of BG solo discography. At this point, please make and effort and see what happened
(story of the materials).

Well, now you have an idea of what these people are like… Meanwhile, on 28 April, Music Live Club called me saying that they were organising two concerts of BG in Italy at the end of July. As usual, I surfed the net to find any related information… but nothing…

However, I got in touch with them. They were really nice, but they unfortunately didn’t have a clue that, despite his international popularity, BG does not have so many people admiring him as a musician. I immediately pointed out that the place chosen for the concert was too big, but it was no longer possible to change it. As the weeks went by, there were the elections here in Italy and it was not possible to put up posters advertising the concerts. After a few months, I noted that the specialised magazines did not publish any of the dates for the concerts…. The first few posters were put up in many cities of northern Italy in the second half of June. Unfortunately, after just one week, they were covered by posters advertising the Flipout Festival (which, by the way, proposed Paul Weller on stage on the same day as BG concert in Milan and the following day in Rome.. destiny??). Meanwhile, I tried to do my best to support the concert. I organised a prize competition and asked All Music to prepare a special on BG on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Live 8…. But they were not interested!!!!!!!

I also had a great idea that could have made Bob concert in Milan an event of a lifetime…. But when I proposed it to Willo, the manager of Bob, he answered as follows:

From:  "Happy FAN club"
To:  "Darrell Willis"
Date:  10 May 2006, 03:29:00 PM
Subject:  Bob Geldof Italian Tour



Dear Willo,
I’m Eddy I have been contacted by "Music Live Club" to give support at the promotion tour of Bob.

At the moment I am organising a competition linked to two show of Bob in Milan and Rome and I am asking the support from other musical website to promote the tour.

Today I have spoken to Cisco the ex lead singer of Modena City Ramblers, a famouse Italian band that had a collaboration in 1994 with Bob, infact he wrote with them the song "Il Bicchiere dell'Addio"

Cisco just left the band to persue a solist project but he is very keen on Bob.

Since 1994 the Modena City Ramblers have performed on tour the "The Great Song" and "Il Bicchiere Dell'addio".
These two songs are the most important part of the Ramblers' show and are very apprecciated from the Italian audience.

I was thinking of the following possibility  if Bob agrees with it to organise a duet with Cisco during the Milan concert on July the 21st.

Every time I had a chance to meet up with Bob we have always talked about his  experience with the Ramblers and he always made a nice remarks on them asking about the Ramblers.

This will be a perfect occasion to celebrate the great return of Bob in Italy.

Please let me know what Bob think on this matter in order to finalise /organize this with Cisco and to make a proper promotion.

I believe that this will be a great way to make the Milanese' show a great event unmissable.

Please for any queries do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards

Willo replayed:

  From:  "Darrell Willis"
To:  "Happy FAN club
Date:  16 May 2006, 11:48:47 PM
Subject:  Re: Bob Geldof Italian Tour

no to having anyone do a duet with Bob
So I asked:

From: "Happy FAN club"
To: "Darrell Willis"
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: Bob Geldof Italian Tour

> thanks for the replay
> I hope you asked to Bob!
> see next july
> your friend
> eddy


From:  "Darrell Willis"
To:  "Happy FAN club"
Date:  17 May 2006, 11:48:15 AM
Subject:  Re: Bob Geldof Italian Tour

i do not have to ask him its my decision

There is nothing to do… Failure is unavoidable and, for sure, it’s what they want!!

I am so disappointed…. But there is nothing else I can do…. Iacovone’s agonised phone calls only add to my distress and I am starting to wonder whether it is possible that Bob is unaware of all this? I would like to talk to Bob and inform him of this situation, but I’ve been unable to get in touch with him for many years now, due to all “filters” I have to go through… I tried in December 2005, when I went to London to see one of his many concerts that did not take place…. Another trip in vain…

21 July, 9.00 am, Cadorna train station waiting for my friend Iolanda. The idea was to go to Malpensa airport to pick BG up, but we eventually decided to wait for him at the hotel.

This turned up to be a good idea, since Bob lost his flight and did not arrive on time… we spent several hours waiting for him in the hall of the Baglioni Hotel.

When he eventually arrived (at 4 pm) he was destroyed since the day before he went to Johannesburg for Mandela’s birthday and decided to rest for a while in his room.

We spent some time with the other members of the band, but they soon had to go for the sound-check.

It was only after 7 pm when Bob came to the hall, all dressed-up for the concert. He wasn’t very excited at the idea of chatting with us, but I insisted since I wanted to clarify some issues. This is what we said:

EV: “Bob, I’ve been facing problems with Ian and Tina from your official website for a while now”

BG: “I don’t care, this is your own business!”

EV: “Ok, I have a couple of e-mails that I would like to show you”

BG: “I don’t care”

EV: “Ok, so now I would like to know what you think about my website, the fan club”

BG: “I don’t care about you website, or about the official website, nor do I care about many things concerning myself.”

EV: “Why do you have an official website that does not represent you and is never up-to-date?”

BG: “Ian and Tina wanted to do this thing and I told them to do what they wanted! I cannot check everything is said or written about me, otherwise if I find something that I don’t like I want do it my way and I cannot do everything! I don’t read everything is written about me, otherwise I would go nuts!”

He left me nonplussed! This person had nothing to do with the BG that I’ve been known for 14 years!! He hung around the hall with his sunglasses on and his hair ahead… and I suddenly thought of “Pink”… Alan Parker was right!

The discussion then took an even more persecution-complex look:

BG: “I am not interested in myself, in my music.. why should I? I only have four fans”

EV: “And these are all that you will find at the Arena tonight!”

Meanwhile, we went outside the hotel to wait for the cars that would take us to the Arena. I then decided to move the conversation to other issues and comfort him a little bit..

EV: “Bob, you know me. I’ve never been one of those fans who cry or tear their hair out when they see you, but I’ve always admired you mainly as an artist and then as a person”

BG: “Yes, and so?”

EV: “All those years all I wanted to do was to support BG as an artist. I know you are good at many other things, but what I liked the best was your artistic side. You wrote excellent songs. You are and ARTIST”.

BG: “Ok, and so?”

EV: “We don’t have time right now… we have to go to the Arena.. can we talk later?”

BG: “Sure”

This conversation lasted for about 20 minutes and my spirits were destroyed. When I arrived at the Arena I bucked up a bit when I saw Ian and Liz coming from the UK, Reka from Hungary and Carla from Northern France as well as all other people who I’d been knowing for a while.. Claudia, Guido, Silvia, etc….

I think you read all about what happened at the Arena from the newspapers all over the world… there were 50 people of the public, three televisions (RAI, Canale 5 and MTV) and several journalists… The flop could no go unnoticed…

However, I would like to finish my report before explaining my reasons…

The few people attending were disappointed but would have nevertheless liked to see the concert… They called him any sort of names in Italian and English… but they were his “FANS” and when, after five minutes, Bob announced a free concert in Italy in September… well, the same people who were shouting at him five minutes before, asked Bob for autographs and took pictures with their “hero”.

When I decided to go home and went to say goodbye, Bob then asked me to reach him at the hotel… he wanted to talk to me.

Ok, I went to the hotel, but when I arrived he was in a room with other people.

EV: “Hi Bob, here I am”

BG: “Have a seat”

EV: “Bob, if you want to talk, let’s go to the other room that is quieter… I go there and wait for you”

BG: “Ok, I’m coming”

I spent some time with Robert, Alun and Naill… after 10/15 minutes I went back to the other room and caught his attention.. but nothing happened… So I decided to go home.

Iolanda, who had always been next to me in the case I needed a translator, decided to stay longer for a drink at the bar of the hotel and when she decided to go, Bob asked her where I was:

BG: “Where is Eddy?”

Ioland “He’s gone home”

BG: “Ok, I go to my room.. I’m tired”

This is a summary of what happened!

Now my considerations.

Bob, I understand that anybody can have a bad day. But when this happens to me, the next day I usually look for the friend or colleague to whom I’ve been unfair and find the opportunity to apology.

You couldn’t to this.. I am not one of your neighbours and I knew this so I came to the hotel because I thought that you realised you had been unfair to me… It wasn’t the case… You preferred to stay there with other people talking about Africa despite the fact that you wore your “musician” clothes that night! The following day your manager asked Ian and Tina to look for me and get my mobile number… It would have been so easy to ask you, considering that I gave you my mobile number for the umpteenth time that night, not considering that my e-mail address still works and I didn’t get any message from Willo.

I can no longer believe in or support a person who no longer respects himself. You cannot be a depressed pop star, a spoilt millionaire, a victim, an unrecognised artist, because you are 55 years old, you haven’t been first in the hit parade from more than 20 years and, considering your wealthy conditions, these are not problems: it’s just foolish! I take the liberty to tell you this because I respected you for your dignity over the past 20 years!

I’m no longer 16 years old like I was in 1985 and considering that I am no longer a teenager you may understand that this is not one of the bad moments of a disappointed “Fan” (and I’ve always hated this word). I’m a man now, I’m 37 years old and I found it grotesque to support a totally indifferent person.

You are no longer able to manage your public image or, better, you don’t WANT to manage it and this, for a celebrity, is suicide! As a result, you surround yourself with people who believe in what you believe and who do nothing to improve the situation… on the contrary, they send you in Italy to put up a bad show for the nth time..

I only hope that you will read these words one day (and not only a part of the text reported by one of your collaborators) and that they can give you the right stimulus to start again and write a good record… if not, please stop playing music and taking the piss out of those 50 fans that you have… believe me, they don’t deserve this!



 What is this bloke talking about? 

In the Long Grass

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It is a discrace how treated Eddy.Those people involved should apologise and send the stuff they have promised to Eddy.I am not suprised he called it a day.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I wonder what it was Bob wanted to say to Eddy. We'll probably never know.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

In the Long Grass

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Maybe he wanted to apologise?


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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If he did, it's a pity he made Eddy wait too long.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Derek The Dane wrote:

It is a discrace how treated Eddy.Those people involved should apologise and send the stuff they have promised to Eddy.I am not suprised he called it a day.

It is a disgrace, but Eddy has done OK out of his relationship with Geldof.  He got tickets for the Golden Circle at Live 8, and was privy to a lot of information from Tina/Ian.  Geldof treated him like sh!t but I'm sure Geldof was in no mood for it on finding out only 45 people had turned up to see him.

The problem is Eddy got too close and got burnt.  Unlike say me, whose contact with Geldof was a couple of fleeting acknowledgements back in 1980.   I never asked for anything from Geldof, so never got that disappointed. came to me to write some reviews after seeing something I did elsewhere and I volunteered for this admin lark.  It was a mutually beneficial relationship.  I got some white label demos of the albums to review, plus a couple of other nice things, and they got some content and an administrator who kept things in line (well, so I thought).

So when Willo calls me a knob (far more offensive than anything Eddy got, don't you think? ), I just laugh it off, and lambast his role as a tour manager.  I have no intention of closing down my Rats blog.  That's staying because no matter what they do that was my life from 1978-1985 and they can't take that away from me.

Sometimes it pays to be disconnected and unaware

-- Edited by ArrGee at 22:26, 2006-08-02

 What is this guy talking about? 


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Perhaps Sir Bob is having a midlife crisis.

At any rate, he does need to improve his image and adjust his attitude. 

If you can't keep promises, what are you really saying about yourself?  If you don't appreciate yourself, who will?



Give Peace A Chance...

I Don't Like Mondays

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I think the bottom line, is that with regard to his music career, Bob has been living in a fantasy world. This has been partly fueled by his management. As we saw in the UK, Bob simply does not have the pulling power to draw thousands to his concerts. As a commercial artist, Bob has (in the main)  been unsuccessful since 1982. Infact for the most part of the 90's. Bob didn't release any new material. It didn't surprise me that he didn't sell many tickets in Italy.

Very few people see Bob as a recording Artist. He is a humanitarian, and a very good one at that.

I'm not saying that Bob should call it a day with regard to his musical career, but to him its no more than a hobby. By all means release records, but concerts should really be confined to small intimate venues. I'm sure all of us would welcome that.

Some Artists never recover from losing their hey day, but for Bob he has got something else to fill that adrenaline rush of "number 1s". Besides, many artists now make a very nice career out of small venues, such as Glenn Tilbrook (ex Squeeze) (who I had the pleasure of having round my house and playing at my 40th birthday......and being a big Squeeze fan this was sheer heaven) or Hugh Cornwall ex Stranglers.




Back To Boomtown

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Steve wrote:

Glenn Tilbrook (ex Squeeze) (who I had the pleasure of having round my house and playing at my 40th birthday......and being a big Squeeze fan this was sheer heaven)

Wow!  Wonder if Glenn would fancy coming up to my place, it's only a short hop on the DLR these days. I have seen Squeeze live and they were a great band, certainly on a par with the likes of the Boomtown Rats.

There were plans to release remastered versions of their albums, but they may have been shelved as they just brought out another compilation fairly recently (June 2006)

There is also a great book, "Squeeze": Song by Song which analyses all their songs and the Difford/Tilbrook relationship.

All off topic, so far, but listening to Geldof on Radio 2 the other day, I thought his story on Scream in Vain was really interesting.  If he were to expand what he wrote in Loudmouth about those tracks to his entire back catalogue it would make a really good book.

I fully agree with you, the musical future for Geldof is small intimate venues, and the odd release wouldn't go amiss either.  Not sure if I'd have Geldof round my place, there'd probably be a fight!  Julian Cope & Jarvis C0cker would probably be safer, I'll invite them to my next birthday in two years time.

<C o c k e r is not allowed by the profanity filter! what a pile of sh!t ! >

-- Edited by ArrGee at 09:38, 2006-08-03


 What is this bloke talking about? 


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I agree 100% - and I have written that in my petition and elsewhere;  small venues are better for Bob.  He was at the Filmore in San Francisco (2001?).  Friends of mine went to see him.  They really liked the concert and the venue.  He conversed with the crowd and was in a really good mood according to my mates.  The place was packed - SRO!

I also think Bob is fun and great to watch at folk festivals.  I saw him at Winnipeg, Canada at the annual folk festival.  That was the first time I saw him in concert and everyone was having a blast - dancing and really enjoying his music.  One of his band members danced an irish jig and some old irish tunes were played.  Really unique.

Yes - it would be better for Bob if he could get better advice re. the reality of his popularity as a musician and re. more proper concert and booking venues.  It appears he has fallen prey to the "Elvis" or "Michael Jackson" trap; everybody around him is telling him what he wants to hear and agreeing with him on everything.  That is really sad - for all, including his fans. 

Maybe he could do a Vegas act?  Just kidding.

Maybe he could tour with some of his buddies - like Sting, Bono or Don Henley?  Probably ego's might clash.  Those concerts would be great to see, however!  Wishful thinking.



Give Peace A Chance...

Back To Boomtown

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oshora wrote:

I also think Bob is fun and great to watch at folk festivals.  I saw him at Winnipeg, Canada at the annual folk festival.  That was the first time I saw him in concert and everyone was having a blast - dancing and really enjoying his music. 

I always find it interesting that people who aren't Geldof nor Rats fans, and in some cases, quite anti, are often surprised when they hear the Rats album tracks.

Sometimes he is his own worst enemy by always performing I Don't Like Mondays every time he appears on TV. And that's all people think he ever did.

I haven't seen Geldof live, but have heard his shows are very entertaining, both for the music and his anecdotes.  The thing is that 99.99999% of people aren't fans and wouldn't pay much to see him.  Even some of us who are baulk at the ticket prices. At the end of 2005, Geldof tickets cost more than Franz Ferdinand tickets, why? Geldof, if he is going to do it, has to accept he isn't going to make money touring. 

In London, he could play venues like the 100 Club/The Borderline/The Mean Fiddler/Hackney Empire with a casual audience, no shame in that, Glenn Tilbrook, Wilko Johnson & Dr. Feelgood play these sort of venues.  He could play the Palladium or the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane as special exclusive gigs. Morrissey & Pulp did this to sell out audiences, and considering how small London theatres are this made the tickets very scarce and desirable.


 What is this bloke talking about? 

House on Fire

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Eddy's story makes for uncomfortable reading alright.

Reconfirms my own conviction never to actually meet any actors/musicians I particularly admire! I think I'll just stick to being one of those fans who never even waits around for an autograph!


Back To Boomtown

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kidneybean wrote:

Reconfirms my own conviction never to actually meet any actors/musicians I particularly admire! I think I'll just stick to being one of those fans who never even waits around for an autograph!

Someone after my own heart!  I have met and spoken with some celebrities, but excepting Charlie George, none I truly admired.  That said I've met Charlie a couple of times in the last couple of years and really enjoyed it.  But then I have had my six year old in tow both times, so it's easier to get autographs and have a chat without appearing to be a crazed admirer!



 What is this bloke talking about? 

House on Fire

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hi all ,please let me give you my opinion........first and foremost we all support bob with his third world project.....why we support him so passionatley is because its bob geldof our musical hero. would we believe in africa and so forth if it wasnt bob i know it may upset a lot of people but i dont think so. i would love to get back to the days of late seventies when he was THE NO.1 with his band.the man still writes great songs ok it may never get up to the heights of rat trap but we all live in hope.But with a tour dont you all think that its time to give something back to us not sitting in a hotel room talking 3rd it not time for the fans to hear something new not to buy box sets for say 8 new songs i know its everyones perogative but what i guess what im trying to say is that you bob have a loyal following not to bring out things in the past but new recordings and remember that you have a fan base. but in a musical sense we want new music.God bless you all please let me know what you think


Back To Boomtown

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stuart wrote:

But with a tour dont you all think that its time to give something back to us not sitting in a hotel room talking 3rd it not time for the fans to hear something new not to buy box sets for say 8 new songs i know its everyones perogative but what i guess what im trying to say is that you bob have a loyal following not to bring out things in the past but new recordings and remember that you have a fan base. but in a musical sense we want new music.God bless you all please let me know what you think

Listen to Geldof last two minutes from his recent radio two interview.  He gives the answers.  He'll make records when he feels like it, and only perform to big crowds (no matter how far he has to travel to them).  I don't think Geldof feels he has to give anything back.  Nor do I,  for that matter; he did enough for me between 1977 and 1986.  I'll always be grateful for all he did back then and still find him to be a fascinating character.  However, I have long given up on anything new in terms of music that would truly interest me. 


 What is this bloke talking about? 

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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What big crowds? There simply aren't any!! Maybe it's a just a way of saying he just isn't bothered at all.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

I Don't Like Mondays

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To be honest, I think this is the end of Bob Geldof the musician. I hope I am wrong, though.

He really needs to decide whether he wants to continue. Does he do it for commercial return or the "love". It must onlt be for the latter, and he needs to understand that there may only be a small but devoted number willing to listen to it.

Glenn Tilbrook (of Squeeze) told me that the reason why he carries on is simple.........he loves doing it. He simply cant imagine anything else giving him so much pleasure. Geldof needs to find out if thats him. I know its confusing that he can demand an audience with the most powerful people on the Earth, yet few will listen to him as a musician, but thats pop.




Back To Boomtown

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He has four dates to play before he can call time on his musical career. 

In September, there are two in Denmark and one in Spain (though that looks tentative), not to mention his return to Italy.

The Danish venues are not small.  Farum Arena concert (cap approx 3,500), and NRGi Arena (cap approx 5,000) . Tickets cost from 400-480 DKK (£36-£43/$69-$83).

-- Edited by ArrGee at 15:10, 2006-08-04


 What is this bloke talking about? 

Lookin' After Number 1

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Bob has played just about everywhere and has nothing new to offer audiences. He has now flogged the live circuit for all it's worth. He is now on his way down. Fans have seen and heard it all before, and most people will only be turning up to see his novelty value as the Live Aid guy.

Where should he go from here?

Re-form The Boomtown Rats and do a new Rats album and world tour?


Back To Boomtown

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Eva Braun wrote:

Where should he go from here?

Re-form The Boomtown Rats and do a new Rats album and world tour?

They were planning a get together at a London venue last year.  

The High Court. 

Who knows it may take place this year.


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I Don't Like Mondays

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Have they had the High Court meeting? If so what was the outcome?




Back To Boomtown

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Steve wrote:

Have they had the High Court meeting? If so what was the outcome?

No. Never went to court.

The possible outcomes (and my guess on the probability) were

  1. Geldof settled quietly out of court (20%)

  2. They were told there had no case and gave it up (50%)

  3. The cost of persuing the case was more than they would have gained (25%)

  4. The lawyers are still retained and it will all happen soon (5%)

I think it is unlikely to come to a court case now.


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Back To Boomtown

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bump - cucumber anyone?  

The fun we used to have around here  smile


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In the Long Grass

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4½ years between post,is that a record?.I remember this debate well,glad I did not make the trip to Italy.


Back To Boomtown

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Derek The Dane wrote:
4½ years between post,is that a record?
Possibly, as the forum has only been going for about 6 years.  Reason I bumped it was I refered to the inflatable cucumber in another post and some newer members might have though I had gone crazy talking about it.



 What is this bloke talking about? 


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Eva Braun wrote:

Bob has played just about everywhere and has nothing new to offer audiences. He has now flogged the live circuit for all it's worth. He is now on his way down. Fans have seen and heard it all before, and most people will only be turning up to see his novelty value as the Live Aid guy.

Where should he go from here?

Re-form The Boomtown Rats and do a new Rats album and world tour?

 They've done the first, toured, but where the hell is the new album?

Geldof's putting out the same spin as Glenn, but where's the evidence on the recoding front? The Ratlife ep is 25% decent and 75% below par.


In the Long Grass

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Those 2 concerts in Denmark were cancelled as well.I had tickets for them both but lost the money for the train tickets.And Mark L is right we need a new album.


The Fine Art of Surfacing

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Bob 'I only have four fans'

hahaha BOB you have at least FIVE

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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maybe I've got this wrong but BG never asked Eddy to run a fan club did he?

Eddy seems to have gone in with a list of expectations here which were never realised.

to be fair to Bob, he doesn't really owe Eddy anything does he?

Eddy should do things for himself, not for Bob, and certainly don't expect Bob to have to play ball with him the way he wants to

also, it must be slightly annoying when people expect something back just because they're fans of yours... I mean Eddy doesn't really know Bob. Eddy is in love with an image. Bob knows that. it's not really real is it. it's not really a solid friendship in the usual terms like two people that have got to know eachother over the years, that have BOTH had a choice in it, is it?

Bob's human. maybe he didn't want much to do with Eddy. which, I believe is a fundamental human right.

Eddy seems to be claiming rights over Bob.

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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anyway, aside from all this...... it must be incredibly annoying as a celebrity, when people seem to think that they have a right to a piece of you.

it must get a little tiring when you're treated like a commodity

I can't stand the way newspapers for example, and fans for that matter, seem to think they have the right to know all the details of your love life etc.

I can't stand the ownership of people that this society seems to support and believe in

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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on the other hand, if anyone's going to be selling the BTR's at auction, i'll put a bid in!!!

i'll whip em into shape


^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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The Eddy stuff was from a while ago. Bob and Eddy have made it up long since. All is good, friends again.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The Fine Art of Surfacing

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cool thanks for that Jules goodo! :D

^^^^^Cool post as always Joan^^^^^^^^


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Posts: 2666

Derek The Dane wrote:

Those 2 concerts in Denmark were cancelled as well.I had tickets for them both but lost the money for the train tickets.And Mark L is right we need a new album.

 We're getting it! Can you believe it?! Reading some old posts is fascinating. 


Back To Boomtown

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ArrGee wrote:
All off topic, so far, but listening to Geldof on Radio 2 the other day, I thought his story on Scream in Vain was really interesting.  If he were to expand what he wrote in Loudmouth about those tracks to his entire back catalogue it would make a really good book.

 Mmm, and 14 years later...


 What is this bloke talking about? 
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