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But I will agree with him that this is why people get so passionate about the music that they listened to in those teenaged years. It is a time when we are awakened to new ideas, beliefs and we are supposed to be forming the core of who we are now.
Peace & take care, debm
"And Lenin said 'There is no Heaven, so I don't believe in Room 19'" - Bob Geldof
"you can find adventure/in someone else's life/or you can criticize/when you need a lift" - Ric Ocasek
hehe i'm still in those years but i was 13 when i found bob's and btr's music. bloody hell they rock ='] and i'm fifteen now. it was them that really started my experience in music if you know what i mean? i found bob as a person and in his music inspiring. he has changed my life. sorry getting emotional...
=] yeah i'm so glad i came across his music and this forum. you guys are really great! it's been awesome talking to people who share a love for bob's work. i dread to think what i'd be like if hadn't found his music x[ i think it really shows how moving (if thats the right word) he is when you can see how many people through the ages are and have been inspired by him. =))
The Rats first entered the charts August 1977 the same year I started secondary school. The Rats music and lyrics have always been sufficiently interesting, complex and meaty to outlive those teenage years and largely remain relevant to adult tastes, without any real trace of sentimentally or wishing for some long lost past.
Certainly I've never had the slightest inclination to 'disown' the music, or I wouldn't feel embarrassed about telling anyone about how good the Rats were. So it's not loyalty for the sake of loyalty rather a genuine fascination with the music because it's worthy of that devotion and interest. It it wasn't I wouldn't be here writing about it.