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Well the Independent were wondering if Bob had decided that his career was going nowhere when they heard the Rats had reformed, but realised he wasn't part of the equation. A review of the Rats:
The way I read it was that Geldof has simply accepted what 99.9999999999% of population thought
It's nice that Pierre Perrone, started with The Rats on this article and has given them a nice piece of publicity. It is very accurately researched even down to Gerry Cott's appearance. I'd swear that Mr. Perrone was eavesdropping on my chat with Simon, cos he said much the same to me that night. (I am not Pierre Perrone before anyone asks!)
If you'd walked past the 100 Club in London's Oxford Street earlier this month and heard the chords to the new-wave anthems "Mary of the Fourth Form" or "Rat Trap" ring out, you might have thought Sir Bob Geldof had finally realised his solo career was going nowhere and decided to reform the Boomtown Rats for one last hurrah. In fact, Sir Bob was nowhere to be seen. Indeed, even if Rats guitarist Gerry Cott was in the audience, the bassist, Pete Briquette, and piano-player Johnnie Fingers, he of the stripey pyjamas, and the second most identifiable member of the Irish group were not in attendance.
The Rats Geldof insisted they drop the Boomtown bit featured just two of the originals, guitarist Garry Roberts and drummer Simon Crowe. "Reforming the band had never really been on the cards, but somehow here it is," says Crowe. "Garry and I said: 'if we are going to do it some time, then why not now? It's our music. So why should we not play it in whatever way we want?" Even minus Geldof? But it seems the four-piece Rats already have more dates up lined up for 2009. And they're only the tip of the iceberg of heritage bands currently doing the rounds.