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not just that promoted, confirmed and canceled(!) gigs were not(!) announced on this page, BUT the promoted and confirmed announcement of the re-release, which is also wrong, isn't corrected on this site either. Well, as much as i like this music, this will always be a shame on the Geldof team/agency/webmasters ...whatever ! Fingers is right, Geldof and lifetime achievement...good for him !! But not for his fans!
quote: Originally posted by: STC "Hi there, not just that promoted, confirmed and canceled(!) gigs were not(!) announced on this page, BUT the promoted and confirmed announcement of the re-release, which is also wrong, isn't corrected on this site either. Well, as much as i like this music, this will always be a shame on the Geldof team/agency/webmasters ...whatever ! Fingers is right, Geldof and lifetime achievement...good for him !! But not for his fans! Thanks and good night"
What's wrong? As far as I can tell only the order of the listing on the debut album. But that's because the promo copies were ordered that way
Crikey, after 20 odd years, I just glad to have them. (though I do have some quibbles)
quote: Originally posted by: STC "Hi there, not just that promoted, confirmed and canceled(!) gigs were not(!) announced on this page, BUT the promoted and confirmed announcement of the re-release, which is also wrong, isn't corrected on this site either. Well, as much as i like this music, this will always be a shame on the Geldof team/agency/webmasters ...whatever ! Fingers is right, Geldof and lifetime achievement...good for him !! But not for his fans! Thanks and good night"
Right Gerry, Johnny or Simon, whichever one of you it is, stoppit at once!
If you can smile in the midst of pain
And laugh at the cares of mankind
You're out of the mire
You're out of the rain
And you're probably out of your mind
to be true, i was just disappointed about not getting the so called "back catalogue" in germany at the confirmed date. I thought, re-release date Feb 7th would include good old germany. And, even though i can handle the drums and vocals, i'm definitiv not Simon Crow :) Believe me, he wouldn't do that crappy taunt on Bob. What I want to tell you, this site just actually needs a better handling. And... Bob, may deserves that achievement, but I like him for his accomplishment in music stuff. That's all.
You should be able to order through Amazon, even if you can only do it through AmazonUK. They haven't been dispatched yet from Amazon, we're still waiting too. Apparently my DVD has been dispatched but it will take 6 days (from yesterday) not including Saturdays and Sundays, how long can my patience last out here?
quote: Originally posted by: STC "Hi folks, to be true, i was just disappointed about not getting the so called "back catalogue" in germany at the confirmed date. I thought, re-release date Feb 7th would include good old germany. And, even though i can handle the drums and vocals, i'm definitiv not Simon Crow :) Believe me, he wouldn't do that crappy taunt on Bob. What I want to tell you, this site just actually needs a better handling. And... Bob, may deserves that achievement, but I like him for his accomplishment in music stuff. That's all. Thanks, Steve-- Edited by STC at 21:55, 2005-02-08"
Hey, consider yourself lucky... I'll have to wait until March 1st to get my CDs from But as the others say, After waiting 20 years, what's a few days more
As for this site being better handled, well, in my experience, you have 2 types of celebrity web sites. The first type, and most common, is the super high tech, flashy site, managed by some web company who doesn't give a **** about the artist, as long as they pay the bills. Those sites get updated once in a blue moon, and usually gets news way after the fans heard it through the grapevine.
Second type is like this one: Lower key, not as fancy, but run by people who care about the artist. Webmasters usually do this in their free time, and don't get paid for it. They might not get information in any faster than the big corporate sites, but at least they care. I think the second type suits Bob and his fans much better than the first one.