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lol, the lead singer/bob geldof even looks like he's angrily spitting words out into the microphone. creative using a computer keyboard lol, Fingers' piano is having some problems
Simon's hair is a bit ropey, but Gerry & Gary are spot on, even down to the shades! I even like the way Pete looks a bit smaller than the rest! Wish I could edit the Fingers one and put some jimjams on him and remove the monitor.
I quite like the monitor, it's quite funny. Bringing them up to date - they're so 21st Century. The Geldof one is spot on too, could just be him. Shame about the jimjams though...
The same thing happens for me, here - but I can see the whole thing on the Clash board. Go over there to take a look.
My favorites are the "God" caption and the energy of Pete's playing.
I don't agree that Pete looks smaller than the rest.......I've just put a ruler on my monitor to check, and Pete's head is level with God and Gary's. Pete's just holding his instrument a bit high.
quote: Originally posted by: franna "The same thing happens for me, here - but I can see the whole thing on the Clash board. Go over there to take a look. My favorites are the "God" caption and the energy of Pete's playing. I don't agree that Pete looks smaller than the rest.......I've just put a ruler on my monitor to check, and Pete's head is level with God and Gary's. Pete's just holding his instrument a bit high.-- Edited by franna at 13:27, 2005-03-12"
Can you see them all now?
Pete Simon God Gary Gerry Fingers
I know Pete is at the same level but it's like the illusion below (it don't work with keyboards), it just looks that way.
quote: Originally posted by: ArrGee " Can you see them all now? Pete Simon God Gary Gerry Fingers I know Pete is at the same level but it's like the illusion below (it don't work with keyboards), it just looks that way. <------> >------< -- Edited by ArrGee at 15:05, 2005-03-12"
Yes, I can see them all now. Thanks.
(Edited to add: I mean, I can see them all in the second post, the first one still shows a red box where Fingers ought to be. Edited AGAIN to add: Now it's all good.)
About the "illusion" - I guess it's 25 years working in the visual arts, I have a good eye for when something is or isn't straight across. I can't help it.
my guess would be a candle...could be some extremely hot coffee or something though
I definitely like the top one better, out of those two piano-playing ones. I don't like any smileys with their as*es hanging out, I just think they're kinda stupid and I think the top one's just cuter and more energetic/Fingers-like
quote: Originally posted by: Jules "I remember it too, Bob wasn't revealing much LOL "
I know, Bob was far too shy. There was someone who was really getting into the display....he won my vote! Too bad I've no idea who it was. The one with BALLS, naturally!