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Whilst I really am in full agreement with Bobs sentiments (for example, new years eve, spent the first half of that on my mobile, making sure all of my contacts gave all they could to tsunami fund, followed by a "geez your f-ing money" a la bob session in the local pub, which raised over 400 quid in twenty minutes) frankly
a) Edinburgh is going to get trashed
b) People are going to be injured
c) Bob and Midge should do a u-turn, and ask those who ARE serious about the issue (not the trouble-makers who are no doubt coming anyway, who i think we can deal with), to donate the sums that they would have put forward to coming (travel, food, lodgings, umbrellas!) towards african aid charities. Perhaps a peaceful protest (web based petition, addressed to prominent world leaders), would do the trick.
Just another wee point,, elsewher on this site mentions that there will be a cost of 100,000 quid for the local tax payers for "setting up" the city for the million people march. This is the cost of dismantling repair scaffolds and rebuilding, in the city centre alone. I guess the real cost (which is wasted money: what a shame) will run in to many of millions.
ps, any offensive remarks issued on these threads are really in jest (edinburgh humour), but the underlying views are prominent.
Good points, can't agree with you more on most issues...but I have an idea this is going to be the last G8 in public. They will probably do it the same way you suggest, on the Internet, maybe if we're lucky there would be some kind of video. So, with that in mind, I am hoping for a good ending to happen in Scotland because you guys are cool! Now I am going to check your website. Thanks for posting what you think! We DO care!
Good points, can't agree with you more on most issues...but I have an idea this is going to be the last G8 in public. They will probably do it the same way you suggest, on the Internet, maybe if we're lucky there would be some kind of video. So, with that in mind, I am hoping for a good ending to happen in Scotland because you guys are cool! Now I am going to check your website. Thanks for posting what you think! We DO care!
thankyou for yor post...
there is obviously a huge array of feeling on this issue, but the sentiment is there...i think that is so important...there is no need for this poverty crap like to think that our new generations really care (i think they do), but i am not always sure that the sentiment comes through correctly......
people are ( at least the people i know) just more switched on with meaning and depth of the reality.
my views are swinging constantly on this (im really a "middle-fencer": have refused to vote for years now.....todays "politicians" are so out of tune with what is needed), but with so much available knowledge to the likes of me, how long can we be hoodwinked?
stand-up! too right!, but without harrassment to us. JUST GET THE CASH DISTRIBUTED!