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I'm from the Philly area. Only one or two acts coming are very good, and I'm praying for some better acts. Could there be some possible hope that there will be more acts added?
I recommend you sit back, relax, and let the shows unfold. If you feel absolutely compelled to write/call/fax and generally annoy the promoter of Live 8 (who most likely has about a zillion things to do right now, and therefore probably won't appreciate your input very much), the contact information is publicly available.
Alternatively, if you can get Bob Geldof's mobile phone number, you can attempt to discuss the matter with him. To the best of my knowledge, his mobile number is not publicly avaliable.
Just wait and see...Many surprises are in line for Philly. My girlfriend works for a pr firm in the city, she has heard there will be a large Hollywood contingent from "One".
Example: Brad Pitt etc. joining Will Smith on stage to talk about the One Campaign in Africa between sets. Rumors have Bruce Willis jamming with Dave Matthews.
Another rumor has the commercial that is done for "One" having each of the actors come on stage and give brief descriptions while a video is playing on Africa.
Larry Magid is producing the show in Philadelphia. His website company is He also was the promoter for Live Aid in Philly 20 years ago. He is quoted in the Philly papers as saying..."the Philadelphia show will rival London for talent." That is a bold statement and surprised he said it.
He said there will be 15 -18 acts, each performing for 15 minutes and some special "once in a lifetime" duets and special one song acts.
The Rolling Stones are among many rumored acts - according to Larry Magid of Electric Factory Concerts, who is booking the show, and worked on the original Live Aid. direct quote from Philadelphia Inquirer.
Live 8 will start about noon on July 2 and run for about six hours.
Will just have to wait and see the final acts but I have my bet on Magid, he is one of the top American promoters.
I know I will be there along with the million plus.
Great news phiily guy! Before, I wasn't even THINKING about going but this sounds a whole lot better, exciting even. Thank you for the information, what a relief to know there are going to be more interesting acts & people who care.