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19 days to go. Whoooopee!!! (I don't think) . yet again you have all these do-gooders, protesters saying everything will be great in Edinburgh and Dundee, Perth etc.,. What about the G8 anti-protesters in Geneva in 2003, that was really peacefull, NOT!!!!!!!. I think "sir" bob should be in the centre of edinburgh at the time of the protests, instead of sitting in the Murrayfield Statium watching his mates(or so called mates) singing. There are only a handful that are doing the concert for the Poverty in Africa. The rest are doing it for their own benefit to be noticed. (oh look i did something for charity) I'm great aren't I. Give it a BREAK!!
so now that there has been debt cancellation, will everyone think that it is all over? this is a stepping stone, and a lot more is needed. i hope people realise this
Indeed. I hope more people realize that going on TV to make a small reply to people who want actual change will not suffice for fans of the performing bands and supporters of the gracious cause.
I again agree with the people on the forum regarding this so called "protest". Do people not realise that anarchists are already planning trouble?. Just remember Genoa 2001. Four days the city was under seige, police closed of the city centre, and guarded a 10km metal fence around the city centre. Even more horrific is the one protester who died and the 560 who were injured, as well as the 301 that were arrested. Nice peaceful protest eh!!!!!!!!!!.
That was only with 100,000 protesters!!!. Not the 1,000,000 that bob would like to attend!! God knows what is going to happen in Scotland. Of course i am not saying at all that all the protesters are going to cause trouble, for i doubt for a minute that they would, but there are always the minority of so called protesters (or who i would call thugs) out to cause trouble. ie. prime examle the "Black Bloc" who are so brave they have to cover their faces with masks!!! Haa Haa, cowardly prats.
The damage to the city then cost £20 million pounds. That could have went to Africa direct. What idiots Bob and Midge and all the hangers on are. After all in another 20years it will still be the same in Africa.
The idea for Live 8 and The Long Walk to Justice in Edinburgh is not for charity, it is to raise awareness and have a voice in the matter. Africa can get more aid from international help than by having citizens pay out of pocket to Africa.
If everything goes as planned, there will be no riots in the streets and what have you. I'm sure that Bob Geldof's plan is to be completely peaceful. If all of these anarchists (that people seem to know so much about) are really going to be there (which I don't think they will be), then maybe something will happen. But you cannot always base unknown possible future plans on previous events.
And if everything goes as planned, things will be different in Africa in 20 years. That's the whole idea of the event, for change, and now.
Be more hopeful. "Always look on the bright side of life. ::whistle::" - Monty Python: The Life of Brian (Eric Idle)