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Again i agree wholeheartedly with Allison, and again, i like her, do feel that there is going to be a lot of trouble, not only in Edinburgh but all over Scotland. I feel i must quote a reader of the Edinburgh Evening News. She has a Zimbabwean friend who said "Do they ever ask what the Africans want?. (take note bob!!!)."Africans want to work, not live with aid being thrown at them, and, until corruption at the top is wiped out: until presidents stop setting people against people, as Mugabe is doing at this moment: until people are allowed to vote freely without fearing for their own lives, nothing with change."
She also said that "African people will not give to staged events such as Live8 because they know only to well that the aid does not reach those who truly need it...........".
There are more quotations from this person in the Evening News, but does it not say something when the Africans won't even give to Live8. They would rather raise money, quietly, on their own, knowing the people will get it, and the people at the top will not be able to skim for themselves.
Does "sir" bob and "cbe" midge know that this is happening?. I am sure they must. So lets pose the question, what is the point of having protest rallies against poverty when the African governments are taking more than their share?
Africans ARE aware of the corruption problem, as you will note going through oeokosko's posts in which he or she has mentioned that. I can't explain Robert Mugabe, but South Africa has recently fired its deputy president for his close association with a now-convicted (attention Bola) ARMS DEALER. It's a difficult slow process. Meanwhile, of course, the poverty continues, as we all know but many Africans are also speaking out and trying to change things. Africa is not a lost cause, as you seem to suggest.
oeokoko's views are radical. You go to other postings and the only other person that supports him is Meeko. Others are getting fed up with his self opinionated claptrap.
Yes, reading Allison's recent posts have me wondering why can't there be peaceful protests, non-violence, without anarchists? I don't like the idea of 8 countries controlling the world but if debts are cancelled, shouldn't that soften the anarchists?or are they just people who believe in chaos? They are sounding like it's a war, not a protest. People should have the right to demonstrate but from Allison's latest posting, it sounds more like they want to fight with the police more than they care about Africa. For me, it's enough that there are the Live8's, even if Africans aren't going (it sounds really complicated to go, anyway). The G8 summit participants can't be totally blind to the concerts.
oeokoko's views are radical. You go to other postings and the only other person that supports him is Meeko. Others are getting fed up with his self opinionated claptrap.
What you need dear is a nice cup of tea and a couple of rich tea biscuits. Calm down! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, including you. Frankly, I don't care if no one agrees with me. That doesn't make me right or wrong and it doesn't change my view of the world. The thing about criticism is that it says more about the criticiser than the critised - "self opinionated claptrap" indeed! You can speak for no one but yourself.
And BTW, I can't explain Mugabe either, except that there is still an independent judiciary (of a sort) in the country and that there are Africans who regard him as a hero for his liberation movement. I think Zimbabwe's present situation can best be explained by the fact that many of the other African countries had a 20 year or so headstart and are already ruined. Many, but not all.
It seems to me that all you care about is being right. Everytime someone else has a different point of view you jump in and cut their thoats with your "know it all" stance. I have learned over the last few years that my criticism and judgement reflect the parts of myself I view as personal flaws. You might want to look at yourself before passing jugdement. It is, afterall, not wise to accuse the wind when you're made of air.
It seems to me that all you care about is being right. Everytime someone else has a different point of view you jump in and cut their thoats with your "know it all" stance. I have learned over the last few years that my criticism and judgement reflect the parts of myself I view as personal flaws. You might want to look at yourself before passing jugdement. It is, afterall, not wise to accuse the wind when you're made of air.
What's wrong with caring about being right? I'm well aware of my weaknesses - and my strengths - thank you, and agree with you about personal flaws coming out in criticism and judgement; that's what I wrote before isn't it? To understand this is to understand not just oneself better, but to see the real personality and the real agenda behind the arguments of others. With that in mind, you might like to re-read what you wrote to see what your contribution says about your own contribution.
So whose throat have I cut? Why has no one come back with counter argument? I have heard no constructive criticism of my opinions. I will show in the next few days that those who have taken offence against me have done so because their perceptions have been coloured by prejudice.