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I've recently read that many, many more bands had been willing to play at Hyde Park, but at some point the organizers said the timetable is full. I cannot really keep up with all the daily line up changes, the official sitee seems to be very far from up to date - not professional at all, dear live8 webmaster! There isn't even a contact button *headshaking*
Among the acts who wanted but may not perfom are - as far as I know - megastars like Meatloaf and Status Quo. And why is Bob againgt the Spice Girls? "Not political enough" doesn't seem to be the reason. If there was more time, they would have been able to perfom.
Now that I am REALLY impressed how quickly all those live8 gigs are being organized (for I know what it means even to organize a very SMALL concert) and even more quickly new concerts alover the world are being set up only 2 weeks before the deadline, I wonder whether it isn't possible to extend the London event for one day!!
Also for the spectators, it would be much easier to "handle" all the performances of about 20 super-dooper stars, if it was presented in more reasonable chunks. I, for instance, would have problem to contrate and really enjoy the thing as soon as more than 5 stars like that would be packed in one day. At some point the capacity of people's minds and concentration on music are worn out, so that the whole thing would become very inflationary - and that wouldn't do justice to all those phenomenal artists!
I don't know how to contact Live8 officials, but I desperately wish, they could see the point!