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To make poverty History we all need to contribute not just ONCE A year by selling afew '000' tickets ( no disrespect .. every little counts) ; TO MAKE A REAL DIFFERNCE we all need to contribute on DAILY BASES ..... What do you think?? Does it make sense?
I know you 'll say ' HOW do you suppose to do that. !!'
This is Just an Idea and I need your FEED BACK
In UK alone there over 1,000,000 retail transaction take place per day and over 70% of them has some element of change in it for example £14.99 or £23.56. If people forego their change there will be roughly £500,000 per day ( just from UK) to help needy people.
Spoken to some serious retailers who are happy to help
let me know what you think by completing the poll.
Who would be the administrator? Otherwise, sounds good. I have to be honest, however, and say that I would quite possibly find myself paying the exact amount and occasionally pinching my pennies but it seems plausible that retailers could get together and sponsor that cause.
We all understand that this would work, but it actually won't work. Let me explain.
Have you ever seen the commercials for the Christian Children's Fund? A man goes to the nations poorest countries and shows starving children who die of hunger and disease. Al they want you to do is pick up the phone, call the toll free number, and help a suffering child. Do you know what people do when the commercial is over? They go back to eating their TV dinners and talking about the day at work.
If people can't pick up the phone for a free call to help suffering children, what would give our sick society any inspiration to pleadge money every single day?
Of course it's great idea. But it just won't work.
All Graet things statred with an IDEA BUT it needs courage and support to see it through , that is where you come in to it ... if you do it and at least encourage onther one to do it and keep doing and do not lose sigth .... be positive and lets make diff
please let me any idea that you think will improve this ... at this stage is only an idea BUT together let make it big !
Let me know if you have any idea for adminastrator
below are afew suggestions
nelson mandela
prince charls or even better William
our man Geldof
kofi annan ( UN boss)
I think the committe of trustees and admin should not be more than say 5 people -- small enough to be able to make decisions and big enough to control the funds...
I welcome any suggestions.. so put on your thinking caps on boys and girls
Some shops in the UK, including some supermarkets, have collecting tins for spare change or have collections organised outside. I prefer that method as the customers are not obliged to give, but if they do, they know exactly which organisation the money is going to. Personally, I prefer to give direct from my payroll as the money is taken untaxed - i.e. £1 from payroll is £1 to charity (less a bit for administration), but as net income it would only be 78p for the collecting tin. I was told I was the only person at my company's site to be doing this (out of some 1,000 people). You can find out more about this donation method here: If you don't want to give to the same charities on a regular basis, I think there is also a method, called the CAF Charity Account, whereby you could give to specific causes as the need arises: It would be good to be able to drop 'cheques' from this type of account into collecting tins, not least because there would not be the temptation to shop-staff of raiding the tins.
excellent .... systematic donation is a great way of helping . My regular cont goes to oxfam but as you rightly said we are 1 in 1000 ; therefore ; need ways of making other 997 do do something on regular bases. idea of loose change is just one the ways . I am sure once people start giving on regular bases ( ie becomes habit ) we can encourage them to do it more tax effectively.
any ideas that make casual donors to contribute more regularly are welcomed
I feel I should really correct that figure I gave. Whilst there are about 1000 on site at my company, we are actually split into three administrative parts, and the person who told me I was the only one to be using G.A.Y.E. could only speak for about 400-500 of the people on site. Still, I feel the point stands. I started to give that way because I had heard about it somewhere (outside work). When I last made a change to the recipient charities, the payroll lady who was administering my deduction said that it was in her objectives for that year to promote this scheme to our part of the company but that was over two years ago and it was never promoted. I think lack of awareness of schemes like this is the reason why the take-up isn't so high. Giving this way also means that one can decline giving to street collectors with a clear conscience.
Back on the collecting tins aspect, wouldn't it be great if the government - through the Inland Revenue - added 25% to all money collected that way (20p for every 80p in the collecting tin = £1)? The change given in collecting tins must mostly be money that is net of income tax, since most givers will be tax payers and will have had a top-sliced 20% to 40% taken by the Inland Revenue already (minimum of 20p tax in every gross £1 = 80p in the collecting tin).
Never mind tax relief on collection if the B----- chancellor does not levy vat on collection we have to be grateful. Not involving govt. will save more than 20% in waste!!!
"Less Govt. More People "
But the first step is to educate people to give regularly. In order to sustain and finance any serious long term development steady capital flow is required. (Simple economics). Money need to be used in agricultural and industrial projects ... create jobs and security. "Need to teach a hungry man how to fish rather than give him fish”.
This is a problem that will be resolved over night and all I am suggesting is to try some thing new. If we carry one doing what we did we are going to get the more of the same “MORE POVERTY".
tRY TO Get people to vote to the question ; I need at least 3000 yes vote before a local newspaper run an article on the subject.. . GET VOTING.....