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From the BBC website (asking people their opinions on G8)
Developing countries don't need aid but trade. Alex, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
We say keep your money and leave us alone. You are the main reason for our conflict and poverty. We know what you mean by good governance - an African leader who will kiss up to you. Bubu, Accra, Ghana
I agree with the first comment but after Britain's bloody history in "conquering" new nations, I can sympathise with the second..
I reiterate my comments about no African members being included in the infamous 8 - how would you like say Thailand or New Zealand to make decissions about your country or continent (sorry if there are any people from these places...just bare with me) without you at least being there to make suggestions / comments or even say "thanks but no thanks - we will try and sort out the problems ourselves".
I watched the latest installment from Bob in Mali - highlighting one group of people that were slaves to another simply because "that's how it's always been".
Now, we ALL know this isn't right, isn't fair but you won't change traditions overnight - especially when Britain has had such a turbulant past with so many countries (and I'm sure many there would see the invasion of Iraq as proof the West can't be trusted). So why should the people of Africa care about what 8 men discuss in a cold, wet country miles from where they live...they have a right to be skeptical and cynical about this..(and they aren't the only ones...some of the "artists" performing will be there purely for their own financial or exposural gain - comments from elsewhere on this forum).
I'm not saying we should turn our backs on Africa, far from it but they at least should be asked what they think would do to improve the situation IN THEIR COUNTRIES and that involves inviting them to become part of the shindig at Gleneagles (so the next summit is called G15 or G25 or something!).
The only thing is, would those African countries be willing to agree to other countries inviting them along to discuss their problems? Air your dirty laundry and all that.