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From the transcript of Chris Evans interviewing Bono on BBC Radio 2 shortly before Bono went on stage for Live 8.
Chris Evans: So, listen, you've got to shoot off in a minute. Thanks for popping in. A message for people listening around the world this afternoon.
Bono: I think getting out on the streets, it's not like one of those situations where we're asking people to put their hand in their pocket. We're asking them to put their fist in their air. We have to give these politicians the permission to spend our money. They will not make the hard choices unless people in their masses get out, not rock stars, not hip hop stars but, you know, soccer moms, school kids. People have really got to get out on the streets. That's the most important thing you can do, and I promise you, 'cause I know, and I've met with some of these leaders already this week, I know they're nervous. And I know they want to do the right thing, but these are difficult choices. We have to gang up on them. I mean in the best sense of the word, they're not the enemy here. We have to actually just gang up on them and tell them, do this. Three thousand Africans dying every day of a mosquito bite. Mostly children, that's mad, malaria. We can fix that. Can't fix every problem, but the ones we can, we must. That's what we're going to do.