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Well, I know that it's quite problematic to discuss the following problem on a day like today, having the latest newspaper in front of me with people celebrating Olympia 2012 in the streets while there's nothing left of that when you turn on the TV screen less than 24 hours later...
Still, I'd like to ask the following question to those who have been given the chance of getting into Hyde Park on Saturday, may it be for the stage or for the screens put up there. Was the atmosphere further back in the crowd as superb as you expected it to be? Could you see enough of the stage, of the artists?
The reason why I ask is that we had almost been given two tickets by someone else who could not go there two weeks before. But as we could not be sure the financial and postal transfer between Britain and Germany - where I live - would manage to deliver the tickets in time, we were happy about news claiming there would be massive screens be put up at Hyde Park which would be for freely accessible for about 500,000 people. That's why we surrendered the concert tickets and booked flight and an accomodation close to the main entrance - 500 metres from one of today's bombings, which mackes me shiver.
So we hoped for a relaxed day being able to get in and out off Hyde Park, having a picnic among a crowd of half a million people watching music legends which schould be able to outweigh that it was "only" on screen.
But then, only 12 hours before our flight was to go, I found a message on the internet news that there had been TICKETS for the screens, but only 55,000 - and all been given away already. So we had to fly to London without anything!
Walking around Hyde Park the entire night from 5 pm to 6 am (that is 13 hours!) we finally found ONE guy, who sold us screening tix for 80 pounds. Yeah, illegal black market, I know... But the sudden and unexpected news about getting to the screens only with - unavailable - tickets had made us desperate.
After an enormous chaos both in Bayswater Road and Park Lane - officers kept on directing screen ticket holders to Victoria Gate all the time and finally made them turn round when U2 and Macca started to gig - we had made our way to the screens when Coldplay was already playing.
The thing I am a bit sad about these days, is that it all seemed quite 2-dimensional on the screens, not as "live" as a had expected the pictures to be if you really saw the artists "vis-a-vis"... just a big TV, nothing more...
So what do you think. Was it much more "present" if you were standing in the crowd at the stage part? Or couldn't you see the artists there, either?