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If it is a sit down venue we sit for most (as venues aren't keen on standing these days) until Bob gets everyone up for Indifference. It is a mixture of songs and stories - lots of stories behind the songs about Bob and his life (what he wants to share). Interesting and funny and very entertaining. Whilst he was promoting the Rats back catalogue he was playing more Rats songs. He gives a bit of time over for requests so shout out what you want to here. He did Dave for me onetime
He played Dave! Jules, I'm impressed. We've tried that many times!
Most of the Geldof concerts I've seen were standing up and in unseated venues (that was on the VOL and HC tours). On the SAD tour it was I'd say fifty fifty sit down and stand up. In the sit down ones, people got up to dance towards the end of the set. I might be wrong but it seems that Bob preferably plays seated venues these days...
If Bob is in a talkative mood, he tells lots of stories and anecdotes, which can be very very funny!
First of all when you are at a Bob concert you have to sit down.That gets on my boobies big time.I sat about 1 meter from Bob and I had to sit down for about 2 hours.I wanted to stand up(like you do in the rest of Europe) and go mad(in a good way).The concert itself is just BRILLIANT.Bob is full of life and just plane f¤cking cool on stage.The band are very "solid" and give a great concert and they really seem to enjoy playing together.Oh yes,no or very little stage lighting but all in all I cannot wait to see Bob live again.So come on Bob tell us when you are playing again so we all have something to look forward to.
I've seen Bob twice, and both shows were great. Saw him touring for Happy Club - he played Slim's in San Francisco - a medium sized club - and he filled the place - with a lot of really rabid (myself included) fans - are any on here? One guy (don't ask how I remember this... probably because of Twin Peaks) was named Dale, and he had flown down from Seattle to see the show. Another woman took great photos, which she sent me copies of (when I dig them out I'll post them). It was a great time - he took requests from the crowd - (initially Mary of the 4th Fourm, but forgot the lyrics after one verse, moved on to our second choice, Diamond Smiles) Got the whole place dancing like CRAZY to "Like Down on Me" - someone in the back yelled out for "Skin on Skin" and he laughed and said that he got that request all the time and wasn't aware that he did a song by that title - which got a laugh.
A number of years later, I saw him again, in San Francisco, touring for Sex Age and Death, this time at the Filmore. It was set up with dinner tables, and was like, "An Evening With Bob" - which threw everyone. There were these really young teen (pre-teen?) girls with retro punk outfits on, with Rats slogans on them, who seemed a bit confused, but he came out, and performed and told great stories between the songs - (I honestly didn't know that the Soft Soil was based on a Boris Yeltsin eulogy for fallen soldiers!) and towards the end, as the Rats stuff was performed, the young punk girls convinced everyone to push aside the tables and get up and dance, and everyone did and it was a grand madness...
I met Bob at both shows - both times he (& Pete!) came out and talked to people waiting, gave autographs, etc, before going home. The first time, I stood waiting with people, and he came out, patted me on the shoulder, thanked me for coming, and signed an autograph. The second time, my friend and I went across the street to get a drink and fries and revel in the good times, and as we walked back to the car, he was coming out so we went over and shook his hand, and he held court, there on the cold street corner, to a bunch of us, on political issues and cool websites to look at (including this one!).
He really stood out at that show - like me, he got there early, and got a good spot by the front of the stage. At this point - 1993, I had never met another Geldof fan, so it was interesting to talk to this guy. He had flown down from Seattle to see the show, I recall he worked at a record store, and he had done some Geldof shopping here in the Bay Area - netting some cool "Happy Club" CD Singles, and other oddities. (Lucky bum! Took me almost 10 years to find those same singles! The B-Sides are great, too!) I *think* - and here I could be misremembering, or thinking of someone else I met at the show - he had some sort of Boomtown Rats shirt on - might have been homemade - or not - yellow, or orange, with some b&w pic of Bob/and/or Rats, and the slogan "Do you know how to spell Dun Laoghaire?" on the back. It was the first I'd heard of that song - and, as much Geldof rarities as I've collected over the years, I finally heard that song for the first time on the recent Tonic for the Troops cd! (Anyone else have a tough time hunting down Geldof rarities like that? Many fell into my lap, but some I'm STILL searching for!)
Isn't Peterborough the day after Cardiff? If so I also think Bob is collecting his Nobel award during that day in Rome from Gorby! In which case he'll be in a top mood and on excellent form! you'll be in for a treat Cazzy!
I'm of the same opinion, but as Jules says, given the re-release of the solo anthology, maybe one or two Rats songs but no more. I should have gone to the Union Chapel last time out. But then again, I'd have missed the Strokes!
In recent years, a lot of acts have done their best albums live in their entirety. Suede did it at the ICA. Maybe Geldof can do this for the first two Rats albums in standing only venues. Hell, given that each of them only run for about 40 mins, he could do the lot in one night!
The did actually play more than two Rats songs last night (I am going to write a review so watch out for further details later).
I went out to the bar area (usually the foyer) as there are 3 floors at Cardiff. There was an announcement over the tannoy that Bob would be out to sign/say hello in 10 mins. There was quite a queue, so don't tell anyone else at the gig! He does still actually have a reasonable conversation with everyone and poses for photos. If you're lucky you'll probably get a kiss (or two) and a hug too.
Best to think of something in advance. It still doesn't come out properly - I got a bit tongue-tied, but I knew what I was going to say. It didn't matter though he knew what I was talking about!!
Would you like to ask him something or tell him something? I'm not bothered about having things signed but it does make life easier handing him something. Maybe you could tell him how good the show was, if it is your first one tell him that too? I'm fully confident that you will enjoy the show!
Cazzy, don't worry about it. I've messed up before and had the raised eyebrow treatment. I think in all honesty I was a little too starstruck and he didn't appreciate it from a 38 year old (as I was at the time). I'm sure he'd be far more tolerant from a younger person! Having said that it didn't seem to colour any opinion he might have had of me, as he continued to be friendly and respectful I'm sure he's used to it and to nervousness and shyness.
his hair was also great everything was GREAT ...... near the end he asked if any1 wanted him to play something and i yelled out bannana republic..... AND HE PLAYED IT WOoOoO with an added story to it hehehe
i was sitting right smack bang in the middle so i had a perfect view
i think this bunch of idiots got seats right at the back cos they were laughin and everything and being idiots generally, they weren'#t interested in seeing bob at all. in the the middle of this really emotional song for bob they were still laughing and stuff... and bob heard and just stopped right there and had a go at them and the rest of the audience clapped and cheered.
when he went off stage saying good night and thanku i yelled " aww come on ENCHOR " and then every1 else started yelling enchor and he came back on and started singing again
when it came to the end every one was standin still and clapping and there was a lunatic pogoing in the middle (i think you can guess who that was) and i think he was watchin me and sussed that i was gonna keep pogoing till the end of the song so he kept the last note so long it was all most unbearable
my legs will never be the same
the guy who did the support act was also fab at the end when he was in the foyer i told the support guy that he rocked, and he gave me this big hug sayin that i had saved him from his midlife crisis
ho hum i waited for a little while bout twenty mins nearly every1 went. bob didn't come out i was dead dissapointed.
then i kinda had a small argument with me mum.... then when we got home we found one of our dogs looked like it had eaten a bowling ball because earlier it had found a box of belgium chocolates and scoffed the lot... so we had to go to the emergency vets half an hour away at 1' o' clock in the morning shes still in the vets right now because 250g of chocolate is poisonous for small dogs so..... my evening was very eventful..... hohum
yeh that was great hehehe thanku for reminding me tango i've brightened up a bit now
god he better hav seen me pogo cos that wasn't for nothing hehehe
it was funny cos all the way thru the gig my legs were shaking so badly form all the energy i needed to get out of my system me mum kept on nudging me cos i was making her sea sick but they just wouldn't stop shaking lol i just had to get up and POGO
Cazzy it sounds as though you had a great time. Maybe you'll get to meet him another time.
That makes me angry when people start to jeer or laugh during the emotional parts. It is so unfair. Bob handles it very well. He noticed you, don't forget it! That's a great feeling
Sorry to hear about your dog and the argument with your mum, I hope it didn't spoil it too much and that you're still on cloud 9, as I am