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Ok so I'm late to this forum but I was watching video of Live8 Murrayfield the other night.
My daughter and I were there - and what a night!!! We weren't in Edinburgh on 2 July but even in Shetland hundreds of us marched that day to make poverty history. To get to Edinburgh for me meant a 2 hour drive, 2 ferry crossings, another 14 hour boat journey - with no sleep - a train, and finally a 2 mile walk in the rain to the stadium.
We clapped, we sang, we shouted. At the end of the evening, our feet and hands were sore, our voices were hoarse. We felt we could change the world.
That feeling still persists, despite the next morning bombings in London. Yes, of course, there were criticisms about Bob, Bono, et al as rock stars supposedly jumping on the bandwagon but surely this was missing the point - it rallied MILLIONS of people in a way that probably wouldn't have happened otherwise.
Let's not forget thought that Live8 was only one, albeit huge step. Let's keep the struggle for justice going.
I was there too! god it was amazing tho a little tiring marching from murrayfield to leith. I had to go in the stands cos they dont let you in standing unless your over 14. where we were there were about a dozen rats fans singing every word, me being one of rocked!
yeh i was there too! wasn't it simply amazing. the music was good, but the thing i liked most was the sense of unity. me, i come from just up the road so i only had a short train journey to get in there, but we met one guy that was all the way from belgium and he'd also been at hyde park. people coming from all over, and it was great cuz i really think that we made a difference. truly fantastic.
freedom has the scent like the top of a new born babies head
i flew up from manchester but there were a lot of locals there.sadly there were a lot of mums with there kids who had bought tickets off ebay just to see one or 2 bands and werent that bothered about the effects it would have
aw man, i hated that. it was obvious for some people that they'd just come for the music. and i totally don't agree with people selling their tickets on ebay. another thing i hated was when they played the whole 'clicking' video - dya remember that bit? and everytime somebody like brad pitt or justin timberlake came on, there was loadsa people shouting and cheering and clapping and stuff. it's like they didn't realise why these famous people were up there, so they just clapped and cheered and stuff. i mean, i liked some of the celebrities up there - and i admired them all for standing up to fight against poverty - but i wasn't going to stand and cheer them just cuz they're on tv all the time. that really annoyed me. apart from that it was a great day!
freedom has the scent like the top of a new born babies head
I agree we were a bit peeved at the cheering of the celebs on the click video - but on the other hand we were delighted at the reception other people e.g. the wee girl from Sierra Leone got.
And e-bay were right to remove the Live8 tickets from their site.
yeh, that little girl was great! she really got the crowd cheering. it's one of those moments that i'll always remember! it brings a big smile to my face everytime i think about her.
freedom has the scent like the top of a new born babies head
she was sooooooooo cool but she got cheered for sspeaking out not for being least people turned up and made it look like they were supportive even if they werent