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This is interesting news. I've never known if Gary and Simon consider themselves songwriters. I know Simon was in Gung Ho so he must have written some of the songs. Surely Gary as a good guitarist can string a few chords and notes together and get stuck in as a songwriter as well.
New songs to match to old Rats songs- now that would be something to behold and my instinct is that they will not disappoint. Maybe then can even give Geldof a bit of competition with a really great sounding album!
Hate to dampen the enthusiasm but the poster is pretty much a rehash of one used earlier this year, certainly for Luton in early May, which also promised new album soon.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if there is. As someone pointed out in a previous post, even the promise of a release of their version of I Don't Like Mondays has disappeared from RAM website.
Hate to dampen the enthusiasm but the poster is pretty much a rehash of one used earlier this year, certainly for Luton in early May, which also promised new album soon.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if there is. As someone pointed out in a previous post, even the promise of a release of their version of I Don't Like Mondays has disappeared from RAM website.
Is it worth the same old string-along! Yes......probably.
Don't see why the can't record an album even if it just consisted of r and b type covers. It would be good to hear new songs too. They could sell them at their gigs. According to the RAM website the Rats seem to have a reasonable amount of gigs lined up. What half decent fan wouldn't purchase their album as a gesture as much as anything to show how much the music has meant in the past.
Hey Suss if you get a chance to talk to Gary or Simon on Friday night 26th Nov. you could enquire about a forthcoming album. Ask them why they haven't played in Dublin either!
-- Edited by noelindublin on Sunday 21st of November 2010 02:18:22 PM
If opportunity arises I'll ask, both about recording and possibilities of getting to Dublin.
The fact that Rhyll and Barnsley gigs for this week have disappeared off Rock Artist Management site doesn't inspire me with too much confidence on either though. Anyone know if they're definitely cancelled?
As regards dropped gigs at Rhyl and Barnsley I don't know the ins and outs of gig organisation. It would be interesting if Gary or Simon had a twitter account so we would know directly from them. It all seems semi mysterious how some concerts like in Germany seemingly go well and then others are cancelled without as much as a by your leave!
Don't think the Irish economic crisis is gonna help the Rats if they do come, but Banana Republic will seem appropriate again.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,but that poster is rather old,I have one from a gig they did in Morecambeback in Jan 09,they just announce gigs in the blank space at the bottom.But I do hope they release some news music soon Ian