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ArrGee PM'd me and asked that me,cazzy and camilladk stopped going off on a tangent about my band and other things, and suggested that we start a new topic to just chat in.sooooo here it is.Iv managed to escape the dreaded rival bassist in I.T. classes thanks to Chris (a lad in my class who nos my hatred for mcallister), we still havent found a name for the band and im sat hear tabbing out all the music to Bugsy Malone for the school play.Fun!oh and heres a pic of the band(thanks mj for pointing out imageshippers.its really good.left to right-Tom,drummer-Beth,singer,guitarist-Luke guitarist-me,bassist (i look somewhat scared in that picture for some reason)
he was supposed to be vicious and they were gonna put him down but we took him instead.he is definitely not vicious.hes scared of squirrels for petes sake!were supposed to be havin a practice at tom's on tuesday so we shud hopefully get some names down.any ideas are welcome!at the mo were working on some stuff by alkaline trio.anyone heard of them?
have you got the music channels on sky?kerrang is channel 454 and scuzz is channnel 471.on a thursday at 2 o'clock they usually have a punk hour on kerrang too.they sometimes repeat it at weekends.God im sad oh and heres alkaline trios site.time to waste is the one we're doing or maybe stupid kid.
has anyone ever heard of petz.its a computer game were you rear,train and breed petz.its really fun.iv had it for ages but only just got into get several breeds of dog and cat with the game as well as pigs and rabbits but iv just downloaded snailz.i have a little black and grey one called skidder.hes really vicious.its hilarious
kind of but its more realistic, you can get loads of dog/cat breeds (and others if you download) and you feed, play, train and breed can create your own breedz, either thru hexing or cross breeding.theres different play scenez and you can create your own.theres also pets that live in certain play scenes (usually the holiday ones) and you can win different toys by playing the mini games or training your pets well (and again you can download more stuff, skateboards etc.)its actually really simple but really fun.
Poor little Max got attacked by wasps hes sulking around the house.bless him!