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After a glorious weekend of discovering my very first Rate Live CD's - Hammersmith '82 / Boston '80 / San Diego '79 / Cleveland '79 - which all sounded great, wonderful to have some FM quality Live Rats! (any excellent ones I'm missing please let me know)
I am searching for any info on Live Rats on DVD besides the Hammersmith 1978 & Live in 1986 officially released DVD's
'Rock Goes to College' and a Japanese special from 1980 for example, are these out there somewhere, complete and in good quality?
Are there ANY Rats TV specials - 'Rats in America' is one maybe I heard about?
Many thanks for any info, long live the Rats!!!
Rock Goes to College featuring the Rats seems to be available on DVD as a bootleg if you just want to send away for the dvd. I prefer to watch things on a biggish tv screen, rather than a computer so have no real interest in downloading video files. There are some reputable bootleg dvd sellers, if thats not an oxymoron, genuine music fans who provide a quality service.
There is very good quality footage of the band performing Diamond Smiles from Toyko in May 1980, and I presume the whole gig was filmed, but it is hard to find further information and I haven't seen any trace of a bootleg dvd of this concert.
RTE television made a documentary called The Boomtown Rats in America which was shown back in 1979- that has subsequently never seem the light , it may be languishing in the RTE vaults. I believe it was an 'on the road' type documentary-
There are loads of videos which have surfaced which are not on the offical DVD= so many if fact that some of us have talked about listing them all ie offical videos, live tv, live gig odds and ends.
-- Edited by noelindublin on Tuesday 24th of January 2012 01:25:27 PM
After a glorious weekend of discovering my very first Rate Live CD's - Hammersmith '82 / Boston '80 / San Diego '79 / Cleveland '79 - which all sounded great, wonderful to have some FM quality Live Rats! (any excellent ones I'm missing please let me know)
I am searching for any info on Live Rats on DVD besides the Hammersmith 1978 & Live in 1986 officially released DVD's
'Rock Goes to College' and a Japanese special from 1980 for example, are these out there somewhere, complete and in good quality?
Are there ANY Rats TV specials - 'Rats in America' is one maybe I heard about?
Thanks very much for that, I have seen the footage of Diamond Smiles Live from Tokyo and loved it; was hoping there would somewhere be a full gig available on DVD
Something like RTE's "Boomtown Rats in America" would be fantastic to see, maybe writing to RTE and asking would be something to do, I may actually do that this very evening - never know, maybe I may be lucky and someone actually would know if they have it!
There are loads of videos which have surfaced which are not on the offical DVD= so many if fact that some of us have talked about listing them all ie offical videos, live tv, live gig odds and ends.
- That would be amazing, there does seem to be lots of odds and ends on YouTube, hard to keep a good track of what exactly is out there
I am sure the whole of the Tokyo gig was recorded because I've seen a number of the songs. I think it's the best recording of a Rats gig.
Most recorded concerts get out, one way or the other onto a bootleg, so I wonder what happened with the Rats in Tokyo? How can just one song turn up on YouTube, and no one seems to know any further info about the recording of the concert in Tokyo?
Perhaps the Japanese guy who ran a Rats website a few years back might know further information about the full Tokyo video? Don't know his name ( presuming it's a guy) but someone should know, and it would be great to see this on DVD, official, bootleg or otherwise.
The audio bootleg is available, but the pictures would be nice.
-- Edited by noelindublin on Wednesday 25th of January 2012 02:09:20 PM
If Tokyo was filmed in full, would that make it the 4th Rats' gig you can get? (the two official releases, and Rock Goes to College being the other three?