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Uploaded to You Tube recently. I always thought this song distinctly average, but with listening to recent live versions and watching the above (is it me or does it sound faster than normal?), it is really growing on me. There's a great defiance to the lyrics and lots of swooping harmonies and, as ever, great drumming from Simon Crowe which makes me disappointed the song didn't do much better than 62.
Great footage of a great song. If this link does not work then just go to Youtube and and search 'Never In A Million Years Dutch tv'. It should come up that way. Easier than those weird combinations of letters and numbers!
Mark- it does sound faster but it is still just a mimed version, rather than live. Maybe it's just some technical glitch but it is barely noticeable.
-- Edited by noelindublin on Monday 6th of February 2012 01:01:52 PM
Realise it's mimed, but it's running nearly 10% faster in the Dutch tv clip, with the final high-pitched 'years' arriving at 2:44 as opposed to on the stroke of 3 minutes with the vinyl single version. I've noticed this before with other recorded tracks, the same version sounding faster/slower dependent upon which cd you play and sometimes with a different vocal/instrument emphasis. I can't remember just now which cd it's on (a compilation one however) where Elephant's Graveyard sounds quite different to the regular version, a little faster with drums more at the fore and 'sharper' sounding (totally rubbish description but it's the best I can describe it!)
I prefer NIAMY faster; sorry Jules I didn't provide a link, but not quite sure how to do it (rubbish on computers too!) but thanks to those who stepped in with same etc.
Talking about rpm/ speeds I once had a record player which was playing slightly too fast, this was in the early eighties, and my high tech solution was to place a 50p or 10p on the vinyl to slow the thing down- depending on the quality of the vinyl, different coins were used.
Lightweight vinyl needed heavier coins while thick, heavy vinyl might need a 2p or something. I suspect I couldn't have been the only one in the whole world with this problem (and solution!)
Mark - to provide a link to a page or video this is how I do it. Say you want to link to Youtube offical Rats video for Mondays follow these few simple steps
1 Highlight the video in the address bar eg the bit that starts http:// etc
2 Press control and c
Say you're linking video to Rats forum now minimise the video so that it is open but minimised .
Place cursor where you wish the video to appear on the forum page and you can add text if you wish.
Press control and V and the link will appear on page. Now just submit post. NB The link will only become active after you submit the post, so you just need to reopen the Rats forum page and the link should be working.
-- Edited by noelindublin on Thursday 9th of February 2012 02:46:24 PM
This one's disappeared now! The message says "The Boomtown Rats - Never in a million years" This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimant: