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Post Info TOPIC: Bitchin' Whinin' and Moanin'

V Deep

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Bitchin' Whinin' and Moanin'

Since I'm no longer sure if critical posts are allowed in the main area, I'll post this here.

The other day, I received the following email from Bob Geldof, which frankly, is pissing me off.  (NOTE: The graphics code isn't transferring thoroughly, text in the original is set against a Live8 logo background, etc.)


120 days ago, LIVE 8 rocked the world. While the boys and girls with guitars got together on stages and made some noise, 3.8 billion of you turned up, tuned in, sang along, or logged on to show you were also determined to change the world.

Well, 5 days after the LIVE 8 concerts, the G8 leaders met... and they had heard us. It was a historic and landmark summit which achieved more than any G8 in history.

Take the next step: sign up today to the ONE Campaign and let's do even more to make poverty and AIDS history. (This was hyperlinked.)

Together as ONE, these are the commitments that YOU helped the 8 most powerful men in the world to make:

- $50 billion more a year in international assistance per year by 2010

- AIDS drugs to all those who need it, and care for all AIDS orphans

- primary schools for ALL children by 2015

- a commitment to protect 85% of vulnerable Africans against malaria

- big investments in peacekeeping and fighting corruption

- debt cancellation for 18 of the world's poorest countries

Experts reckon that by 2010, if the promises are kept, the G8 commitments will save four and a half million lives per year. You personally helped to make that happen. That's a hell of a result. Now...the next part of this story is about to start, but only if you come along.

The next step, which is just as important, is giving the world's poorest people the opportunity to earn a living and trade their way out of poverty by creating their own wealth. At the upcoming world trade talks in Hong Kong world leaders need to hear that we all want them to do the right thing because at the moment these talks aren't going very well.

Just as America grew strong and healthy by trading, together as ONE we must ensure that Africa is allowed the opportunity to prosper. So join ONE and let's make a noise that will be heard around the world.

We're watching our world leaders. Keeping up the positive pressure. We will NOT let them falter or fail in their duty to stop the unnecessary deaths. We've made them change the course of the world once. We can do it again. Do it. Do it now.

Join the ONE Campaign and keep doing what you're doing, because it's changing the world.  (This was also hyperlinked.)



Bob Geldof


Now, I imagine you're asking "WHY is this pissing her off?  What a bitch!" 

This is why:  To the best of my recollection, sometime last spring, around the time when the ONE campaign first got its name, I "signed up."  As I recall, I got an autoreply email both thanking me and insinuating that there would be follow-up emails asking me, and everyone else who had signed, to DO something ("fax a Congressman" sorts of things - small actions, but actions nonetheless).

Since that time, I've attended SEVEN U2 shows, and at each one I've had to listen to Bono carry on about those "dangerous little devices, cell can call your mother, pay your gas bill....text your name, sign up, the ONE Campaign needs your voice, take action" on and on and on.  It was emotional at the first show in May.  By the time my last show in November rolled around, this section of the show made me want to poke my eyes out.  Or at least do a pee run....and now, I'm getting asked again by Bob.

But this is the thing...I SIGNED ALREADY.  MONTHS AGO.  You claimed this would be a call to action, but there hasn't been any call.  Stop badgering me to sign and sign and sign, and have someone make proper use of the mailing lists!  I'm sure I'm not the only one who's never heard a peep from ONE.  I have lots of friends in the U2 fanbase, and I've NEVER heard a single one of them mention getting a communication or action request from ONE.  I've heard of several people proactively sending email to the ONE website (I presume, or the local contacts listed therein) trying to get information, to get involved, and those inquiries have gone unanswered.

I doubt it matters much if there are one million signatures on a petition or ten million, if that's all they ever are...signatures on a petition.  Is that really all "joining the ONE campaign" has ever meant?  Need ever mean?

If you're serious about getting American citizens involved, someone needs to work on better maintenance and purposeful use of the database!!!  The more times I'm asked to sign something I've already signed, the less enthusiastic I become about the whole organization.  I can forgive Bono's constant onstage preaching (how is he to know how many repeaters are in the audience?)....but duplicate emails with no other contact....nope, doesn't make me very confident about the people running ONE.

And Bob, I'd steer clear of using (or signing off on the use of) the word "reckon" - it doesn't suit you.


Back To Boomtown

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franna wrote:

Since I'm no longer sure if critical posts are allowed in the main area, I'll post this here. The other day, I received the following email from Bob Geldof, which frankly, is pissing me off.

I don't think that was Bob Geldof who wrote that.  I won't be critical on this forum.  No point.  Just good news on here from now on.

-- Edited by ArrGee at 22:55, 2005-12-08


 What is this bloke talking about? 

V Deep

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Posts: 940

I'm sure it wasn't Bob Geldof who wrote it.  However, I'll assume Bob Geldof signed off on it in some fashion, as it both appeared in my inbox as being from "Bob Geldof" personally, and is "signed" by him personally. 

In any event, Ian and Tina do communicate with Bob, and if they think my bitching has some merit, I'll trust that they pass my complaint on. 

I'm currently deciding whether to hit "unsubscribe," or "sign up" all over again and see if there's any continuing response from ONE this time around.


Drag Me Down

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Franna, I think your bitchin, whinin & moanin is valid!

I signed up after I received my personal, special email from Bob  (ha)  and the next day I got another email from the One campaign wanting me to get a white One band.

What I find amusing is that I've already signed up with Make Poverty History, and now I'm being asked to join One also...a little redundant, isn't it?  I can sorta relate to your annoyance; don't 'they' at MPH know I'm on their emailing list already - why should I sign up for One as well?

I'm sure there's a good reason but I was a little taken aback from "Geldof's" email as well.

anyway to answer your question, I think you have a better chance of getting One responses if you sign up now. 


House on Fire

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Franna I will Show Bob your post  tomorrow


V Deep

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Posts: 940

Thanks, Ian.  In that case, two corrections. 

1) I suppose my use of the phrase "duplicate emails" is slightly incorrect, but I think the point I'm trying to make still comes across. 

2) I have heard several of my U2 fan friends discuss the "Hi! This is Bono! ..." voice message they'd received after texting in their name at a show, so there has been SOME mention of being contacted by ONE from them.  It's just that it's the only follow-up I've ever heard about.

And if you're going to forward my bitching before he goes onstage, please also send my wishes for a good show.  (I don't know if that's standard UK pre-show speak, but it's what I grew up with - saying "Have a good show!"  before someone goes onstage....)


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Interesting Fran. I've signed up to both, I hadn't taken too much notice of the ONE campaign as I'm not in the US, just wanted to receive the information so I might be aware of what's happening over there.

On the MPH campaign I've received mails asking me to take action, which I have done. I'm sure they've asked me to sign up to the ONE campaign also. I've largely ignored it as I get a huge number of campaigning materials through email and don't have time to read irrelevant nonsense.

You're right it does seem a waste of time/energy to use the database of those who have already subscribed and write to them asking them to sign up? As I said, I joined the ONE campaign simply out of interest, I don't understand why I should be asked to though, as I can't take much of the action needed in the US. I hope Bob can have some influence and turns this into something more useful

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Home from work (yes, I've once again helped made the world safe for advertising) ramblings from a newly discovered anorak...

What I find really odd is....well, where did that email come from?  I can't imagine I've ever signed up to MPH.  I've searched my saved email and can't find anything from either ONE or Live8....

So, either I remember correctly, and I DID sign up to ONE (and deleted the autoreply, I mean, why would I save it?) and have never heard anything from them since....or I'm making it all up and never did sign up to ONE, but signed the "Live8 List".... or I signed both?! 

I mean, my name had to come from SOME database!

If I'm remembering correctly, and I did sign to ONE, things are a mess because I haven't heard a peep since. 

If I'm wrong, and what I signed was the Live8 list, why not SIMPLY FORWARD my name to the ONE people?  Was there some privacy clause in the original fine print which would forbid that?  If that's the reason, I think not violating that clause is silly.  I can't imagine anyone suing so long as there's an opt-out from ONE, and I think adhering to such a clause is a silly exercise in hypertechnical moralism.  (Unless UK laws are much more severe on this point than I think, and some of the 6am reading I did 'back in the day' for my 9am International Contracts class at UCD makes me think it might be.....)

The only hitch I see to that is, well, if you start automatically enrolling people from outside the US into ONE, and people in the US into MPH....that would be annoying too.  Wonder if there's any way to track the original IP addresses....probably not, but who knows.  The guys at Sun are pretty smart.

And how to figure out email addresses of everyone who texted in their name....well, I guess a mass voicemail with a request....especially if it comes in Bono's voice....would probably get a decent response.


House on Fire

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Ian & Bob had a conversation about your issues,.  Ian outlined that you were a Geldof fan as oposed to a Boomtown Rats fan. And he told Bob how much he admired your contributions and that you were a smart cookie, copyright lawyer.

Bob has told Ian to get you to email Zita Lloyd direct and put your issues to her.  Her email address is

As you can see from the frontpage, there will be changes to the site next year. 

Speak soon



Back To Boomtown

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Ian wrote:

FrannaIan & Bob had a conversation about your issues,.  Ian outlined that you were a Geldof fan as oposed to a Boomtown Rats fan.

Hang on!  I'm the ONLY Boomtown Rats fan in the forum!!!

(Franna - check out )


 What is this bloke talking about? 

V Deep

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Posts: 940

ArrGee wrote:

(Franna - check out )

Well, you gotta admit - "It's Raining Men" IS a classic!


V Deep

Status: Offline
Posts: 940

Ian wrote:

FrannaIan & Bob had a conversation about your issues,.  Ian outlined that you were a Geldof fan as oposed to a Boomtown Rats fan. And he told Bob how much he admired your contributions and that you were a smart cookie, copyright lawyer.Bob has told Ian to get you to email Zita Lloyd direct and put your issues to her.  Her email address is As you can see from the frontpage, there will be changes to the site next year.  Speak soonRegardsIan

Ian, why are you speaking in the third person?  I hope you aren't having a psychiatric episode!  If so, Tina, please give him the appropriate drugs.  Better living through chemistry! (as they say)

I'm not sure why my being a Geldof fan or a Rats fan is relevant, but I'll trust your judgment.

Thank you for speaking well of me, but you have misled the poor man.  I am not yet a licensed attorney of any kind, there are still some hurdles to jump before the state allows me entrance into the legal profession, a rather tightly controlled monopoly.  I'm still working as a photographer and generally artsy fartsy person, as I have always done.

I'll send an email to Zita (am I correct in assuming that Zita is a woman's name?  I'd hate to insult this person right off the bat by writing to Ms. Lloyd if it's Mr. Lloyd!).

Looking forward to the changes, I hope to find things getting more interesting.  Hmm...ArrGee - do we need to calmly talk you away from the window ledge?


House on Fire

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Posts: 138

You are right of course, as usual. I didn't write it, Tina did it for me.  Being a Geldof fan is very relevant. We will have a private conversation about that soon.


-- Edited by Tina McBain at 17:20, 2005-12-15


House on Fire

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Posts: 144

Perhaps you weren't actually signed up to the One Campaign Fran - even if you thought you were.  I, like Jules, signed up to MPH and have also had several emails, usually worded from celebrities, including Bob, asking us to take action, emailing MPs etc., (which I have been happy to do)  That is presumably the sort of thing you would have been expecting to receive. 

Either that, or something isn't working properly somewhere as I would have expected the same sort of thing to happen.

We didn't get a voice message from Bono following texting your name at the gig.  We had text messages instead which included a link to MPH.



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I've also signed up for the MPH campaign, and it always suggests some concrete actions to take. Unfortunately it's always geared towards the UK crowd. It would be great to have local "Team Leaders" who could adapt the message to the local reality. Here's the latest MPH email I got:


Ahead of the all-important World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial meeting in Hong Kong next week, people across the country will be wearing their white bands & planning events to highlight the fact that we cannot make poverty history unless rich country governments deliver Trade Justice at the WTO meeting.

There are 3 simple things you can do to add your voice to millions of others around White Band Day 3.


Whatever you do this next week, please help us to put the spotlight on Trade Justice.

Thank you,

The Make Poverty History team

Don't Believe What You Read.

House on Fire

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Posts: 144

MJ, as far as I'm aware MPH is for the UK and the One Campaign is for America - but I'm happy to be corrected if I'm not quite right on that.  Jules will know for sure.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Rita that is also my understanding of it. They are both groupings of a number of charities campaigning on the same issues.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Rita wrote:

MJ, as far as I'm aware MPH is for the UK and the One Campaign is for America - but I'm happy to be corrected if I'm not quite right on that.  Jules will know for sure.

I know it is; I was just comparing the two. Even if the One Campaign did the same, it would still probably mean nothing to me since it would undoubtedly be geared towards American, not Canadians. Thus my suggestion of more "local" chapters.


Don't Believe What You Read.

V Deep

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I checked.  A hyperlink on clicks through to this (apparently from, which lists the relevant ... what shall we call them ... organizations, by country: 

 Canada is

There are specific links for other non-UK/US countries as well.

-- Edited by franna at 21:45, 2005-12-15



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franna wrote:

I checked.  A hyperlink on clicks through to this (apparently from, which lists the relevant ... what shall we call them ... organizations, by country:   Canada is There are specific links for other non-UK/US countries as well.-- Edited by franna at 21:45, 2005-12-15

That's the one I signed up with, but I still get the UK related emails...


Don't Believe What You Read.

V Deep

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Posts: 940

Good to know.  If I'm going to write to what's her name at DATA, I want to have my facts straight (or as straight as possible).

I'm going to have to do a survey at and see what response people are getting.  I know the Americans all got their Bono voicemails, but that's all I know....


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Fran I think you need to raise raise MJ's problem too, or someone should. That seems ridiculous to sign up for your country and receive completely irrelevant stuff! I don't get anything for Canada!

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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Posts: 940

Jules wrote:

Fran I think you need to raise raise MJ's problem too, or someone should. That seems ridiculous to sign up for your country and receive completely irrelevant stuff! I don't get anything for Canada!

Exactly what I intend to do.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6268

Fran, did you ever get a response.

I just received this from MPH UK


2005 was the year of MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY: the beginning of something incredible.

With your help we called on politicians to act to end poverty and together we became the biggest ever anti-poverty movement.

In 2006 the fight against poverty continues. And you can get involved and make a real difference.

The governments of the richest countries can make the political decisions that will deliver justice for the world's poorest people. But they will only do so if we all keep up the pressure.

Take a new year's resolution to stay involved. Be part of ending poverty for millions of people this year and beyond. It's simple. Just click here.

Best wishes,

The Make Poverty History team

On the same note: are they expecting me to sign up again for 2006? If so why? I've already signed up, therefore I'm committed? I don't decide on a yearly basis which charities I support??? If not why are they sending it to me?? Please tell me what you make of it.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Jules wrote:

Fran, did you ever get a response. I just received this from MPH UK Hello, 2005 was the year of MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY: the beginning of something incredible. With your help we called on politicians to act to end poverty and together we became the biggest ever anti-poverty movement. In 2006 the fight against poverty continues. And you can get involved and make a real difference. The governments of the richest countries can make the political decisions that will deliver justice for the world's poorest people. But they will only do so if we all keep up the pressure. Take a new year's resolution to stay involved. Be part of ending poverty for millions of people this year and beyond. It's simple. Just click here. Best wishes, The Make Poverty History team On the same note: are they expecting me to sign up again for 2006? If so why? I've already signed up, therefore I'm committed? I don't decide on a yearly basis which charities I support??? If not why are they sending it to me?? Please tell me what you make of it.

I got something similar from "Deine Stimme gegen Armut", the German branch (I think) of Make Poverty History, asking my click to support the cause (I'd signed this already, and this is where they got my e-mail address from). It was signed by "Bob Geldof" and the sender of the email was "Bob Geldof", too. I wrote to them and asked if this was authorized, they answered immediately, saying that it was authorized and written by them, but they wanted me to forward the mail as they hadn't seen it themselves as an email. I found that very odd. If you send a mass e-mail out, you tend to look at it before you send it...

The reason however why they want to get new signatures is that they want to remind the (new) government to keep the promises that were made in Edinburgh at the G8.

My guess is that they just want to contact people and remind them that the initial problem is still there... As the signatures only have symbolical significance, it's a good way to contact people again and remind them, too.

But from an "educational" point of view, it's just not very clever. It seems as if they didn't take us seriously the last time round!   

Did you sign again, Jules?


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Kat, I haven't signed again. I don't want to receive duplicates. It seems odd to send it to an already established database. Surely they can remind you in other ways other than asking to sign again. A Happy New Year wish with a link to the main site and a place to let friends know, might have been a better way??

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Jules wrote:

Kat, I haven't signed again. I don't want to receive duplicates. It seems odd to send it to an already established database. Surely they can remind you in other ways other than asking to sign again. A Happy New Year wish with a link to the main site and a place to let friends know, might have been a better way??


I totally agree, Jules! I haven't signed again either, by the way... Maybe I should though, just for Angela Merkel!


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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I opened it up to see what it 'told' once I got into the site. It is asking us to sign up with individual charities and individual campaigns. This isn't clear at all in the original email - or would you say otherwise. Since I've already signed up with the charities of my choice and am aware of their individual campaigns I went no further.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6268

Another little gripe on this matter. I received this email today:


Over the last 12 months you have helped us put fighting poverty on the political agenda and got everyone talking about it like never before.

With your help 2005 has been the start of something incredible, something that will continue throughout the coming year.

To continue to be a part of this unique and powerful voice for change, sign up here to receive emails from us for another six months.

And to be part of to be the generation that goes all the way and truly makes poverty history, select a campaign at

Thank you,

The Make Poverty History team

p.s. The current mailing list ends on 31st January 2006 when you will be automatically unsubscribed so sign up now to join the 2006 list.[/url]

Now I'm wondering why was there a need for me to sign up again. I made my commitment last year and for me that means the duration. As it would to everyone who signs up for these things. We don't change our mind about poverty, therefore once signed up we intend to stay signed up. If we chose otherwise we could click on the unsubscribe button. No? So they close the mailing list and start up a new one. Why not transfer the old list over to the new? Surely it makes better marketing sense to keep people there, keep the effort made to be a part of it as little as possible. Encourage people to stay. Not have to bother to resign. Of course, I did sign up again. But I wondered why there should be a need. Is it just me who thinks like this?

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)


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Jules, I totally agree! Did you reply to them, telling/asking them exactly this?

After my e-mail and the German's section's answer, I got the feeling they're just not very well coordinated.


The biggest Geldof fan in the world, bar none!

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Posts: 6268

No I've not responded. Perhaps I should. I doubt it will make much difference, but we can only try.

Love Julesxxx
Bob's personal Hippy Angel - well in my dreams ;-)

V Deep

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I thought I'd cut & paste this, originally posted elsewhere (a week or so ago), discussing MPH Canada. 

It has been stated that the campaign will be over the end of June.I was talking to the MPH office today and this is what they told me.2005 was the year to Make Poverty History and the campaign was to end in Jan 2006, HOWEVER with the election and a few issues not yet completed the steering committe decided to continue to run the campaign until June.The new campaign manager is Joe Gunn and is using the same phone number Liz was using.Now the person I was talking to in the office was saying that it would be a good idea to flood the office with e-mails saying that the campaign should continue.Being the MPH Campaign in the UK is still continuing.What we have to do is change the minds of the members of the stirring committee.Once the election is finished the other individual we have to e-mail is the minister in charge of international co-operation presently A.Carroll.I'll keep you updated.THE CAMPAIGN CAN CONTINUE IT ISN'T OVER YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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