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Regardless of how genuine it might be, the idea is great for bands from years back, where fans might potentially have slightly more disposable income than they did in the day.
Perhaps everyone on here should chip in for a fan only gig - no admission unless equal share paid and friends have to be vouched for. The more who pay, the cheaper it gets.
Could be a good warm up gig for IOW Over to you two to put it to BG!
Bob is guesting for a German punk band for the 2 nights before IOW. These might be the warm ups. He has played with them before. Bit of a rush to get back to IOW.
Could be a good warm up gig for IOW Over to you two to put it to BG!
By the above I meant cut out the (iffy?) agency and their cut. Go direct!
Still won't be cheap, but if 50 off here are willing to fork out for an exclusive fan gig, the first in 27 years, plus a friend or two each you've got say 150 shares. I'd find say £100 for gig of a lifetime. Bet there are at least 150 fanatics known between us. Would like to think band won't charge full whack, especially if it's a warm up only, and for loyal followers.
Location might be difficult to get right. Midlands??
From little acorns and all that. I never thought I'd get G&S to Whyteleafe until I asked. Bet Bob never thought he'd get everyone to Live Aid.
-- Edited by suss on Saturday 9th of February 2013 08:23:48 PM
The Rats (well Pete and non-Rat Alan) will be with him not the rest so it won't be a warm up. Can't help be suspicious of this website. There is something odd about it, but who knows?
Would you like me to pm him on FB. We aren't grounds but he knows that I'm Jules from the FB page now. Unless anyone else knows him better than that?
i had thought about non-refundable deposit. we could still be left with a huge bill. Still we won't know anything until we ask and get concrete facts and figures.
Spring/summer would be best time of year in terms of weather and potential cancellations. I'd guess that would be the most expensive timing. And of course Saturday night.
-- Edited by Jules on Saturday 9th of February 2013 05:06:18 PM
We've just had a woman appear on the FB page saying she's from the agency and it's genuine. I have asked Pete too I asked if that would be Bob with the Rats or his current backing band and how much he charges. If she responds, be prepared. I think the answer will be 'Never In a Million Years' for you Jules
She says they can be hired in whatever format and prices depend on requirement. I guess what we'd want as a Rats co-op would be the priciest. She used the words 'very healthy budget'.
I'd be up for it, with Howard. Maybe somewhere near Nottingham - just thinking of somewhere reasonably central. Yes I could scrape together a £100 and a cheap hotel stay. At a stretch, with birthday money and that kind of thing. We could get some people from FB but I guess they'd have to be known to us. Hmmm how should we go about making enquiries?
What Id be worried about is being left with a big bill between a small number and being let down by people.
Would you like me to pm him on FB. We aren't grounds but he knows that I'm Jules from the FB page now. Unless anyone else knows him better than that?
i had thought about non-refundable deposit. we could still be left with a huge bill. Still we won't know anything until we ask and get concrete facts and figures.ÃÂ
Spring/summer would be best time of year in terms of weather and potential cancellations. I'd guess that would be the most expensive timing. And of course Saturday
There was a pretty decent crowd for the Geldof gig at ISLINTON, AND THEY WERE NOT ALL FRIENDS AND FAMILY!I SHOULD THINK FOR THE Rats with Geldof the audience would be quadrupled.
That website MORRIS ENTERTAINMENT LOOKS A BIT CHEAP. Geldof is the guy who organised live aid so i doubt he lacks contacts in the gig promotion area. Wasn't the old Rats agency called Wasted Talent. The were always credited on rats/Geldof albums, alongside IAN FLOOKS.
Sorry capital/lower case not working properly-IM NOT DRUNK( or maybe i am!)
ps 2 - Fans only gig might work, at least we can contribute ideas that the band might read and think about.
Bet there are at least 150 fanatics known between us.
Outside of this forum I don't know any. Ain't they still listed on RAM as available for hire?
I have to say I wouldn't be too willing to stump up a big deposit in advance with over 140 strangers.
What might be smarter would be to find a local festival, get on the commitee and persuade them to hire the band. We have a couple around here which are paid for by the council and sponsorship along with a small entry fee (£10 adults/£ 4 kids).
If anyone does want to promote a gig, grab this week's NME, it has a good article on it.
See if "I doubt it" means no outright? Ask Pete maybe if band would consider doing one for the fans?? See if they can drop any hints re: warm up gigs so we get first refusal or a period of priority booking, which would amount to same without one of us having to promote it, and might be the ideal.
Where there's a will, or possibly a Willo.....
I'm happy to ask if you think it's being a bit pushy. Just thought with your accreditation we might have more chance.
See if "I doubt it" means no outright? Ask Pete maybe if band would consider doing one for the fans?? See if they can drop any hints re: warm up gigs so we get first refusal or a period of priority booking, which would amount to same without one of us having to promote it, and might be the ideal.
Where there's a will, or possibly a Willo.....
I'm happy to ask if you think it's being a bit pushy. Just thought with your accreditation we might have more chance.
Presumably they have a manager (even of sorts). My wife arranged Glenn Tilbrook of squeeze to play at my 40th (7 yrs ago). My wife contacted Glenns manager (his wife) and took it from there.
I later found out that it cost £3000. Even if all the band wanted that it would cost £15k, which between 150 of us would be the £100 spoken off above.
I know Squeeze warm up at the Harrow cricket club, which roughly holds 150 people. Not sure how much he would want for booking the hall - a couple of hundred? I have his contact details if required.
how about approaching Liverpool City Council? the Rats (Garry & Simon) performed at the (free) Mathew Street Festival a couple of years's held every year on August Bank Holiday weekend..over the years there been a mix of tribute bands, up & coming bands & long established bands.
I know these things take months to arrange but am sure with Bob Geldof back on board it would be a coup for Liverpool City Council....only 70 miles from me in Barnsley!
ps slightly off tangent, thanks ArrGee for the great work you do with the website, very much appreciated
ps slightly off tangent, thanks ArrGee for the great work you do with the website, very much appreciated
Fcuk me, praise; I feel so humble. Glad you think I actually think it is work, I think it's just me spouting my opinions. Nice to see the reunion has got a few lurkers to post. The more the merrier. But thanks, nice to be be appreciated.
Yes, it needs saying more often - I for one really enjoy logging on and reading posts/news (especially such as we have had this year!) and you do great stuff and work on the website ArrGee - so thanks.
Honestly I do nothing. It's the members who post who make this interesting. So thanks to all of you. Let's hope there are a few more who participate now things are happening.