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For Bob anyway it should be called the "eat my words" tour. In 2001 he was quoted as saying about a Boomtown Rats reunion : "we are never going to reform as The Boomtown Rats. I just can't see myself up there doing She's So Modern. I've no intention of reliving peoples youth for them."
This was quoted from an Irish Times feature called Bob the rebuilder about the Rats reunion which appeared on 2 February 2013. How about In The Very Long Grass Tour, I mean 26 years plus. The Never In A Million Years Tour might be good. Most of the band and the fans thought it would never happed so it seems appropriate.
Re single Derek I don't think Geldof would deliberately try to rewrite a song like Joey or Rat Trap. Yes great if he comes up with a new song, but the Rats have always surprised and deliberately trying to copy some style the did earlier would not work in my opinion. But let's hope they do record again, and I think the odds are on that they will.
Thank you Mark! And, Suss, I honestly didn't mean to copy, right!! I mean your article was just so amazing and mindblowing that I was concentrating on that , not the title. Yeah anyway, well I Can Make It (Up as well) If You Can!! He he he! Or maybe if you really want to take the credit, I could choose "A Second Time"??
It is unbelievable they're back but some thought on this would not go astray. When little thought was put into marketing in the past, the results were not good. V Deep output was either devoid of the band's name (Million Years) or the song title was fused with the artwork so it couldn't be read. Mind you that was Charmed Lives which was unsalvageable anyway!
For me it's not about having another hit single They have done all that, that's the differents this time round they can go out and enjoy the great songs they helped geldof put life into
For me it's not about having another hit single They have done all that, that's the differents this time round they can go out and enjoy the great songs they helped geldof put life into
Even if they just worked on a new four track ep and put it out on vinyl that would be great. I'd dearly love to know if the lads can still write great songs. Geldof said in his RTE interview with John Murray that he is always thinking about songwriting- that is a good sign. Surely one aim of music is to surpass what you have done in the past, to surprise people who are content to live on past glories- that's what's so great about art.
Surely a new single would get some interest, rather than the lazy churning out of Mondays or Rat Trap by radio dj's? I don't see why a few new songs could do any harm. It would add a bit of spice and new enthusiasm for longtime fans.
Of course the old back catalogue of hits and great album tracks is peerless, and this should, and will, get centre stage, buy some new songs would be the icing on the cake.